L.7 Changes in version 11-01
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Changes in the manuals 3021-3-A06-10(E), 3021-3-A07-10(E), 3021-3-A08-10(E), 3021-3-A09-10(E), 3021-3-A10-10(E), 3021-3-A11-10(E), and 3021-3-A12-10(E)
A description was added indicating that you can search for repeated events consolidated in a consolidation event by specifying the suppressed event ID as a search condition.
A description of the flow of issuing events after display messages changed was added.
The operation log definition file and the model file for the operation log definition file were added to the lists of files and folders that can be referenced and edited by the user.
Restrictions on connecting JP1/Integrated Management - Manager 11-01 and JP1/Integrated Management - View 11-01 to previous versions of products were added.
It is now possible to output the history of login and logout information to action logs.
In the Settings for View Filter window, suppressed event IDs can now be set and the Read Suppressed Event ID From Selected Event button was added.
The jco_spmd_reload command can now be used to apply the definition files.
The operation log definition file (imm_operationlog.conf) was added to the files whose common definition information must be copied from the active server (whose settings are changed) to the standby server in a cluster system.
A description was added indicating that you can search for repeated events consolidated in a consolidation event by specifying the suppressed event ID for the search condition.
The suppressed event ID was added as an item that can be specified in the Event Search Conditions window. In addition, the Read Suppressed Event ID From Selected Event button was added.
Operation log was added as a type of log information.
Information for the following log files was added:
Operation log file
Managed-node count (jimnodecount command) log file
A description of RAS information that is collected if a problem occurs during remote monitoring was added.
In the Event Search Conditions window, the Read Suppressed Event ID From Selected Event button and Suppressed event ID area were added.
A note on specifying the suppressed event ID was added for the Item name drop-down list in the Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window.
In the Settings for View Filter window, the Read Suppressed Event ID From Selected Event button and Suppressed event ID area were added.
A note on executing the jcadefconv command with the -i or -o option specified was added.
The definition file for opening monitor windows was added as a definition file that is enabled when the jco_spmd_reload command is executed.
A note on the handling of control characters when the jimmail command (Windows-specific command) is executed was added.
The jimnodecount command, which counts the number of nodes managed by JP1/IM - Manager, was added.
The operation log definition file (imm_operationlog.conf), which defines whether to output operation log data, the output destination, log file size, and number of files, was added.
A description stating that the definitions in the definition file for opening monitor windows are applied when the jco_spmd_reload command is executed for the file was added.
The following JP1 event ID was added:
The following messages were added:
KAVB0112-E, KAVB1979-E, KAVB1981-I, KAVB1982-E, KAVB8201-E, KAVB8202-E, KAVB8203-E, KAVB8204-E, KAVB8205-E, KAVB8206-E, KAVB8207-E, KAVB8208-E, KAVB8301-W, KAVB8302-W, KAVB8303-W, KAVB8304-E, KAVB8305-W, KAVB8306-E, KAVB8307-W, KNAN30000-I, KNAN30001-W, KNAN30002-I, KNAN30003-W
The following messages were changed:
KAVB1689-W, KAVB4627-W, KNAN11202-I, KNAN11207-I
Linkage with JP1/IM - Central Information Master is disabled.