Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 2


7.2.2 Format of message descriptions

In this section, messages are explained in the following format:

KDSFXXXX-M (message-ID)

This is a message text.
In the area enclosed in curly brackets ({}), one of the items delimited by a stroke (|) is output. In the area enclosed in square brackets ([]), items are either output or not output, depending on the situation.

This describes the cause of the message and explains the variables that occur in the message text.
The instruction number in a message is a unique number that represents a detailed processing unit for the job. Messages with a matching instruction number indicate a log concerning the same processing. For example, if two packages are distributed by a job, for each package a message is output, indicating the receipt or success of the job. In this case, although the messages indicate the same job number, the instruction numbers are unique for each package. To look up the reception or success of a package, you can reference all the messages having the same instruction number.
The maintenance information in a message is an item that you may need when you ask maintenance personnel about the message. Users need not investigate the contents of maintenance information.
This describes the action to be taken. This item is left blank for messages that do not require any action.

The letter M at the end of a message ID indicates one of the following message type codes: