L.8 Changes in version 11-00
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Changes in the manuals 3021-3-A06(E), 3021-3-A07(E), 3021-3-A08(E), 3021-3-A09(E), 3021-3-A10-01(E), 3021-3-A11(E), and 3021-3-A12(E)
The following operating systems are now supported:
Windows 10
Linux 7
SUSE Linux 12
Oracle Linux 7, Oracle Linux 6
CentOS 7, CentOS 6
The following operating systems are no longer supported:
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Linux 5
The user can now group JP1 events in desired units and manage them (addition of program-specific attributes).
SSL communication is now supported between a host and a manager host (communication encryption function).
Program-specific extended attributes of JP1 events can now be displayed under any item names in the events list in the Event Console window and output to event reports (program-specific extended attribute display function).
Desired item names can now be used when program-specific extended attributes are specified in event conditions, such as view filters and event receiver filters (program-specific extended attribute specification function).
JP1 event messages can now be converted to a predefined message display format (display message change function).
The OpenStack base and virtual machines and physical servers on OpenStack can now be monitored for failures.
The REST API of JP1/AO can now be used to perform operations, such as changing monitoring settings and adding users.
Notes have been added regarding system configurations in which multiple sites are monitored.
Descriptions have been added for the LANG language environment settings to indicate that the SJIS encoding can be used only in SUSE Linux in a Linux environment.
Descriptions have been added to the preparations for using functions.
JP1 events can now be issued so that JP1 event messages that have been changed by the display message change function can be referenced by user programs (events issued after display message change) (JP1/IM - MO compatibility function).
Descriptions of how to update and recover the IM database have been added.
Descriptions of the relationship between JP1 events that are issued by BJEX or JP1/AS and JP1/IM apply only to response-waiting events, as Windows versions now support response-waiting events.
The data to be collected in the event of an error has been added and changed.
The default or initial value for the following window items was changed:
In the Preferences window, the default value for Scroll buffer on the Monitor Events page was changed from 500 to 2,000.
In the Preferences window, the default value for Num. of events to acquire in 1 search on the Monitor Events page was changed from 20 to 100.
In the Preferences window, the initial value for the check box Save the page that was displayed when the window was closed, and the application state of the view filter on the Event Attributes page was changed from disabled to enabled.
In the Preferences window, the initial value for Coloring on the Event Attributes page was changed from disabled to enabled.
In the Preferences window, the initial value for the Include the Severe Events page radio button under Coloring on the Event Attributes page was changed from disabled to enabled.
In the Preferences window, the default value for Action Log on the Command Execution page was changed from 100 to 10,000.
In the System Environment Settings window (General page), the default value for Event buffer was changed from 500 to 2,000.
In the Conditions for Updating List of Action Results window, the default value for Update method was changed from Update manually to Update automatically.
In the Conditions for Updating List of Action Results window, the default value for Num. to display was changed from 20 to 200.
The default timeout period set in the communication environment definition file (view.conf.update) was changed from 2,500 to 60,000 milliseconds.
The default values for the following command options and definition parameters were changed:
The default value for -cmdbtn in the jcoimdef command was changed from OFF to ON.
Previously, the menu for starting the IM Configuration Management viewer was not registered by specifying -i in the jcovcfsetup command during installation, but the menu is now registered during installation.
The default value for EventCount (number of event buffers) in the system profile (.system) was changed from 500 to 2,000.
The default value for a timeout in the communication environment definition file (console.conf.update) was changed from 2,500 to 60,000 milliseconds.
The on-memory mode of the status change condition that is specified in the definition file for the on-memory mode of the status change condition was changed from disabled to enabled.
The following JP1 event IDs have been added:
00003F6A, 00003F76, 00003F77, 00003F78, 00006400
The following messages have been added:
KAVB0233-Q, KAVB0517-W, KAVB1192-E, KAVB1596-W to KAVB1598-Q, KAVB1936-E to KAVB1965-E, KAVB1969-W to KAVB1978-E, KAVB2567-E, KAVB2626-E, KAVB2630-E to KAVB2640-W, KAVB3164-E to KAVB3172-W, KAVB3915-E to KAVB3918-E, KAVB4620-W to KAVB4641-W, KAVB4803-I, KAVB5759-W, KAVB5800-I to KAVB5804-E, KAVB5806-E, KAVB5809-E to KAVB5810-E, KAVB5820-W to KAVB5822-W, KAVB6601-E to KAVB6604-W, KAVB6610-E to KAVB6616-E, KAVB7580-E to KAVB7586-E, KAVB7810-E, KAVB7812-E to KAVB7814-E, KAVB7818-E, KAVB8608-W to KAVB8610-W, KAVB8810-I to KAVB8820-W, KAVB9251-E to KAVB9252-E, KAVB9255-E, KAVB9256-E, KNAN11204-E to KNAN11210-W, KNAN20121-E to KNAN20124-W, KNAN20131-E to KNAN20137-E, KNAN20141-E to KNAN20144-W, KNAN20151-E to KNAN20157-E, KNAN24150-E to KNAN24151-E, KNAN24153-E, KNAN24155-E, KNAN29090-E to KNAN29091-E, KNAN29093-E to KNAN29095-E, KNAN29097-W to KNAN29098-E
The following messages have been changed:
KAVB0013-E to KAVB0015-E, KAVB0106-E, KAVB0108-E, KAVB0111-E, KAVB0121-E, KAVB0229-I to KAVB0231-E, KAVB0311-W, KAVB0411-E, KAVB0413-E, KAVB0535-I to KAVB0536-I, KAVB0872-E, KAVB1202-E to KAVB1203-E, KAVB1205-E, KAVB1509-E, KAVB1535-E, KAVB1541-E, KAVB1652-E, KAVB1682-E, KAVB1686-E to KAVB1688-W, KAVB2002-I, KAVB2003-E, KAVB2027-E, KAVB2051-I, KAVB2071-W, KAVB2103-E, KAVB2239-E, KAVB2323-E, KAVB2557-W, KAVB2605-E to KAVB2608-E, KAVB2614-E, KAVB2618-E to KAVB2621-E, KAVB3078-E, KAVB3093-E, KAVB3101-E, KAVB3107-E, KAVB3149-E, KAVB3156-W, KAVB3158-E, KAVB3647-E, KAVB3828-E, KAVB4253-W, KAVB6210-E, KAVB6251-E, KAVB7003-E, KAVB7155-E, KAVB7204-E, KAVB7607-E, KAVB8060-E, KAVB8428-W, KAVB8454-W, KNAN11173-E, KNAN11197-I to KNAN11200-I, KNAN20102-E, KNAN20228-E, KNAN21002-E, KNAN22012-E, KNAN22267-E, KNAN22701-E to KNAN22702-E, KNAN22805-E to KNAN22806-E, KNAN23003-E, KNAN29002-E, KNAN29007-E, KNAN29082-E
The following message has been deleted: