
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

1.3 Managing service templates

You can import service templates for use in the JP1/AO system. You can also delete service templates that are no longer needed, and create custom service templates to meet a specific need.


There are two types of service template:

  • Development service templates

    A service template created by a user. Service templates created by copying a release service template are also categorized as development service templates.

  • Release service templates

    A service template that was imported into the JP1/AO server by releasing a development service template. Service templates provided by JP1/AO are also categorized as release service templates. Release service templates are used for real-world applications in the active environment. Released is set as the configuration type of release service templates.

For details on development service templates and release service templates, see the JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide.

The figure below shows the general procedure for automating operating procedures, and how it relates to service template management.

Figure 1‒2: Flow of operating procedure automation (service template management)


The service template management functionality lets you perform the following tasks:

Import service templates

You can import service templates into JP1/AO.

When importing service templates, you can specify an individual service template file ( or a zip file containing a set of service templates.

Delete service templates

You can delete service templates from JP1/AO when they are no longer needed.

If you have created services from a service template, you must delete the services before deleting the service template.

Output service template lists

You can output a list of service templates to a file in CSV format. Uses for this file include as a reference for managing service templates, and to investigate which service templates need to be added to the system.

Create service templates

You can create a custom service template by copying and editing one of the standard service templates provided with JP1/AO. You can also create your own service templates that are not based on an existing service template.

Note that product support applies to service templates provided by JP1/AO (in the JP1/AO standard package and JP1/AO Content Pack), but not to edited versions of these templates. However, Hitachi will provide support for plug-ins provided by JP1/AO (in the JP1/AO standard package and JP1/AO Content Pack) that are called from an edited service template.

For details on how to create service templates, see the JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide.

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