Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.5 Adding windows for routine jobs (Create User Report)

In addition to the windows provided by Asset Information Manager, you can add windows for searching unique information (user reports).

As a user report, you can create a window for searching the asset information managed in the asset management database and displaying the results. A window for registering or summing up data cannot be created.

You can display added windows from added job menus in the same manner as with other windows. You can also assign them by user role using the Customize Job Menu window.

To add a window, start from the Create User Report window, which is displayed by clicking the Create User Report job menu. The figure below shows the Create User Report window.

Figure 9-18 Create User Report window


From this window, you can start the creation of user reports. To create a new user report, click the Add button.

To edit an existing user report, select it from the job menu tree, and then click the Edit button. To delete an existing user report, select it from the job menu tree, and then click the Delete button.

You can execute a created user report from the command line. If you execute a user report from the command line, you should use variable names that are easy to remember as arguments when you define search conditions.

This section describes the procedure for creating a user report.

The following shows the user report creation procedure.

Figure 9-19 Procedure for creating a user report


To create a user report according to a provided example, see 9.5.12 Example of creating a user report.

Organization of this section
9.5.1 Selecting a search method
9.5.2 Specifying classes to be searched
9.5.3 Defining search conditions
9.5.4 Setting the output items
9.5.5 Setting the sort order and display width of the output items
9.5.6 Specifying whether to include duplicated data in the search results
9.5.7 Checking the results in the preview window
9.5.8 Registering a created user report
9.5.9 Specifying a class join method
9.5.10 Deleting a user report
9.5.11 Executing a search from the command line
9.5.12 Example of creating a user report
9.5.13 Example of executing a user report