Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


5.2.1 Permitting or rejecting remote control

Upon receiving a connection request from the controller, the agent can permit or reject the connection request. Before the agent can respond to connection requests from the controller, you must set up the agent so that the Confirm Connection Request dialog box will appear. For further information about this setting, see 3.4.2 Connection options.

For example, suppose that a connection request comes from the controller when you are editing a confidential document on the agent. In this case, you can reject the connection request to prevent confidential information from being sent to the controller. Thus, security is maintained.

When the agent receives a connection request from the controller, the Confirm Connection Request dialog box appears on the agent.

Figure 5-3 Confirm Connection Request dialog box


In this dialog box, accept or reject the connection request. If you make no reply, the connection request will be accepted or rejected automatically based on the setup information. If the agent is not logged on, the agent will always be connected to the controller.

This function can only be used when the versions of the controller and agent are 06-00 or later.