
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

7.3.2 How to acquire failure information (service platform)

This subsection describes about how to acquire the message logs, trace, and various information output by Cosminexus Service Platform. It also describes the settings that must have been specified beforehand. For details about how to view the failure information that has been output, see 7.4 Viewing the failure information that has been output.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Collecting the message log

The message log is output always. The user can change the size and number of message log files, if necessary.

For details about how to view the message log data that has been output, see 7.4.1 Message log.

(a) HCSC-Manager log

Specify the following parameters in the HCSC-Manager definition file:

  • cscmng.log.message.filesize=message-log-file-size

  • cscmng.log.message.filenum=message-log-number-of-files

For details about the HCSC-Manager definition file, see 6.5.3 HCSC-Manager definition file in the manual uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

(b) Cosminexus integrated message log

Specify the file size and number of files for integrated message log in manager.cfg (Manager log setup file). For details about manager.cfg, see 8.2.9 manager.cfg (Manager setup file) in the manual Cosminexus Application Server Server Definitions.

(c) Cosminexus J2EE server activity log

You can specify the settings for the J2EE server activity log as follows:

  • File output destination

    Specify this setting by using the key in the usrconf.cfg (option definition file for the J2EE server) for the J2EE server on which the HCSC server is operating. The default setting is as follows:


    For details about the usrconf.cfg file, see 2.2.2 usrconf.cfg (Option definition file for J2EE servers) in the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

  • File size, number of files, and other settings

    Specify these settings by using the file (user property file for the J2EE server) for the J2EE server on which the HCSC server is operating.

    For details about the file, see 2.2.3 (User property file for J2EE servers) in the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide or 11.1.1 (User property file for J2EE servers) in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide.

(2) Collecting request traces

Specify whether the request trace can be collected in the following properties of HCSC server runtime definition file while acquiring request trace.

Furthermore, you can change the output destination path, file size, and number of files.

For details about how to view request traces that have been output, see 7.4.2 Request trace. For details about the trace file rotation mode and other settings, see the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(3) Collecting performance analysis traces

The collection method and output destination of the performance analysis trace file are common to the entire Cosminexus system. For details about how to view the performance analysis traces that have been output, see 7.4.3 Performance Analysis Trace. For details about how to acquire the performance analysis trace file and output destination, see 7.3 Collecting the trace based performance analysis file by using Management Server in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

(4) Collecting user message traces

Specify whether the user message trace can be collected in the following properties of HCSC server runtime definition file while acquiring user message trace:

The output destination path, file size and number of files can be changed in the following properties:

Furthermore, you can use the following properties to specify the components for which a user message trace is to be output during normal processing:

For details about how to view the user message traces that have been output, see 7.4.4 User message trace. For details about the trace file rotation mode and other settings, see the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(5) Collecting activity traces

To output activity traces in the development environment, set ON for the following property in the HCSC server runtime definition file:

Furthermore, you can use the following properties to specify the number of files, the file size, and the items to be output:

For details about how to view the activity traces that have been output, see 7.4.5 Activity trace.

(6) Collecting debug information

You can collect debug information for user message traces for the following functions:

How to collect debug information differs depending on the function as described later.

(a) Debug information that is output when the data transformation API is used

To collect debug information that is output when the data transformation API is used, specify the following system properties in the file (user property file for the J2EE server). For details about how to set these system properties, see 2.3.9(8) Specifying the operation of the data transformation API.

  • csc.dt.debugtrace=whether-to-output-debug-information (specify ON)

  • csc.dt.debugtrace.filepath=debug-information-output-destination-path

  • csc.dt.debugtrace.filenum=maximum-number-of-debug-information-files

  • csc.dt.debugtrace.filesize=maximum-size-of-one-debug-information-file

If the preceding properties are set, debug information is output to files in the directory whose path is set for the csc.dt.debugtrace.filepath property. The files are assigned different names for each instance (group) of the data transformation API as follows. Note that in shift mode, the sequence number (N) is not added to file names.


For details about how to specify the rotation mode, switchover time, and other settings for the other files, see either of the following sections: (User property file for J2EE servers) in the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide or 11.1.1 (User property file for J2EE servers) in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide.

(b) Debug information that is output during data transformation on the HCSC server

To collect debug information that is output during data transformation on the HCSC server, enable collection of the debug information by using the following property in the HCSC server runtime definition file:

  • telegramtrace=whether-to-collect-user-message-trace (specify ON also for collection of debug information)

In addition, use the following properties to specify the output destination path, the file size, the number of files, and the trigger for outputting:

  • telegramtrace-filepath=path-of-user-message-trace-output-destination

  • telegramtrace-filesize=size-of-user-message-trace-files

  • telegramtrace-filenum=number-of-user-message-trace-files

  • telegramtrace-trigger=trigger-to-output-user-message-trace-data (specify DTERR, which indicates that debug information is to be output)

For the telegramtrace-trigger property, you can specify a comma-separated list of multiple values. Therefore, you can specify triggers for both user message traces and debug information in one entry.

