
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

1.10 Managing groups

JP1/AO uses service groups and user groups to control the operation targets and functionality available to each user. A service group is a group of resources (such as services and Connection Destinations), and a user group is a set of users who belong to the same organization or share similar responsibilities.

By allocating service groups to user groups, you can control the access users in that group have to specific resources. By assigning a role to a service group and defining which features of JP1/AO are available to users in that role, you can set the functionality available to each user.

By using the built-in service group and built-in user group created at JP1/AO installation, you can start using JP1/AO without needing to create groups first.

Group management in JP1/AO involves the following:

Creating user groups

You can create user groups in which to register users.

Editing user groups

The changes you can make to a user group include adding users and changing the service groups assigned to the user group.

Changing the user group to which a user belongs

You can add users to and remove users from user groups.

Assigning service groups and roles to user groups

You can assign service groups to user groups. When you allocate a service group to a user group, the users in that user group become able to manage and execute the services in that service group.

You can also assign the Admin, Develop, Modify, or Submit role for each service group you assign to a user group.

If you change the permissions for the user group to which the logged-in user belongs, that user retains his or her original permissions for the duration of the login session. For this reason, the system administrator must instruct any such users to immediately log out and log back in.

Deleting user groups

You can delete user groups.

Deleting a user group does not delete the service groups or users assigned to that user group.

Creating service groups

You can create service groups.

Editing service groups

You can change the name and description of a service group as needed.

Deleting service groups

You can delete service groups as needed.

You cannot delete a service group that contains resources (services, tasks, histories, or Connection Destination definitions).

You can delete a service group even when a role associated with that service group is assigned to a user group.


If JP1/AO is installed on the same server as other Hitachi Command Suite products, the JP1/AO interface displays the service groups and user groups for both JP1/AO and the Hitachi Command Suite products.

User groups in Hitachi Command Suite products

You can manage the user groups for Hitachi Command Suite products in JP1/AO. However, you cannot delete user groups that have been assigned roles in a Hitachi Command Suite product. To delete such a user group, first remove the role or roles from the user group in the relevant Hitachi Command Suite product. You cannot use the JP1/AO interface to change roles assigned in other Hitachi Command Suite products.

Resource groups in Hitachi Command Suite products

You cannot manage resource groups for Hitachi Command Suite products in JP1/AO. Each product manages its own resource groups.

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