
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

7.11.10 -XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryAutoRefReclaim

-XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryAutoRefReclaim specifies whether to enable the functionality that saves the amount of memory in the Explicit heap that is used for HTTP sessions.


-XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryAutoRefReclaim specifies whether to enable the functionality that saves the amount of memory in the Explicit heap that is used for HTTP sessions.

If this functionality is disabled, the automatic release of the Explicit memory blocks created by Application Server will not be reserved automatically.

If this functionality is enabled, automatic release will be automatically reserved for the Explicit memory blocks created by Application Server to be allocated HTTP session objects, and the Explicit memory blocks created by the automatic deployment configuration file. As a result, you can reduce the required Explicit heap size.

However, if this functionality is enabled, you must pay attention to the operation information that is output.

Table 7‒9: Items that are output differently in the operation information file

Type of operation information

Item (character string output in the header file)

If the memory-saving functionality is enabled

If the memory-saving functionality is disabled

Number of the Explicit memory blocks acquired by the HTTP session




A value other than the number of enabled HTTP sessions in the system is output, because an internal operation has been applied to the value.

The number of enabled HTTP sessions in the system is output.

Size of the Explicit heap area used by the application



The sum of the following two values is output: size_of_the_Explicit_memory_subject_to_automatic_release_by_this_functionality and size_of_the_Explicit_memory_used_by_the_automatic_deployment_functionality.

The size of the Explicit memory used by the automatic deployment functionality is output.

Prerequisite option
  • -XX:+HitachiExplicitMemoryAutoReclaim



Specifiable values

Type: String


Enables the memory-saving functionality for the Explicit heap used by the HTTP session.


Disables the memory-saving functionality for the Explicit heap used by the HTTP session.

Default value

If the definition item is omitted:
