uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8. Trace Collection Points and PRF Trace Collection Levels of the Trace Based Performance Analysis

The trace based performance analysis includes the trace based performance analysis that analyzes the Application Server performance, and the user-extended trace based performance analysis that extends the target of the trace based performance analysis and analyzes the performance of the applications set up on an Application Server machine. This chapter describes the trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels output in the trace based performance analysis and user-extended trace based performance analysis.

For an overview of the trace based performance analysis and for details about how to perform the analysis, see the chapter 7. Performance Analysis by Using Trace Based Performance Analysis.

Organization of this chapter
8.1 Organization of this chapter
8.2 Trace Get Point of trace based performance analysis and the PRF Trace Get Level
8.3 Trace collection points of a CTM
8.4 Trace collection points of a redirector
8.5 Trace collection points of a Web container (trace of request processing)
8.6 Trace collection points of a Web container (session trace)
8.7 Trace collection points of a Web container (filter trace)
8.8 Trace collection points of a Web container (trace of the database session failover functionality)
8.9 Trace collection points of a Web container (Trace of the EADs session failover functionality)
8.10 Trace collection points of a Web container (trace of the memory session failover functionality)
8.11 Trace collection points of an EJB container
8.12 Trace collection points of a JNDI
8.13 Trace collection points of a JTA
8.14 Trace collection points of a DB Connector and JCA container
8.15 Trace collection points of an RMI
8.16 Trace collection points of an OTS
8.17 Trace collection points of standard output, standard error output, and user log
8.18 Trace collection points of a DI
8.19 Trace collection points of the batch application execution functionality
8.20 Trace collection points in a JPA
8.21 Trace collection points of the Cosminexus JPA provider
8.22 Trace collection points of the TP1 inbound integrated function
8.23 Trace collection points of Cosminexus JMS Provider
8.24 Trace collection points of JavaMail
8.25 Trace collection points of JSF
8.26 Trace collection points of CDI
8.27 Trace collection points when a J2EE server is started or terminated
8.28 Trace collection points of an application