Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.1.1 Workflow necessary for linking to JP1/Software Distribution

For linking to JP1/Software Distribution, certain settings are necessary when Asset Information Manager is being installed. Therefore, when setting up Asset Information Manager, also make sure that the work necessary for linking it to JP1/Software Distribution is performed.

  1. Installing the component for linking to JP1/Software Distribution
    Install this component when installing Asset Information Manager.
  2. Setting the DBMS type being used by JP1/Software Distribution
    Set this information when installing Asset Information Manager.
  3. Setting various items necessary for linking to JP1/Software Distribution
    Use the Server Setup dialog box to set the login ID and service name for connecting to the JP1/Software Distribution database, the assignment method for acquiring inventory information, and the software name assignment method, which have already been determined.
    For details about the settings in the Server Setup dialog box, see 5.3.7 Setting Link with JP1/SD.
  4. Creating a data source or a net service
    To connect to the JP1/Software Distribution database, create a data source or a net service during the setup. For details about how to create a data source or a net service, see 5.5 Creating a data source or net service.
  5. Settings for acquiring the asset number, user name, group, and location information
    To set up the inventory information to be used as the asset number and to acquire the user name, group, and location from the user inventory information, you must set the inventory information that is to be assigned to each item.
    You can also change assigned items and add information to be acquired from the inventory information.
    For details about how to assign inventory information to managed items, see 9.6 Setting assigned items (Assign Inventory).
  6. Start the service for collecting the inventory information
    Start the Asset Information Synchronous Service. This step is required in order for inventory information changed in JP1/Software Distribution to be reflected in the asset management database in real time.
    Upon initial deployment, the inventory information from all managed objects is collected, which takes a lot of time to complete.
    If you are linking to a version of JP1/Software Distribution prior to 07-50, use the Take inventory task.
  7. Task settings
    To use a task registered in Windows Task Scheduler to periodically collect inventory information, enable the Take inventory task. Do not use this task and Asset Information Synchronous Service together.
    To use the Program Execution History and Window Title Update History job menus, enable the Take operation history task. To check an operation log from the Operation Log List or Operation Log Total job menu, there is no need to set a task.
    Both tasks are disabled by default.
    For details about setting tasks, see 5.9 Setting the tasks that are registered in Task Scheduler.
