
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

7.4.8 Message log for user-authentication information management commands

The following lists user-authentication information management commands. When these commands are executed, runtime information (such as cautions and errors) is output in the form of messages to the message log for user-authentication information management commands.

You can use this message log to view the information about failures and operations for the commands that were executed in the past.

The following describes how to view the data that has been output to the message log for user-authentication information management commands.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Output destination of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands

The output destination and file name of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands are as follows:


In the definition file for user-authentication information management commands, you can also specify other log file settings by using the following properties:

(2) Output format of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands

The following figure shows the output format of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands.

Figure 7‒35: Output format of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands


(3) Output items of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands

The following table shows the output items of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands.

Table 7‒62: Output items of the message log data for user-authentication information management commands




A serial number of each log record that has been output to the command message log is output.


The data at which the log record was collected to the command message log is output in YYYY/MM/DD format.


The time at which the log record was collected to the command message log is output in hh:mm:ss.SSS format.

Product ID

The string CSCMSG, which indicates the SFTP adapter, is output as a product identifier.


The identifier of each process is output.


The identifier of each thread is output.

Message ID

The message ID is output in KDECnnnnn-X format.

Message text

The body of the message is output.


The record end code is output.