Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.5.9 Specifying a class join method

A class join method is specified only when Joined class search is selected. You can define a new class join method and create a window with unique search conditions. The figure below shows the fields for defining a class join method when Joined class search is selected as the search method.

Figure 9-31 Fields for specifying a class join method


Select one of the two join methods for classes:

Order of Class name join and Class name join to
If you are specifying more than two classes, Class name join and Class name join to must be specified in the correct order. For example, to join classes A and B and then join classes B and C, specify as follows:
  • Joining classes A and B
    Specify class A in Class name join.
  • Joining classes B and C
    Specify class B in Class name join.
If you select Association as the class join method, use the Order button to place Class name join and Class name join to in the correct order.

Adding and deleting key properties
If you need to identify the search target by multiple items, add key properties. There is no need to add key properties if you have selected Association as the class join method.
Clicking the Add Key button displays the fields for specifying key properties, where you can add key properties.
To delete key properties, click the Delete Key button.

Inner join and outer join
Separately from the association between classes, select Join type for classes.
To output information about the device only when it contains the key values of both join source and target, select INNER (inner join).
To output the item as null information even when the join target does not contain the key value of the join source, select OUTER (outer join).