
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

1.1.1 Basic tasks in the preparation phase

After setting up a JP1/AO system, you need to prepare it to automate the operating procedures for which the system is intended.

First, create services based on the decisions reached in the service design and operation planning stages. At this time, also set up the Connection Destinations, properties, users, and groups required to execute those services.

The following describes the basic flow of operations in the preparation phase of a JP1/AO system. The tasks in the example below are shared by two users: User A who is assigned the Admin role and has User Management permissions, and User M who is assigned the Modify role.

Tasks performed by User A (User Management permissions and Admin role)

  1. Select service templates according to the decisions made in the service design and operation planning stages.

  2. Import the selected service templates into JP1/AO.

    Import the service templates selected in the service design stage into JP1/AO.

  3. Set Service Share Properties.

    Service Share Properties are properties shared by more than one service. In this step, set the property values of the Service Share Properties defined in the imported service templates. The shared built-in service properties are also set as needed.

  4. Add users.

    Add users who will create and execute services.

  5. Create user groups.

    A user group is a group of users with certain attributes in common. For example, the users in a user group might belong to the same organization or be responsible for similar tasks.

  6. Create service groups.

    A service group is a group of services or Connection Destinations.

  7. Assign users and service groups to user groups.

    By assigning service groups to user groups, you can control the access each user has to specific services. For example, you can efficiently manage services according to the purposes of the relevant user group and provide services that support multi-tenancy.

  8. Create web service connection-destination definitions.

    To link with a web service, register the information about the connection destination beforehand, if necessary. For example, specify the IP address, authentication information, proxy server information, and other information as a web service connection-destination definition.

  9. Define Connection Destinations.

    If you want a service to be able to perform operations on remote hosts, you need to register those hosts as Connection Destinations. To define a Connection Destination, specify information about the remote host such as the host name (or IP address) and connection type. You can also specify authentication information such as user IDs and passwords.

Tasks performed by User M (Modify role)

  1. Use the service templates imported by User A to create services.

  2. Set the service property values.

    After these tasks have been performed, the services are ready for execution.