Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.5.3 Defining search conditions

To define search conditions, use each item on the Screen tab.

The following shows the Screen tab.

Figure 9-25 Definition items for search conditions (Screen tab)


  1. Show
    Specify whether each search condition is to be displayed in the window. Selecting a check box enables the corresponding search condition to be specified in the window.
    When a check box is selected, the Value field is disabled.
  2. Column
    Specify the information to be searched for. The drop-down list displays information in the format
  3. Condition code
    Specify one of the conditional expressions listed below that indicates the relationship between the property specified in Column and the value specified in Value.
    The following table lists the conditional expressions.

    Table 9-1 List of conditional expressions

    Conditional expression Data type of property specified in Column Character string displayed in user report or drop-down list
    = -- equal
    != -- not equal
    < -- less than
    <= -- less than or equal to
    > -- greater than
    >= -- greater than or equal to
    LIKE -- including
    NOT_LIKE -- not including
    OPTIONS Date
    • before
    • after
    Numeric value
    • not greater than
    • not less than
    Character string
    • match all the words
    • match part of the words
    • match beginning of the words
    • match end of the words

    --: Not applicable

    When a group or location is specified as the search condition, information is always searched based on right truncation.
  4. Value
    Specify the value determined for the information specified in Column.
    When the Show check box is selected to specify the value in the window, this field is disabled.
    If the property value is defined as a code, specify the code.
  5. Condition
    Specify AND or OR to connect the search items when multiple search items are to be set.
  6. Parentheses
    Specify parentheses to enclose multiple search items. Note that double parentheses are not permitted.
  7. Add button
    Click this button to add a field for specifying a search item.

Defining the variable names to be used as arguments
To execute the same search as for the created user report, specify the conditions that are specified by window operation as arguments. In this case, each search condition is represented by a variable name.
On the Command Argument tab, you can change the variable names that are used when you specify arguments to names that are easy to remember. The following shows the Command Argument tab.

Figure 9-26 Definition items for search conditions (Command Argument tab)

Define the variable names corresponding to the search conditions whose Show check boxes are selected on the Screen tab. By default, Variantn (n: sequential number beginning at 1) is set.
A permitted variable name consists of 1 to 32 bytes of alphanumeric characters and is case sensitive. The same variable name cannot be specified more than once.
If you specify OPTIONS in Condition code on the Screen tab, = is displayed in Condition code on the Command Argument tab.