Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide
(1) Remote Control Player screen components
You can start Remote Control Player from the controller. When Remote Control Player starts, it automatically begins playing back the recording file.
The following figure shows the layout of the Remote Control Player window.
Figure 4-64 Remote Control Player window
- View
- The display frame of the Remote Control Player that displays the playback screen. If the playback screen is smaller than the view, the playback screen is displayed in the center.
- Playback Screen
- The window for the agent playback.
- Status bar
- A message indicating the current playback status is displayed on the left. On the right, the play time / recording time is displayed mm:ss/mm:ss.
- Seek bar
- Indicates the playback progress. The slider moves from left to right according to the progress of the play.
For details on the Remote Control Player window menus, see A.4 Remote Control Player window menus.
(2) Starting and ending playback
This subsection explains how to start and end the playback of a recording file. Note that if you change the resolution of the agent during the playback, the playback may not perform correctly.
To play back a recording file:
- In the Remote Control window, open the File menu and choose Play Screen, then Play.
The Select Recording File dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can select the recording file you want to play back.
- Select the recording file to be played and click Open.
Remote Control Player starts. It automatically begins to play back the recording file.
The playback status is indicated on the seek bar at the bottom of the Remote Control Player screen. When playback starts, the slider on the seek bar begins to move from the left end to the right.
Figure 4-65 Seek bar
If the seek bar is not displayed, open the View menu in Remote Control Player and choose Seek Bar.
(b) Ending playback and exiting Remote Control Player
When the playback of a recording file ends, the slide on the seek bar returns to the right end. The status bar reads Stop. Remote Control Player is still active.
To exit Remote Control Player, proceed as follows:
- Open the File menu in Remote Control Player and choose Exit.
(3) Playback controls
You might suspend playback in order to give a detailed explanation or play back only the screen display needed to give a detailed explanation about. Remote Control Player includes a number of controls that can be used to pause, skip certain display, and restart playback.
(a) Pause and restart
- Stop
- To stop playback, open the Play menu and choose Stop. Playback stops.
- Pause
- To pause, open the Play menu and choose Pause. Playback pauses.
- Restart
- To restart playback, open the Play menu and choose Play. Playback restarts. If you choose Play after a pause, playback restarts from the position of the pause. If you choose Play after a stop, playback starts at the beginning of the recording file.
To skip a part of display, use the seek bar. Select the seek bar slider and moves it to the desired position. Playback will restart at the position where the slider is released. When you move the slider backward as far as it will go, the slider automatically returns to the beginning of the recording file.
You can use this function when you are playing back or after you have paused. After you stopped playback, the slider cannot move (skip).
If you skip during playback, playback restarts at the skip-to position. If you skip during a pause, the pause continues at the skip-to position.
(c) Changing the playback speed
You can select fast forward or slow forward.
- Fast forward
- Open the Play menu and choose Fast Forward. Playback resumes at three times the normal speed.
- Slow forward
- Open the Play menu and choose Slow. Playback resumes at one-third of the normal speed.
(d) Using toolbar buttons
The toolbar buttons simplify use of the playback controls. The following figure shows the functions of the toolbar buttons.
Figure 4-66 Toolbar buttons for playback controls
(4) Making the playback screen more readable and easier to operate
Remote Control Player can display playback screens in a more readable format, similar to the way agent screen display is displayed in the Remote Control window.
- Zoom-in and zoom-out
- Open the View menu and choose Zoom, then Automatically. The playback frame zooms in or out automatically to match the size of the Remote Control Player window. You can also select 50%, 100%, or 200%. For this purpose, open the View menu and choose Zoom, then 50%, 100%, or 200%. The default percentage is 100%.
- Full-screen view
- To expand the view to the full screen of the controller, open the View menu and choose Full Screen. To exit the full-screen display mode, choose Full Screen from the pop-up menu or press Alt + Enter.
- Adjusting the Remote Control Player window to the playback frame size
- In order to scale the Remote Control Player window to fit to the playback frame, open the View menu and choose Fit to Frame. The Remote Control Player window is then scaled to fit to the playback frame.
- Arranging multiple Remote Control Players
- If you are running multiple Remote Control Players, you can arrange the multiple Remote Control Player windows on the controller screen. To do this, open the Window menu and choose Arrange Vertically, Arrange Horizontally, or Arrange All.
(5) Checking recording file information
To check the information of the displayed recording file, go to the File menu of the Remote Control Player window and choose Properties. From the displayed Properties dialog box, you can check the following information.
- Location (the location of the recording file)
- Size
- Connection destination (the IP address, host name, or path of the recorded agent)
- Version (the version of the recorded agent)
- Resolution (the version of the recorded agent)
- Color palette (the color palette (colors) of the recorded agent)
- Recording start time (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss)
- Recording time (mm minutes ss seconds)
Note that the recording time still displays in minutes when the time exceeds one hour.
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