
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

5.5 Considering email notifications

If you configure email notification, the following email notifications are available:

Email notification is disabled by default. Change the setting as required for your operation. You can also change the title and contents of emails. Consider this together with whether to enable email notifications.

When using email notification, consider the authentication to be used. By default, email notification is disabled. For details, see 5.5.1 Considering user authentication for sending emails.

Configure the detailed settings for email notifications in the following definition files and windows.

Table 5‒7: Definition files and windows in which detailed email notification settings are configured

Timing of email notification

Definition files and windows

Notify the person in charge when an Item is created

Notify the person in charge of an Item in the escalation-destination process when the Item is escalated

Notify the person in charge when the person in charge is changed

Notify the person in charge of an Item (when the Item is recalled) who had been in charge of the Item before the Item was recalled

Notify the person in charge of an Item in the sending-back destination process when the Item is sent back

Notify the person in charge and the process work board manager before the deadline#

Notify the person in charge and the process work board manager when the processing of an Item is regarded to be held#

Notify the person who registered an Item when the Item is closed

Notify the process work board manager to which a user or role belongs when the user or role is deleted


Automatic execution is available if you schedule the time or interval of command execution and start the JP1/Service Support - Task Service service. For details, see 9.8 Setting schedules for automatic execution of commands.

For details about the New process work board window and the Edit the process work board window, see 9.6 Creating process work boards. For details about the definition files, see Chapter 13. Definition Files.

If you want to log in to JP1/Service Support from the Start menu on the server on which JP1/Service Support is installed and then operate JP1/Service Support, you need to edit the URL definition file. For details, see URL definition file (jsslogin.url) in Chapter 13. Definition Files.

  • Email notification settings are applied to the entire JP1/Service Support system.

    If you want to apply email notification to specific persons, delete the email addresses from the user information of the users for whom email notification is not necessary.

  • If the person in charge of an Item executes the jssitemimport and jssitemimportEx commands to register the Item, no email is sent to the person in charge even if the email notification settings are configured.

    For an Item registered by the jssitemimport and jssitemimportEx commands, the person who has been set as the person in charge of the Item in the existing system must continue taking care of the Item.

    If the process work board to which an Item is registered is specified by email, the user set for Person in charge of the registered item from email must process the Item.

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