
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.2 Importing definition information

This section explains the procedures for taking unit information defined on the manager host and loading into the definition information management template for JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant.

To perform import:

  1. From the Start menu of Windows, select All Programs, JP1_Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant, and then Import definition information.#1

    The master file for the definition information management template opens.

    Import is performed from either the master file of the definition information management template#2, or a copy of the master file saved under another name. Import cannot be performed from the execution result file.


    You can also open the definition information management template directly by double-clicking the master file, or from JP1/AJS3 - View.


    -In the 32-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant:

    installation-folder-of-JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant\bin\AJS2DAMASTER.XLS

    -In the 64-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant:

    installation-folder-of-JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant\bin\AJS2DAMASTER.XLSM

  2. Click the IMPORT button.

    The Import of unit definition dialog box is displayed. If the JP1 user name, the name of the manager host to be connected, the name of the scheduler service, and the unit name to be imported have been set in the environment settings file, the values set will be displayed as the defaults.

    Note that according to the specifications of the machine that you are using, it might take a long time for the Import dialog box to appear, because the machine environment is checked after the IMPORT button is clicked.

    Figure 4‒2: The Import of unit definition dialog box (When the user authentication function is not used)


    Figure 4‒3: The Import of unit definition dialog box (When the user authentication function is used)


  3. Enter the information for the import target.

    Enter the following items:

    • User name (Only when the user authentication function is used)

      Specify the JP1 user name that will be used for import.

    • Password (Only when the user authentication function is used)

      Specify the password of the JP1 user that will be used for import.

    • Host name

      Enter the name of the manager host from which to perform import.

    • Service name

      Enter the name of the scheduler service from which to import.

    • Character code type

      This field displays a grayed out drop-down list with C selected, which indicates that the character code type of the connection target is assumed to be C.

    • Unit name

      Enter the complete name of the unit not exceeding 930 bytes. Wildcards such as * and ? can be used for a unit name at the lowest level, but cannot be used for the complete name of an upper unit.

      The following are example unit names.


      [Figure] Imports the definition information of all units under the root job group.


      [Figure] Imports the definition information of all units under /GROUP.


      [Figure] Imports all definition information for units under /GROUP/NET.


      [Figure] Imports definition information for units with unit names starting with A, under /GROUP/NET.

    The input items in the Import of unit definition dialog box cannot be omitted.

  4. Click the OK button.

    Import processing starts.

  5. Check the import results.

    If import terminates normally, the KAVZ0302-I message dialog box is displayed. Click the OK button, and check the execution results, which are output to an execution result file. For details about the name of these files and the folder to which the files are output, see A.2 Files created during import and export. The information for any messages output to the definition information management template is displayed above the input and display fields. Act accordingly based on the displayed message ID.

Note that you can perform automatic import when the template is opened, by specifying the environment settings parameters ahead of time. For details about the environment settings parameters, see 3.2 Environment settings parameters.