
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

7.11.11 -XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryCompatibleToV8

-XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryCompatibleToV8 specifies whether to allocate Explicit memory blocks by using the same method as the method used in 08-00.


-XX:[+|-]HitachiExplicitMemoryCompatibleToV8 specifies whether to allocate Explicit memory blocks by using the same method as the method used in 08-00. Enable this option if the applications that were used in 08-00 are to be used in 08-50, instead of the new functionality implemented in 08-50 and later.

Note that, if this option is enabled, the automatic release function of the explicit memory management functionality is disabled.

Prerequisite option
  • -XX:+HitachiUseExplicitMemory

Related options
  • -XX:+HitachiExplicitMemoryAutoReclaim

  • -XX:+HitachiAutoExplicitMemory



Specifiable values

Type: String


Allocates Explicit memory blocks by using the same method as the method used in 08-00.


Allocates Explicit memory blocks by using a method other than the method used in 08-00.

Default value

If the definition item is omitted:
