OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


TRN event trace definition


set format

[set prf_file_size=TRN-event-trace-information-file-size]
[set prf_information_level=1|0]
[set prf_file_count=number-of-generations-of-TRN-event-trace-information-files]

command format



The TRN event trace definition defines the execution environment for acquiring TRN event trace information.


set format

prf_file_size=TRN-event-trace-information-file-size~<unsigned integer> ((1024-1048576)) <<10240>> (units: kilobytes)

Specify the size of each TRN event trace information file.

Normally, the trace information is output to regular files in OpenTP1. The number of the files is specified in the prf_file_count operand of the TRN event trace definition. If all TRN event trace files are full, the oldest file is overwritten with the new trace information. This means that trace information that is collected at a point of time will be lost after a certain period of time. You can increase the interval at which the oldest file is overwritten by increasing the value of the prf_file_size operand.

You can use the following formula to calculate the size of each trace file acquired during transaction execution:

size of 1 file* = 128 + (12 x number of accessed resource managers x 320 x number of executed transactions)

*For a transaction committed in two phases, the trace amount collected per transaction branch is 12 x number of resource managers. However, the trace amount varies depending on the conditions, such as the XA interface object files linked to the user server and the transaction optimization settings.

prf_information_level=1|0 ~<<1>>

Specify the level of displaying TRN event trace messages.

Level-0 TRN event trace messages (warning and error messages) are output to syslog.

Level-0 and level-1 TRN event trace messages are output to syslog. The following table lists the TRN event trace messages and their display levels.
Message ID Display level
KFCA26700-W 0
KFCA26705-W 0
KFCA26710-I 1

To suppress the output of messages whose display level is 0, set the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable to 0 in the system common definition or the performance verification trace definition. If the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable is specified in both the system common definition and the performance verification trace definition, the specification in the system common definition takes precedence.

For details about the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable, see the description of the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable in the log service definition.

prf_file_count=number-of-generations-of-TRN-event-trace-information-files~<unsigned integer> ((3 to 256))<<3>>

Specify the number of generations for the TRN event trace information file.

command format



Use this definition only when TP1/Extension 1 is installed. If TP1/Extension 1 is not installed, the definition might not work correctly.