
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

1.7 Setting Service Share Properties

A Service Share Property is a property whose value is shared by more than one service.

For example, if you have a group of service templates whose common purpose is to manage a particular server, you can define the host name, user ID, and password of that server in Service Share Properties. This means you do not have to enter the same server information each time you submit a service for execution.

There are two types of Service Share Properties: ordinary Service Share Properties associated with specific service templates, and shared built-in service properties defined in advance in JP1/AO.

Figure 1‒14: Overview of Service Share Properties


Service Share Properties

When you import a service template, the associated Service Share Properties are added to the list in the Shared Properties Settings area. They are deleted when the service template is deleted.

The parameters and default values of Service Share Properties depend on the service template.

When creating the service template, you can set the parameters and default values of the Service Share Properties to suit the purpose of the service.

Service Share Properties also appear in the Service Definition and Submit Service dialog boxes as permitted by the user permissions and service template settings.

Shared built-in service properties

Service Share Properties that are defined in advance in the JP1/AO system are called shared built-in service properties.

Shared built-in service properties appear in the System Settings area or Shared Properties Settings area of the JP1/AO interface after JP1/AO is installed. You can then assign the appropriate values to the properties. Because shared built-in service properties apply system-wide, they do not appear in the Service Definition and Submit Service dialog boxes for individual services.