
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

7.11.13 -XX:HitachiExplicitMemoryJavaLogFileSize

-XX:HitachiExplicitMemoryJavaLogFileSize specifies the maximum size (in bytes) per log file of the explicit memory management functionality.


-XX:HitachiExplicitMemoryJavaLogFileSize specifies the maximum size (in bytes) per file.

Related option
  • -XX:HitachiJavaLogFileSize



Specifiable values


Type: Integer

Specify an integer (in bytes) from 8192 to 2147483647.

If the specified value is outside of the specifiable range, 8192 is set.

Default value

If the definition item is omitted:
For the wraparound method:


For the shift method:



If a value other than a natural number is specified, the behavior will be the same as when an undefined option is specified.