
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

A.2 Files created during import and export

The following files are created when import or export is performed:

An error occurs if an attempt is made to create or save the above files when the destination folder does not exist. When changing the destination folder to something other than that set during setup, make sure that the folder is already created.

The following describes each file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Execution result files

When import or export is performed, the definition information management template used during operation is saved under a different name, as an execution result file.

The following table lists the execution result files. The file names are different between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Table A‒2: Execution result files

Bit versions


File name



Import execution result file



Export execution result file



Import execution result file


Export execution result file



YY: The year of the execution date (last two digits)#2

MM: The month of the execution date (in two digits)#2

DD: The day of the execution date (in two digits)#2

hh: The hour of the execution date (in two digits)#2

mm: The hour of the execution date (in two digits)#2

ss: The second of the execution date (in two digits)#2

xxx: The millisecond of the execution date (in three digits)#2


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.


Execution date means, to be precise, the date and time at which importing or exporting starts.

The number of execution result files saved is limited to the maximum specified by the MAX-BACKUP-FILENUM environment settings parameter. When the maximum number of files is reached, import and export cannot be performed. In this case, save these files in another location, or delete them, and then perform import or export again.

(2) Temporary files

When import or export is performed, a temporary file is created for modifying command remote execution results in the list format of the definition information management template. This file is created before, and deleted after, command remote execution.

The following table lists the temporary files.

Table A‒3: Temporary files




Temporary file for import results modification

Contains information about the process of modifying import results in the list format of the definition information management template


Temporary file during export execution

Contains unit definition parameters passed to the ajsdefine command during export, and error messages for the executed command.



The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

(3) Error information files

If an error occurs with the ajsdefine command when definition information is individually or batch exported, the unit definition parameter for which the error occurred is moved from the folder for temporary files during export execution, and saved as an error information file, to facilitate error analysis.

The following table describes the error information file.

Table A‒4: Error information file




Error information file




YY: The year of the export execution date (last two digits)

MM: The month of the export execution date (in two digits)

DD: The day of the export execution date (in two digits)

hh: The hour of the export execution date (in two digits)

mm: The hour of the export execution date (in two digits)

ss: The second of the export execution date (in two digits)

xxx: The millisecond of the export execution date (in three digits)

nnnn: A four-digit serial number from 0001 to 1000, for classification when individual execution is specified multiple times


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

The number of error information files saved is limited to the maximum specified by the MAX-ERRLOG-FILENUM environment settings parameter. When the maximum number of files is reached, the oldest file will be deleted to make room for a new one.