
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

7.1 Options and properties used in Java VM

This section describes an overview of all options and properties used in Java VM. This section also describes an overview of the environment variables used in Java VM.


Java VM options used for list displays




7.2.1 -XX:+Hitachi

Displaying a list of extended Java VM options

Displays a list of extended Java VM options.

Java VM options used for the extended thread dump functionality




7.3.1 -XX:[+|-]HitachiThreadDump

Outputting extended thread dump information

Specifies whether to output extended thread dump information.

7.3.2 -XX:[+|-]HitachiThreadDumpToStdout

Outputting extended thread dumps to the standard output

Specifies whether to output extended thread dumps to the standard output.

7.3.3 -XX:[+|-]HitachiThreadDumpWithBlockCount

Outputting the following information as the thread information of extended thread dumps: the number of times that thread processing was blocked and the number of times the thread was in the wait status

Specifies whether to output the following information as the thread information of extended thread dumps: the number of times that thread processing was blocked and the number of times the thread was in the wait status.

7.3.4 -XX:[+|-]HitachiThreadDumpWithCpuTime

Outputting the following information as the thread information of extended thread dumps: user CPU time and kernel CPU time

Specifies whether to output the following information as the thread information of extended thread dumps: user CPU time and kernel CPU time.

7.3.5 -XX:[+|-]HitachiThreadDumpWithHashCode

Outputting hash codes as the thread information of extended thread dumps

Specifies whether to output hash codes as the thread information of extended thread dumps.

Java VM options used for Java VM log files




7.4.1 -XX:HitachiJavaLog

Specifying the prefix and the output-destination directory of Java VM log files

Specifies the prefix and the output-destination directory of Java VM log files.

7.4.2 -XX:HitachiJavaLogFileSize

Specifying the maximum size for each Java VM log file

Specifies the maximum size for a single log file. This specification prevents the size of log files from increasing. If the size of a file reaches the maximum size, no logs are output to the file.

7.4.3 -XX:[+|-]HitachiJavaLogNoMoreOutput

Specifying how to output log information if an input or output error occurs during log file creation

Specifies how to output log information if an input or output error occurs during log file creation. Note that Java VM continues processing regardless of the specified value. This option applies to Java VM log files and the log files for the explicit memory management functionality.

7.4.4 -XX:HitachiJavaLogNumberOfFile

Specifying the maximum number of Java VM log files that are to be created

Specifies the maximum number of Java VM log files that are to be created. This specification prevents the number of created files from increasing.

7.4.5 -XX:[+|-]JavaLogAsynchronous

Enabling or disabling the asynchronous output functionality for log files

Specifies whether to enable or disable the asynchronous output functionality for log files.

7.4.6 -XX:[+|-]JavaLogHeaderOutput

Outputting the header information when a Java VM log file is opened

Specifies whether to output the header information when a Java VM log file is opened. The header information contains the following information: the Java VM version in the 1st line, and the startup command line information in the 2nd line. You must take into account the size of the output header information when specifying the maximum file size for the -XX:HitachiJavaLogFileSize option. This option applies to Java VM log files and the log files for the explicit memory management functionality.

7.4.7 -XX:JavaLogRotationTime

Specifying the rotation time of the Java VM log file

If the rotation type of the Java VM log file is the shift type, specify the time when the storage destination file is to be switched for this option. This option applies to Java VM log files and the log files for the explicit memory management functionality. The Java VM log file will be switched at the time specified in this option.

7.4.8 -XX:JavaLogRotationType

Specifying the rotation type of the Java VM log file

Specifies the rotation type of the Java VM log file. This option applies to Java VM log files and the log files for the explicit memory management functionality.

Java VM option used for the detailed time output




7.5.1 -XX:[+|-]HitachiOutputMilliTime

Outputting the time (accurate to the millisecond) to the Java VM log file

Specifies whether to output the time accurate to the millisecond. This option applies to Java VM log files and the log files for the explicit memory management functionality.

Java VM options used for the extended verbosegc functionality




7.6.1 -XX:[+|-]HitachiCommaVerboseGC

Outputting the extended verbosegc information in CSV format

Specifies whether to output the extended verbosegc information in CSV format.

7.6.2 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGC

Outputting the extended verbosegc information to the Java VM log file when a GC occurs

Specifies whether to output the extended verbosegc information when a GC occurs.

7.6.3 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime

Outputting the user CPU time and the kernel CPU time as the extended verbosegc information

Specifies whether to output the CPU usage time as the extended verbosegc information.

7.6.4 -XX:HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime

Specifying the interval (in seconds) for outputting the extended verbosegc information

Specifies the interval (in seconds) for outputting the extended verbosegc information.

7.6.5 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause

Outputting details on the causes of GCs

Specifies whether to output details on the causes of GCs.

7.6.6 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintDate

Outputting the date and time when a GC started to the extended verbosegc information

Specifies whether to output the date and time when a GC started to the extended verbosegc information.

7.6.7 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintDeleteOnExit

Outputting the following information to the Java VM log file: the cumulative heap size allocated by Java VM when was called, and the number of times the method was called

Specifies whether to output the following information to the Java VM log file: the cumulative heap size allocated by Java VM when was called, and the number of times the method was called.

7.6.8 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintJVMInternalMemory

Outputting the heap information that is internally managed by Java VM, to the Java VM log file

Specifies whether to output the heap information that is internally managed by Java VM, to the Java VM log file.

7.6.9 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintTenuringDistribution

Outputting the age distribution for the Survivor area to the Java VM log file

Specifies whether to output the age distribution for the Survivor area to the Java VM log file when -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution is specified.

7.6.10 -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintThreadCount

Outputting the number of Java threads to the Java VM log file

Specifies whether to output the number of Java threads to the Java VM log file. This information can be used to monitor the number of Java threads.

Java VM options used for the functionality that outputs the code cache area information




7.7.1 -XX:CodeCacheInfoPrintRatio

Specifying the usage threshold rate of the code cache area

Specifies the usage rate of the code cache area. This is the rate at which a message is output to indicate that usage has reached the threshold value.

7.7.2 -XX:[+|-]PrintCodeCacheFullMessage

Outputting a message to the Java VM log file when the code cache area becomes insufficient during JIT compilation of a Java method

Specifies whether to output a message to the Java VM log file when the code cache area becomes insufficient during JIT compilation of a Java method.

7.7.3 -XX:[+|-]PrintCodeCacheInfo

Specifying whether to output the following information to the Java VM log file: the usage rate of the code cache area and the message informing the user that usage has reached the threshold value

Specifies whether to output the usage rate of the code cache area. In addition, this option specifies whether to output the message informing the user that usage has reached the threshold value, to the Java VM log file.

Java VM options used for the extended functionality when an OutOfMemoryError occurs




7.8.1 -XX:[+|-]HitachiOutOfMemoryAbort

Enabling or disabling the functionality that forcibly terminates processing when an OutOfMemoryError occurs

If an OutOfMemoryError occurs, a message is output to the standard output and processing is forcibly terminated.

7.8.2 -XX:[+|-]HitachiOutOfMemoryAbortThreadDump

Outputting thread dumps when an OutOfMemoryError occurs

Thread dumps are output when an OutOfMemoryError occurs. When the C heap in the J2SE class library is insufficient, thread dumps are not output, to prevent the recurrence of C heap insufficiency due to the output of thread dumps.

7.8.3 -XX:[+|-]HitachiOutOfMemoryAbortThreadDumpWithJHeapProf

Outputting class-wise statistics to the thread dump log file that is output when an OutOfMemoryError occurs

Specify whether to output class-wise statistics to the output thread dump log file that is output when -XX:+HitachiOutOfMemoryAbortThreadDump is specified.

If G1GC is used, this functionality is disabled. If the option that enables this functionality is specified when G1GC is being used, the specification is not applied, and this functionality is disabled.

7.8.4 -XX:[+|-]HitachiOutOfMemoryCause

Outputting the cause type when an OutOfMemoryError occurs

Specifies whether to output the cause type when an OutOfMemoryError occurs.

7.8.5 -XX:[+|-]HitachiOutOfMemorySize

Outputting the memory size requested when an OutOfMemoryError occurs

Outputs the memory size requested when an OutOfMemoryError occurs.

7.8.6 -XX:[+|-]HitachiOutOfMemoryStackTrace

Outputting the exception information and the stack trace to the Java VM log file when an OutOfMemoryError occurs

Specifies whether to output the exception information and the stack trace to the Java VM log file when an OutOfMemoryError occurs.

7.8.7 -XX:HitachiOutOfMemoryStackTraceLineSize

Specifying the number of characters (in bytes) per line of the stack trace that is output when an OutOfMemoryError occurs

Specifies the number of characters (in bytes) per line of the stack trace that is output when an OutOfMemoryError occurs.

Java VM options used for the class library trace functionality




7.9.1 -XX:[+|-]HitachiJavaClassLibTrace

Outputting the stack trace for the class library

Outputs the stack trace for the API to the Java VM log file when a method that affects the entire system is used.

7.9.2 -XX:HitachiJavaClassLibTraceLineSize

Specifying the number of characters (in bytes) per line of the stack trace for the class library

Specifies the number of characters (in bytes) per line of the stack trace for the class library that is output when the -XX:+HitachiJavaClassLibTrace option is specified.

Java VM options used for the functionality that outputs the local variable information




7.10.1 -XX:HitachiCallToString

Outputting the character strings of the String objects that were obtained via a local variable object

Outputs the character strings of the String objects that were obtained via a local variable object in a class corresponding to applicable_range, as strings that represent variable values.

7.10.2 -XX:[+|-]HitachiLocalsInStackTrace

Adding the local variable information of each method to the stack traces generated when thread dumps are output, and outputting the stack traces

Adds the local variable information of each method to the stack traces that are generated when thread dumps are output, and then outputs the stack traces.

7.10.3 -XX:[+|-]HitachiLocalsInThrowable

Outputting the local variable information of the methods in the stack traces

Collects the local variable information of the methods in the stack traces when the java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace method is executed.

7.10.4 -XX:[+|-]HitachiLocalsSimpleFormat

Changing the output format of local variable information to the simple output format, where one variable is output per line

Changes the output format of the local variable information to the simple output format, where one variable is output per line.

7.10.5 -XX:[+|-]HitachiTrueTypeInLocals

Outputting actual object type names to the local variable information

Outputs the name of the object type that is set for a class or an array-type local variable when collecting local variable information.

Java VM options used for the explicit memory management functionality




7.11.1 -XX:ExplicitMemoryAutoReclaimTargetBlockRatio

Specifying the upper limit on the release ratio that is set during the automatic release processing of the explicit memory management functionality

Specify the maximum release rate that can be set in the automatic release processing of the explicit memory management functionality. The release rate is the ratio of the amount of the heap area that is actually released by automatic release processing, to the amount selected during the automatic release processing.

7.11.2 -XX:ExplicitMemoryExcludeClassListFile

Specifying the file path for the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file

Specifies the file path for the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file that is used by the functionality that excludes classes from the explicit memory management functionality. The explicit memory management functionality is not applied to the classes specified in this file.

7.11.3 -XX:ExplicitMemoryFullGCPolicy

Controlling (based on reference relationships) the movement of objects from the JavaHeap to Explicit memory blocks when full GC occurs

Specifies whether to control (based on reference relationships) the movement of objects from the JavaHeap to Explicit memory blocks when full GC occurs. This option enables the objects that were moved to the Explicit heap when full GC occurred, to be moved to the Tenured area.

7.11.4 -XX:ExplicitMemoryNotExcludeClassListFile

Specifying the file path for the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies the file path for the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality. This file is used by the functionality that excludes classes from the explicit memory management functionality. The functionality that excludes classes from the explicit memory management functionality is not applied to the classes specified in this file, even if those classes are also specified in the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file.

7.11.5 -XX:[+|-]ExplicitMemoryUseExcludeClass

Enabling or disabling the functionality that excludes classes from the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies whether to enable or disable the functionality that excludes classes from the explicit memory management functionality.

7.11.6 -XX:[+|-]HitachiAutoExplicitMemory

Enabling or disabling the functionality for automatically placing Explicit memory blocks

Specifies whether to enable or disable the functionality for automatically placing Explicit memory blocks.

7.11.7 -XX:HitachiAutoExplicitMemoryFile

Specifying the file path for the automatic placement configuration file used by the functionality for automatically placing Explicit memory blocks

Specifies the file path for the automatic placement configuration file used by the functionality for automatically placing Explicit memory blocks.

7.11.8 -XX:HitachiExplicitHeapMaxSize

Specifying the maximum size of the entire Explicit heap

Specifies the maximum size of the entire Explicit heap.

7.11.9 -XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryAutoReclaim

Enabling or disabling the automatic release of the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies whether to use the automatic release functionality of the explicit memory management functionality.

7.11.10 -XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryAutoRefReclaim

Enabling or disabling the functionality that saves the amount of memory in the Explicit heap that is used for HTTP sessions

Specifies whether to enable or disable the functionality that saves the amount of memory in the Explicit heap that is used for HTTP sessions.

7.11.11 -XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryCompatibleToV8

Specifying whether to allocate Explicit memory blocks by using the same method as 08-00

Specifies whether to allocate Explicit memory blocks by using the same method as 08-00. Enable this option if the applications that were used in 08-00 are to be used in 08-50, instead of the new functionality implemented in 08-50 and later.

7.11.12 -XX:HitachiExplicitMemoryJavaLog

Specifying the prefix and output-destination directory of the log file for the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies the prefix and output-destination directory for the log files of the explicit memory management functionality.

7.11.13 -XX:HitachiExplicitMemoryJavaLogFileSize

Specifying the maximum size (in bytes) per log file of the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) per file.

7.11.14 -XX:HitachiExplicitMemoryJavaLogNumberOfFile

Specifying the maximum number of log files that are to be created by the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies the maximum number of Java VM log files that are to be created. This specification prevents the number of created files from increasing.

7.11.15 -XX:HitachiExplicitMemoryLogLevel

Specifying the event log level for the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies the event log level for the explicit memory management functionality.

7.11.16 -XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryMoveToTenuredFirst

Changing the location where objects are moved during the release of Explicit memory blocks, to the Tenured area

Specifies the location where objects are moved during the release of Explicit memory blocks.

7.11.17 -XX:[+|-]HitachiUseExplicitMemory

Enabling or disabling the explicit memory management functionality

Specifies whether to enable or disable the explicit memory management functionality.

Java VM options used for specifying the maximum values for resources




7.12.1 -XX:HitachiJITCompileMaxMemorySize

Specifying the maximum memory size of the C heap to be allocated during JIT compilation

Specifies the maximum memory size of the C heap to be allocated during JIT compilation.

7.12.2 -XX:HitachiThreadLimit

Specifying the maximum number of threads

Specifies the maximum number of threads.

Java VM options used for the JIT compiler continuation functionality




7.13.1 -XX:[+|-]JITCompilerContinuation

Enabling or disabling the JIT compiler continuation functionality

Specifies whether to enable or disable the JIT compiler continuation functionality.

Java VM options used to execute Java application programs




7.14.1 -Xhras

Executing Java application programs

If you execute the java command or the javaw command with this option specified, you will be able to execute Java application programs.

Java VM options used for the functionality for the compressed object pointer




7.15.1 -XX:[+|-]UseCompressedOops

Enabling or disabling the compressed object pointer functionality

Specifies whether to enable or disable the compressed object pointer functionality.

Java VM properties used for the finalize-retention-cancellation functionality





Enabling or disabling the finalize-retention-cancellation functionality

Specifies whether to enable or disable the finalize-retention-cancellation functionality.

Java VM properties used for performance-based trace analysis




7.17.1 jvm.userprf.Enable

Enabling or disabling performance-based trace analysis

Specifies whether to enable or disable performance-based trace analysis.

7.17.2 jvm.userprf.ExtendedSetting

Specifying the specification format for the performance-based trace analysis configuration file

Specifies whether to enable each of the following specification formats for the performance-based trace analysis configuration file.

7.17.3 jvm.userprf.File

Specifying the file path for the performance-based trace analysis configuration file

Specifies the file path for the performance-based trace analysis configuration file.

7.17.4 jvm.userprf.Limit

Specifying the maximum number of target methods of the performance-based trace analysis

Specifies the maximum number of target methods of the performance-based trace analysis.

7.17.5 jvm.userprf.LineNumber

Outputting to the trace information, the line number of the last executed statement of the method

Specifies whether to output to the trace information, the line number of the last executed statement of the method when the method ends normally.

7.17.6 jvm.userprf.LogLevel

Specifying the trace output level for performance-based trace analysis

Specifies the output level for the names of traced methods. The names are output in the specified level to the optional information (OPT) of the performance-based trace analysis information.

7.17.7 jvm.userprf.ThrowableName

Outputting the names of exception or error classes to the trace information

Specifies whether to output the names of exception or error classes to the operation information (OPR) of the trace information when a method ends abnormally.

7.17.8 jvm.userprf.ThrowableNameEditMethod

Specifying how the name of an exception or error class is edited if the name exceeds 32 characters

Specifies how the name of an exception or error class is to be modified if the name exceeds 32 characters. If the name of an exception or error class is 32 characters or less, all characters are output to the trace information regardless of the specification in this property.

7.17.9 jvm.userprf.Trace

Outputting logs when the class file specified in the performance-based trace analysis configuration file is successfully overwritten

Specifies whether to output logs when the class file specified in the performance-based trace analysis configuration file is successfully overwritten.

Java HotSpot VM options used for Application Server




7.18.1 -agentlib:hndlwrap2

Continuing Java VM execution when a user logs off from Windows

Specifies whether to continue Java VM execution when a user logs off from Windows in an environment that includes JDK version 6 or later.

7.18.2 -agentlib:libname

Loading the native agent library

Loads the native agent library libname.

7.18.3 -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize

Specifying the maximum size of the Compressed Class Space

Specifies the maximum size of the Compressed Class Space.

7.18.4 -XX:ConcGCThreads

Specifying the number of threads that can execute concurrent marking in parallel

Specifies the number of threads that can execute processing for Concurrent Marking in parallel when G1GC is enabled.

7.18.5 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis

Specifying the target amount of time for which applications are stopped by GC for G1GC

Specifies the target amount of time (in milliseconds) for which applications are stopped by GC for G1GC.

7.18.6 -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize

Specifying the maximum value of the Metaspace area

Specifies the maximum value of the Metaspace area.

7.18.7 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold

Specifying the threshold value for the number of times Java objects are replaced in the From space and in the To space when CopyGC is executed

Specifies the threshold for the number of times Java objects are replaced in the From space and in the To space when CopyGC is executed. After the specified threshold is exceeded, the Java objects to be replaced are moved to the Tenured area.

7.18.8 -XX:MetaspaceSize

Specifying the standard value for the full GC that originated in the Metaspace area

Specifies the standard value for the full GC that originated in the Metaspace area.

7.18.9 -XX:NewRatio

Specifying the ratio of the Tenured area to the New area

Specifies the ratio of the Tenured area to the New area.

7.18.10 -XX:ParallelGCThreads

Specifying the number of threads that can execute G1GC in parallel

Specifies the number of threads that can execute G1GC in parallel.

7.18.11 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize

Specifying the maximum size of the code cache area

Specifies the maximum size of the code cache area.

7.18.12 -XX:SurvivorRatio

Specifying the ratio of the Eden area to each of the following spaces in the Survivor area: the From space and the To space

Specifies the ratio of the New::Eden area to each of the following spaces in the New::Survivor area: the From space and the To space.

7.18.13 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio

Specifying the target proportion of the Java objects in the Survivor area after GC is executed

Specifies the target proportion (0% to 100%) of the New::Survivor area that is to be made up of Java objects after GC is executed.

7.18.14 -XX:[+|-]UseG1GC

Executing G1GC

Specifies whether to execute G1GC.

This option cannot be specified at the same time as the options (UseSerialGC and HitachiUseExplicitMemory).

7.18.15 -XX:[+|-]UseSerialGC

Executing SerialGC

Specifies whether to execute SerialGC.

7.18.16 -verbose:information-type

Outputting the information specified in information_type

Outputs the information specified in information_type.

7.18.17 -Xloggc:file

Outputting logs to file whenever a GC event occurs

Similar to -verbose:gc, a report is sent whenever a GC event occurs. In addition, data about the event is recorded in file. In addition to the information reported when -verbose:gc is specified, the amount of time (in seconds) that has elapsed from the first GC event is included at the beginning of each event report.

7.18.18 -Xms

Specifying the initial size of the JavaHeap

Specifies the initial size of the JavaHeap.

7.18.19 -Xmx

Specifying the maximum size of the JavaHeap

Specifies the maximum size of the JavaHeap.

7.18.20 -Xprof

Generating the profile for a running program, and outputting the profiling data to the standard output

If you specify this option, the profile for a running program is generated, and the profiling data is output to the standard output. This option is provided as a program development utility. This option is not intended for use in a system that is running in the production environment.

7.18.21 -Xss

Specifying the maximum area size per stack

Specifies the maximum area size per stack.

Environment variables used in Java VM

Environment variables



7.19.1 JAVA_HRAS

An environment variable that enables the java command to be executed

If you execute the java command with this option specified, you will be able to execute Java application programs that do not link with Application Server.


Specifying the directory where thread dump files are output

Specifies the directory where thread dump files are output in the batch file.


An environment variable that enables the javaw command to be executed

If you execute the javaw command with this option specified, you will be able to execute Java application programs that do not link with Application Server.