
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

I. Glossary


32-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant

JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant that is used with the 32-bit version of Excel (Office).

64-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant

JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant that is used with the 64-bit version of Excel (Office).


action job

A job that sends emails, message queues, and notification events for JP1/IM and JP1/Cm2 statuses.

agent host

A host that executes jobs as requested by a manager host. This is the host on which JP1/AJS3 - Agent is installed.

Note that you can install JP1/AJS3 - Manager on an agent host because JP1/AJS3 - Manager has JP1/AJS3 - Agent functionality.

Once execution for a requested job is completed, the agent host receives the execution results (return value) of the execution file, and sends the job execution results to the manager host.


base day

The day on which a month starts, in the calendar information.

base time

The time at which a day starts and ends for JP1/AJS operation.

For example, if the base time is set to 8:00, anything up to 7:59 is treated as the previous day.


calendar information

Information about open days and closed days for operation. This information can be defined for each job group. This information is used to decide on which days jobnets within the job group are executed, and on which days they are not, but note that such jobnets may be executed on closed days if set to be shifted.

You can also set the base day, base month, and base time, to suit operation.

closed day

A day on which a jobnet is not executed. Note that such jobnets may be executed on closed days if set to be shifted.

custom job

A job defined ahead of time, to execute a job having a certain function. In addition to the standard custom jobs provided for file transmission and job requests for mainframes, you can also register as a custom job a job used often during operation. When registering a job as a custom job, you can create special icons, pictures, or dialog boxes for entering job information.

Note that when using a custom job you must install any programs required by the job.


definition information management template

An Excel file that can be used to manager JP1/AJS definition information in a list format. You can use such Excel functions as auto-fill and auto-filtering to improve the efficiency of entering and editing definition information. By defining JP1/AJS definition information according to the displayed items, you can perform unit definition more efficiently. The template also provides import, export, and error-checking functions, which you can operate by clicking the corresponding buttons.

Note that definition information management template is a general term for master files (including replicas) and execution result files.



error information file

A file that contains the unit definition parameters for which an error occurred, when definition information is individually or batch defined, and an error occurs in the execution of the ajsdefine command. You can use this to find out what kind of error existed in the definition information, so that you can fix the displayed parameters.

event job

A job that monitors the occurrence of a certain event within the system. By starting an event job, you can start monitoring file updates and message reception.

execution result file

A file that is output when import or export is performed from the definition information management template. This is the same file as the definition information management template, but saved under a different name. This name contains the operation performed, as well as the execution time. The file itself contains the target information (the names of the target host, the target service, and the target unit) for when operation was performed. You can use this file to understand at what time what kind of operation was performed for which target, making it easier to track changes in definition information.

For details about the location in which these files are saved automatically, or about the format of the names of these files, see A. Files and Directories.


Refers to applying to the connection destination manager host JP1/AJS definition information edited using the definition information management template. You can individually and batch define definition information, as well as delete or modify it. Export operations can be performed from a master file saved under another name, or from an import or export execution result file. Once export is completed, the definition information management template is automatically saved under another name, and the operation output results are output as an execution result file.


fixed execution registration

An execution registration method in which an execution time is calculated based on a schedule definition, a jobnet is started according to that time, and processing starts.

fixed schedule

A schedule fixed by an absolute time, as determined by fixed execution registration.


Hostlink jobnet

A jobnet defined in JP1/AJS to monitor another jobnet that is managed by a mainframe scheduler service. A host link jobnet is managed in units of JP1/AJS for Mainframe net groups, to link to the mainframe jobnet.



Refers to obtaining JP1/AJS definition information defined on the connection destination manager host, and bringing it into the definition information management template. Import operations can be executed from the master file (AJS2DAMASTER.XLS or AJS2DAMASTER.XLSM), or from a master file saved under another name. Once import is completed, the master file is automatically saved under another name, and the operation output results are output as an execution result file.



A collection of items such as commands, shell scripts, and Windows execution files.

job group

A folder for dividing and managing multiple operations.


A collection of jobs related by order of execution. When a jobnet is executed, the jobs within it are automatically executed according to their execution order.

jobnet connector

A unit for controlling the control execution order of a root jobnet. The jobnet connector has a connection relation with the controlled root jobnet and waits for the jobnet to start or end.

JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications

A program that controls SAP system jobs, such as entering, deleting, and monitoring SAP jobs, from a system other than SAP.

By registering custom jobs for JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications during definition of a JP1/AJS jobnet, you can automatically execute SAP jobs from JP1/AJS.


A program that provides the event service function, enabling control over such things as the order in which services start, and the transmission of JP1 events. JP1/Base is required to run JP1/IM, JP1/AJS, and JP1/Power Monitor. By using JP1/IM and JP1/AJS on a system, you can control the operations of JP1 users.

JP1 user

A user name for using JP1/AJS or JP1/IM. By registering with the authentication server as a JP1 user, you can control access to monitoring targets (resources).

judgment job

A job that judges specified conditions, and executes subordinate jobs or jobnets as the judgment results dictate.

judgment value

A value used to judge whether a job terminated normally or abnormally.


manager host

A host that manages jobnet definition information and schedule information in a database, and executes jobs by requesting execution from agent hosts. This is the host on which JP1/AJS3 - Manager is installed.

Jobnet execution schedules are created on manager hosts, based on defined schedule information. When an execution start time is reached, the manager host starts an execution file defined as a job, sends the job definition information to an agent host, and has the agent host execute the job. When execution is completed, the manager host receives the job execution results on the agent host, and applies them to the database. The manager host can then use this information to execute subsequent jobs and create the next execution schedule.

manager job group

A job group for monitoring, from JP1/AJS3 - Manager, operations on another JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

manager jobnet

A jobnet for monitoring, from JP1/AJS3 - Manager, operations on another JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

master file

A definition information management template that contains no definition information.

  • In the 32-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant

    The master file is kept in the folder JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant-installation-folder\bin, under the name AJS2DAMASTER.XLS.

  • In the 64-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant

    The master file is kept in the folder JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant-installation-folder\bin, under the name AJS2DAMASTER.XLSM.

You can display the master file by choosing, from the Start menu, JP1_Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant, and then Import definition information. You can also open the master file by double clicking AJS2DAMASTER.XLS or AJS2DAMASTER.XLSM in Explorer.

Only import can be performed from the master file. To perform export, replicate the master file by saving it under a different name. You can also perform import from a replicated master file.

The master file contains various settings for worksheets and cells. If these settings are changed, some functions may no longer function properly, so do not change these settings, and do not update the master file.

maximum number of shift days

The number of days for the interval within which another execution day is searched for, when the original shifted day is a closed day.

maximum number of substitute days

The number of days for the interval within which another substitute day is searched for, when the original substitute day is a closed day.


nested jobnet

A jobnet defined within another jobnet.


open day

A day on which a jobnet is executed.


planned execution registration

An execution registration method in which a jobnet is started and processing starts, based on a schedule definition.

planning group

A unit for regularly switching and executing multiple root jobnets. By creating within a planning group multiple root jobnets whose definitions differ from each other, and defining different schedules for each one, you can automatically switch an execute jobnets, based on a specified schedule.

previous job

A job executed immediately before another job or jobnet.

previous jobnet

A jobnet executed immediately before another job or jobnet.

processing cycle

The duration between one jobnet execution start day and the next. You can define the processing cycle so that jobnets are executed on a regular basis.


recovery job

A job executed when the previous job or jobnet terminates abnormally.

recovery jobnet

A jobnet executed when the previous job or jobnet terminates abnormally.

registration for immediate execution

An execution registration method used for starting a jobnet, and starting processing, at the same time as execution registration.


schedule by days from start

A schedule defined to re-calculate the next scheduled execution day, treating the next scheduled execution day, as originally decided according to the execution start day, processing cycle, and closed-day substitution, as the start date.

schedule information file

A text file containing schedule information parameters, which are used as input information when jobnets are registered for fixed execution by command.

schedule rule

Information about a jobnet, such as the execution start day and processing cycle. A maximum of 144 schedule rules can be defined for a single jobnet.

scheduler service

A service that manages schedules for jobnet execution, and that performs processing based on those schedules. Scheduler services manage the units under the root job group that has the same name as a given unit.

Multiple scheduler services can run on one manager, enabling each scheduler service to manage a root job group. For example, when a scheduler service is run for each operation, each scheduler service can perform parallel execution (of jobnets and jobs) independently, without being affected by other scheduler services.

start condition

When executing a jobnet based on a certain event, the conditions that need to be satisfied for the jobnet to be executed.

subordinate job

A job that is executed based on the judgment results of a judgment job.

subordinate jobnet

A jobnet that is executed based on the judgment results of a judgment job.

subsequent job

A job executed immediately after another job or jobnet.

subsequent jobnet

A jobnet executed immediately after another job or jobnet.


Refers to executing a jobnet on another day when the next execution day as determined by the schedule is a closed day.


Refers to preventing execution of a root jobnet, or the units below it.

When you change the definition of units below a root jobnet registered for execution, you must suspend the root jobnet to prevent any mistaken operations, such that caused by a discrepancy between definition processing and execution control processing. By suspending the root jobnet, you can change definitions in synchronizing execution control processing.



A value used to judge the termination status of a job. You can define thresholds for abnormal termination and warning termination for a job.

time-out period

The time after which a forced cancellation is performed for an executed job if no response is received from the job, or the job does not terminate.



An element consisting of operations that can be automated by JP1/AJS (for example, a job group, jobnet, or job).

unit definition parameter file

A text file containing unit definition parameters, which are used as input information when units are defined by commands.