
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.3 Exporting definition information

Enter information for jobnets and jobs into the definition information management template, and send it to the manager host for registration. There are four kinds of export operations: batch export, individual export, modification and deletion.

To perform export, first enter jobnet and job information in the definition information management template.

If defined units already exist, you can facilitate definition by importing the units' definition information, and adding any changes to the execution result file. If an import or export execution result file already exists, you can open it to add changes.

In addition to using existing execution result files, you can also enter unit definition information into a new definition information management template. In this case, copy the master file of the definition information management template#, save it under another name, and open it to enter unit definition information. For details about how to create definition information, see 4.3.1 Creating unit definitions. Note that export cannot be performed from the master file of the definition information management template. Always copy the file and save it under another name.

  • In the 32-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant:

    JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant-installation-folder\bin\AJS2DAMASTER.XLS

  • In the 64-bit version of JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant:

    JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant-installation-folder\bin\AJS2DAMASTER.XLSM

When you finished entering and editing definition information, click the EXPORT button to send the definition information to the manager host.

When export is performed with multiple functions specified, processing is performed in the following order: batch, individual, change, and delete. When you use the batch definition function for export, the export is not completed even if just one error occurs. When you use the individual definition function, modification function, and deletion function for export, the operation continues even if an error occurs. Note that when both batch definition and individual definition are used, the operation of the individual definition function continues even if an error occurs in the batch definition function.

When export is performed with multiple functions, the unit name specified in the Export of unit definition dialog box is valid for all units whose section is specified as Batch. The export destination of units whose section is specified as Individual, Change, Delete is determined by Unit name and Complete name of upper unit in the Unit definition information section.

Once export has been performed, you can facilitate management of the updated information by importing the latest definition information and saving it to an execution result file.

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