The debug information files are assigned names in the following pattern. Note that in shift mode, the sequence number (N) is not added to file names.


For details about how to view the debug information that has been output, see 7.4.6 Debug information. For details about the trace file rotation mode and other settings, see the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(c) Debug information that is output during execution of data-transformation unit test commands

To collect debug information during execution of data-transformation unit test commands (csctransform, cscbinaryparse, and cscgenbinary commands), specify the necessary command line options when executing the commands or the necessary property settings in the applicable command property files. For details, see the applicable sections shown in the following table:


Section describing the details

Command line option for the csctransform command

csctransform (Testing data transformation) in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide

Command property file for the csctransform command (data-transformation command properties file)

3.14.1 Data-transformation command properties file in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide

Command line option for the cscbinaryparse command

cscbinaryparse (Mutually transforming DOM and binary data) in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide

Command property file for the cscbinaryparse command (binary-parse command properties file)

3.14.5 Binary-parse command properties file in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide

Command line option for the cscgenbinary command

cscgenbinary (Generating binary messages from binary format definition files) in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide

Command property file for the cscgenbinary command (binary-message-generation command properties file)

3.14.3 Binary-message-generation command properties file in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide

The debug information files are assigned names in the following pattern:


The maximum number of output files that can be created is 16 and the maximum size of one file is 2,147,483,647 bytes. The maximum number of files, maximum file size, and rotation mode cannot be changed.

(7) Collecting definition information

A definition set in Cosminexus Service Platform is required for error investigations. The following table describes about the definition file of Cosminexus Service Platform. For details about the definition, see 6. Definition Files (Operating and Execution Environments) in the manual uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

(8) How to acquire maintenance information

This section describes how to acquire the maintenance information required to contact the system administrator or Maintenance Service. For details about how to view the maintenance log and trace data that has been output, see 7.4.7 Maintenance log and trace.

(a) Exception log

The exception log is output always. You can change the file size and number of files that are output.

For details about the exception log, see 7.4.7(1) Exception log.

(b) Maintenance log

The maintenance log is output always. You can change the file size and number of files that are output for maintenance log.

Specify the following parameters in the HCSC-Manager definition file:

  • cscmng.log.maintenance.filesize=maintenance-log-file-size

  • cscmng.log.maintenance.filenum=maintenance-log-number-of-files

For details about the HCSC-Manager definition file, see 6.5.3 HCSC-Manager definition file in the manual uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide. For details about the log file rotation mode and other settings, see the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(c) Installation log

Output always.

(d) Method trace

A method trace is output always. To perform method trace, you must determine its output destination, file size, number of files, and output level. Specify the following properties in the HCSC server runtime definition file:

Specify the following properties in the HCSC server runtime definition file:

  • methodtrace-filepath=path-of-method-trace-output-destination

  • methodtrace-filesize=size-of-method-trace-file

  • methodtrace-filenum=number-of-method-trace-files

  • methodtrace-level=method-trace-output-level

For details about the HCSC server runtime definition file, see 6.5.6 HCSC server runtime definition file in the manual uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guid. For details about the trace file rotation mode and other settings, see the manual Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(e) Maintenance information

The following table describes the maintenance information required for error investigation:

Table 7‒4: Maintenance information

Maintenance information

Output destination of data

HCSC server repository information

All the files and directories under Service Platform installation directory\CSC\repository#1

HCSC-Manager maintenance information

All the files and directories under Service Platform installation directory\CSC\config\manager

HCSC server maintenance information

All the files and directories under Service Platform installation directory\CSC\spool

All the files and directories under Service Platform installation directory\CSC\system

All the files and directories under the folder specified in hcscserver-data-filepath property of HCSC server setup definition file (When the hcscserver-data-filepath property is not specified, all the files and directories under the <Service Platform installation directory>\CSC\spool\msg\)#2


When many operating and execution environments (Environment variable CSCMNG_HOME is set) are build on one machine, consider all the files and directories under %CSCMNG_HOME%\repository.


This directory is required when HCSC server is setup in a configuration that does not use a database.

(9) Collecting the message log data for user-authentication information management commands

The following lists user-authentication information management commands. When these commands are executed, runtime information (such as cautions and errors) is output in the form of messages to the message log for user-authentication information management commands.

You can use this message log to view the information about failures and operations for the commands that were executed in the past.

For the message log for user-authentication information management commands, you can specify the settings, such as the file size and number of files, in the definition file for user-authentication information management commands.

For details about how to view the data that has been output to the message log for user-authentication information management commands, see 7.4.8 Message log for user-authentication information management commands. For details about the definition file for user-authentication information management commands, see 6.17.1 Definition file for user-authentication information management commands in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide.