
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

N. Glossary


add-on program

A program of additional features that you install on integrated agent host.

agent package

A compressed set of JP1/IM-Agent installers.

Alertmanager(alert forwarder)

An OSS that receives and processes alerts for client applications. Convert alerts received from Prometheus server (performance data collection capability) into JP1 events and register them with JP1/IM-Manager.

Also, user-defined Alertmanager refers to Alertmanager that are not shipped with your JP1/IM-Agent.

access token

A token issued to clients by an OpenID provider, which contains information regarding specific access rights, including scope and duration.

action-excluded event

An event that is excluded from automated-action execution by a common exclusion-condition where the exclusion target is set to the action.

additional common exclusion-conditions

Exclusion-conditions you can define by using monitored JP1 events while the system is running. You can exclude unnecessary JP1 events during monitoring. These conditions remain defined until the system is reconfigured. You can define these conditions in the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window.

additional repeated event conditions

New repeated event conditions you define during system operation when you want to suppress the monitoring of specific repeated events. Additional repeated event conditions enable you to suppress the monitoring of repeated events that occur while the system is running. You can define the additional conditions in the Repeated Event Condition Settings window.


In JP1/IM, a host managed by a manager, or a program managed by a manager program.

JP1/Base acts as the agent program in a JP1/IM system, receiving processing requests from JP1/IM - View and JP1/IM - Manager, and performing tasks such as managing JP1 events and executing commands.

Each agent runs JP1/Base, which provides the core functionality for the JP1/IM system.

agent configuration

A JP1/IM system configuration that consists of a manager on which JP1/Base is running and monitored agents.


To verify the identity of users.


To authorize access to JP1/IM by users having the required permission levels.


A function that automatically generates a monitoring tree in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

By generating a tree automatically, and then customizing it to suit your mode of operation, you can easily set up an environment to perform system monitoring based on a monitoring tree.

A monitoring tree represents the system to be monitored by JP1/IM in tree format, with the nodes to be monitored arranged upon it. Every node in the tree needs to be defined, and the JP1/IM auto-generation function can produce this huge amount of definition information automatically. Using this function, you can automatically collect definition information from the hosts to be monitored by JP1/IM, and automatically create a monitoring tree. If the system is reconfigured, you can extract the differences between the new and existing monitoring trees as difference information.

automated actions

A function that automatically executes a command as an action when a specific JP1 event is received.

Using an automated action, you can, for example, execute a command to inform the system administrator of an important event that occurred while JP1/IM was monitoring the system. In an automated action definition, you can specify conditions for executing the action and the command to be executed as the action.


basic attribute

Information (an attribute) held by all JP1 events.

See also JP1 event.

basic information

Basic information held by the monitoring nodes that make up a monitoring tree in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

In the case of a monitoring group, the name that identifies the group is basic information.

For example, you can assign a group name such as Daily accounting routines or Database server group to jobs or servers grouped according to the monitoring objectives.

In the case of a monitoring object, the information for identifying the object is basic information.

For example, you can define a combination of information, such as a jobnet name together with a host name, for identifying the monitoring object within the system.

Basic information can be used, for example, when searching for monitoring nodes or in the conditions (individual conditions in a status change condition) for identifying the node concerned when a JP1 event occurs in the job or resource being monitored.

Bearer Token

A form of security token that controls access to a subject (for example, a URL indicates a HTTP authentication).


A batch job execution system used for the batch processing of the data collected for a specific period of time.

business group

A unit of monitored hosts that are grouped by using JP1/IM - IM Configuration Management based on a certain purpose, such as units of systems used for individual businesses or the scope of monitoring targets for individual system administrators. For each business group, you can manage the scope of JP1 events that can be viewed in the Event Console window (Central Console) or the Monitoring Tree window (Central Scope), and the scope of monitoring settings that can be operated.


category node

A node that groups together subcategory nodes or object nodes. You can define node names and their display order by using the category name definition file for IM management nodes (imdd_category_name.conf).

Central Console

A program that enables integrated system management by centrally managing events in the system based on JP1 events.

In the Central Console, events occurring on the various hosts in the system are managed using JP1 events. The more important JP1 events, which need to be managed or dealt with in some way, are forwarded to a manager where they can be centrally managed. By monitoring these JP1 events in a viewer (the Event Console window), the user can monitor the whole system.

The Central Console also supports automated actions that execute a command automatically in response to specific JP1 events, and provides functionality for operating on the system from a viewer.

These features of the Central Console enable the user to efficiently perform the monitoring, error investigation, and troubleshooting tasks involved in system management.

Central Scope

A program that enables objective-oriented system monitoring via a graphical user interface matched to the objectives of the system administrator.

In the Central Scope, the hosts, programs, jobs, and other system resources that need to be monitored are displayed in a tree view in a Monitoring Tree window. Because the relationships between the monitored objects are presented visually, the user has a clear picture of the likely impact of any problem in the system.

The Visual Monitoring window lets you display key resources and functions that you need to watch closely in a map view. You can arrange the monitoring points as icons on a map, organizational chart, or other background image. This allows the administrator to centrally monitor the system, no matter how large, from the required viewpoints.


Electronic information that validates the identity of the communication target when information is exchanged in an open corporate information system. Identify fraud by third parties is avoided by using encryption technology. Certificates are issued by certification authorities. JP1/IM - Manager supports the X509 PEM format.

Certificate Signing Request

A request for certificate signing for issuance of a server certificate. A CSR contains information about a public key and other information, such as organization name and location. The certification authority signs the submitted CSR and then issues it as a server certificate.

client application

A command executed on a client host (viewer) by using the client application execution function.

See also client application execution function.

0client application execution function

A function that allows you to execute commands on a client host (viewer) in the Execute Command window.

client ID

An ID that represents client information maintained by the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, which is set upon registration with the OpenID provider.

client secret

Confidential information used by the Intelligent Integrated Management Base to verify the identity of its clients during authentication.

cluster system

A system in which multiple servers work together as a single system.

A cluster system is designed to ensure uninterrupted job processing and to enhance availability by having another server continue processing if a failure occurs. The processing of another server taking over processing is known as failover.

If the active server (primary node) fails, the standby server (secondary node) takes over. Because the job processing is switched from the active to the standby node, a cluster system is also called a node switching system.

Cluster systems include load-sharing systems with multiple servers that perform parallel processing. In this manual, however, cluster system refers only to failover functionality for preventing interruption of job processing.

command execution log

A generic name for the database in which an execution log is recorded when a command is executed from JP1/IM - View or a command is executed in an automated action.

The logs for command execution from JP1/IM - View and for command execution in automated actions are managed separately. The file names generated in practice are as follows.

  • Command execution logs for command execution from JP1/IM - View: CMDISAMLOGV8.*

  • Command execution logs for command execution in automated actions: ACTISAMLOGV8.*

common condition

A status change condition that applies to all monitoring objects of the same type in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

See also status change condition.

common definition information

A database containing the definition parameters for the JP1 execution environment.

Common definition information is managed by JP1/Base and is used by JP1/Base, JP1/IM, JP1/AJS, and JP1/Power Monitor 06-02 or later. The database resides on a local disk of each server, and the definition parameters are sorted according to the physical host or logical host to which they apply.

When JP1 is used in a cluster system, the logical host settings in the common definition information residing on the primary and secondary servers must be identical. For this reason, after completing the setup and environment settings on the primary server, you must copy the defined parameters to the secondary server.

common exclusion-conditions

Conditions that form part of an event acquisition filter for selecting JP1 events monitored by JP1/IM, and that consist of a group of conditions to prevent JP1 events from being monitored or exclude them from automated-action execution.

configuration definition

Information defining the configuration of the system managed by JP1/IM.

A configuration definition defines the hierarchy of managers and agents in JP1/IM. Managers can be defined at different levels. For example, you can define lower-level base managers under a higher-level integrated manager.

Configuration definitions are managed by the JP1/IM configuration management functionality.

The information about the host relationships defined in a configuration definition can be used in JP1/IM to specify the hosts to which important JP1 events should be forwarded, for example, or to define the target host for executing a command in an automated action.

configuration management

Information that defines the system hierarchy managed by JP1/IM (IM configuration).

You can manage the system configuration by using IM Configuration Management, or by editing the definition files directly.

Configuration definition information is used to manage the hosts.

See also IM Configuration Management and configuration definition.

consolidated display of repeated events

A function that summarizes identical JP1 events received in succession by JP1/IM - View into a single JP1 event for display on the Monitor Events page or Severe Events page of the Event Console window. By using this function, you can prevent other important JP1 events from being overlooked.

consolidation completion event

An event for which consolidation has been completed.

consolidation event

An event into which JP1 events have been consolidated.

consolidation start event

Of JP1 events that have been consolidated, the first JP1 event that JP1/IM - View receives.

container monitoring feature

This refers to the capabilities of monitoring Kubernetes environments. Alternatively, it refers collectively to the following two monitoring capabilities:

  • Monitoring of Kubernetes environments through user-specific Prometheus

  • Monitoring of Azure Kubernetes Service through Promitor

correlation event

A JP1 event issued by correlation processing. JP1/IM can issue a new JP1 event as a correlation event whenever a related JP1 event is issued. The correlation event and the association between the JP1 events can be defined by the user as a correlation event generation definition.

correlation event generation definition

A definition for issuing correlation events, specifying which types of JP1 events to associate, and the nature of the issued correlation event. A correlation event generation definition consists of a correlation event generation condition name, a filtering condition for the correlation target range, one or more event conditions, a timeout period, an event correlation type, a duplicate attribute value condition, a maximum correlation number, a correlation approval event, and a correlation failure event.

correlation source event

A JP1 event that triggers issue of a correlation event. Correlation source events can be listed in the Related Events (Correlation) window.

See also correlation event.


A core product used to build application server-based systems for developing and running business applications that provide high performance and reliability.

criterion information

Information collected from JP1/IM and linked products for judgment of suggestion display criteria and suggestion activation criteria.

cross root certificate

A certificate that enables a server certificate issued by an intermediate certificate authority to be verified from its root certificate authority.


-> See Certificate Signing Request.



This is a general term for the following three windows displayed on the Dashboard windows of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

  • Dashboard window

    This is a dashboard only window that specifies the URL of the dashboard to the WWW browser or displays it from the [View in a separate window] menu.

  • [Dashboard] Tab

    This window is displayed in the Tabs area of the Integrated Operation Viewer window.

  • [Dashboard Lixt] screen

    This dialog is displayed from the menu [File] - [Dashboard List] of the Integrated Operation Viewer.

delay monitoring

Monitoring of the execution time of an automated action, from start to completion. Delay monitoring is able to detect and notify the user of any automated action that fails to complete within a set time.


error color

A status color that appears when the monitoring node status is other than Initial.

-> See status and status color.

event acquisition filter

A filter for setting detailed conditions about the JP1 events to be acquired by JP1/IM - Manager for display in the Event Console window.

You can use an event acquisition filter to acquire events in JP1/SES format or to suppress acquisition of specific JP1 events.

event being consolidated

An event for which consolidation is still in progress.

event buffer

An area of memory used by JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) to store JP1 events extracted from the event service of JP1/Base.

JP1 events are stored in the event buffer when:

  • JP1/IM - Manage (Central Console) starts

  • JP1 events are stored in the event database of JP1/Base

JP1/IM - View acquires events from the event buffer, not directly from the event service of JP1/Base.

Event Console window

A JP1/IM - View window that shows the JP1 events received by the Central Console in a time series. The Event Console window is the first window that appears when you log in to Central Console.

JP1/IM centrally manages the events generated on the various hosts by recording them as JP1 events and forwarding the more important ones to a JP1/IM manager. By viewing these JP1 events in the Event Console window, you can centrally monitor events occurring in the system.

event database

This file accumulates JP1 events generated on the host where JP1/Base is installed.

event display start-time specification

When you use the integrated monitoring database, you can change the JP1 events listed in the Event Console window of JP1/IM - View by specifying a date and time or by moving the slider in the event display start-time specification area.

event generation condition

A condition that determines the type of status change in a monitoring node in the JP1/IM Central Scope that will cause the node to issue a JP1 event.

A monitoring node manages the status of the job or resource it is monitoring based on JP1 events issued by that job or resource. By defining an event generation condition, a JP1 event can be issued when a monitoring node changes status (that is, when a problem of some kind occurs in the job or resource being monitored), enabling early detection and swift response to any problems.

The JP1 event issued as a result of this condition has the event ID 00003FB0.

event guide function

A function that displays guide information in the JP1/IM Central Console and the Integrated Operation Viewer Window for investigating and resolving JP1 events that occur during system monitoring.

By displaying troubleshooting procedures and other advice on handling JP1 events that could impact on the system, you can reduce the system administrator's workload when a problem occurs.

The event guide function displays guidance targeted to a specific JP1 event. The JP1/IM Central Scope provides a similar function, but targeted to a specific monitoring node.

See also guide function.

event ID

One of the attributes of a JP1 event. An event ID is an identifier indicating the program that issued the event and the nature of the JP1 event. It is a basic attribute and has the attribute name B.ID.

Event IDs are hexadecimal values, such as 7FFF8000.

Event IDs are uniquely assigned by each of the programs in the JP1 series. For details on the JP1 events issued by a specific program, see the documentation for the product concerned.

The values from 0 to 1FFF, and from 7FFF8000 to 7FFFFFFF, are available as user-specifiable event IDs.

A JP1 event is an 8-byte number consisting of a basic code (upper four bytes) and extended code (lower four bytes). Usually only the basic code is used, representing a 4-byte event ID. The extended code is 0, except in special cases, as when set by the user in the API. When both the basic and extended codes need to be included, they are joined with a colon (:) and appear as 7FFF8000:0, for example.

event inheritance function

A function that allows you to specify JP1 event information displayed in the Event Console window as a variable for the following items related to the contents of a command to be executed:

  • The name of the host on which the command is to be executed

  • The command to be executed

  • Environment variable file

For example, when you execute a command for investigating or resolving a problem, you do not have to directly enter the values for the command arguments. You can use variables that specify JP1 event IDs and messages you want to investigate.

event level

One of the attributes of a JP1 event, indicating the severity of an event that occurred in the system.

The event level is common information in the extended attributes of a JP1 event, and the attribute name is E.SEVERITY.

Event levels are Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, and Debug.

event receiver filter

A filter for setting conditions, for individual JP1 users, about the JP1 events that can be viewed in the Event Console window.

Use an event receiver filter when you want to restrict the JP1 events that can be viewed by a particular user who performs operational tasks.

event source host

The host where the event that caused the JP1 event occurred.


A filter condition that filters out JP1 events that match the condition. An exclusion-condition can be specified in an event acquisition filter, view filter, severe events filter, event receiver filter, or event search.


A group of open-source software (OSS) programs that return performance data in metric format at particular URLs. Exporters are publicly available for various monitoring targets, such as operating systems, databases, and clouds.

Here are the Exporters shipped with JP1/IM - Agent:

  • Node exporter (Linux performance data collection capability)

    It is an exporter that collects uptime information of Linux hosts. Use the OSS "Node exporter".

  • Windows exporter (Windows performance data collection capability)

    It is an exporter that collects Windows host health information. Use OSS "windows_exporter".

  • Blackbox exporter (Synthetic metric collector)

    It is an exporter that sends a simulated request to a monitored Internet service on the network and obtains the operation information obtained from the response. Use the OSS "Blackbox exporter".

  • Yet another cloudwatch exporter (Azure Monitor performance data collection capability)

    An exporter that uses AWS CloudWatch to collect uptime information for AWS services in the cloud. Use OSS "YACE - yet another cloudwatch exporter".

Also, the user's own exporter refers to an exporter that is not bundled with JP1/IM - Agent (Exporter published as OSS or self-made Exporter).

The following lists Exporters that come with the IM Exporter add-on programs:

  • Process exporter (Linux process data collection capability)

    This Exporter collects information on processes running on a Linux host. It employs Process exporter from OSS.

  • Promitor (Azure Monitor performance data collection capability)

    This Exporter collects operating information of Azure services on a cloud environment with Azure Monitor. It employs Promitor from OSS.

  • Script exporter (UAP monitoring capability)

    This Exporter collects metrics, such as UAP operating information, by running given scripts. It employs Script exporter from OSS.

extended attribute

Information (an attribute) held by a JP1 event, optionally set by the source program when issuing a JP1 event.

See also JP1 event.



Uninterrupted JP1 processing by transferring JP1 operations to another server when a failure occurs on the active server. Or, switching by the system administrator of the server that is currently executing JP1 processing.

Because the server on a secondary node takes over from the server on the primary node, failover is also known as node switching.

Fluentd (log monitoring function)

An OSS that collects and manages application log data. Used for log traps and log collection.

In addition, your own Fluentd refers to Fluentd that are not shipped with your JP1/IM-Agent.

forwarding filter

A filter set on each JP1/IM host, specifying conditions for the JP1 events to be forwarded from that host and the destination manager to which they are sent.

These settings are registered with the JP1/Base event service, and are known as a forwarding filter in JP1/IM.

In JP1/IM, events occurring in the system are centrally managed as JP1 events. To enable centralized management, JP1 events are forwarded to JP1/IM managers. The particular types of JP1 events to be forwarded are defined in a forwarding filter.


general monitoring object

A monitoring object whose target can be set by the user. A system-monitoring object when edited becomes a general monitoring object.

The monitoring node type is User Monitoring Object.

See also monitoring object.

guide function

A function that displays error causes and action procedures in the JP1/IM Central Scope relating to problems occurring in the system.

By displaying troubleshooting procedures and other advice on handling problems arising during system monitoring, you can reduce the system administrator's workload at the initial response stage.

The guide function displays guidance targeted to a specific monitoring node. The JP1/IM Central Console provides a similar function, but targeted to a specific JP1 event.

See also event guide function.



See Hitachi Compute Systems Manager.

health check function

A function that informs the user, by means of a JP1 event or notification command, when a hangup occurs in a JP1/IM or JP1/Base process.

The JP1/IM health check function can detect hangups in JP1/IM - Manager processes# and in the JP1/Base event service on managers. Detection is reported via a JP1 event or notification command.

The JP1/Base health check function can detect hangups in JP1/Base processes on the local host and on remote hosts. Detection is reported via a JP1 event.

By using the JP1/IM and JP1/Base health check functions in conjunction, you can quickly detect and respond to process errors in JP1/IM or in any instance of JP1/Base configured in the JP1/IM system.


The central scope service, IM Configuration Management service, and IM database service are not supported.


A database management system (DBMS) product for building a relational database scalable to business operations.

Hitachi Compute Blade logical partitioning feature

A product (made by Hitachi, Ltd.) that configures a virtualization environment.

Hitachi Compute Systems Manager

A Hitachi product for managing and operating IT system resources.


A generic name for a suite of integrated network management tools for managing the network configuration, performance, and failures.


ID token

A signed JSON Web Token (JWT).

IM Configuration

A system hierarchy managed by IM Configuration Management. There are two types of system hierarchy: agent configuration and remote monitoring configuration.

See also agent configuration and remote monitoring configuration.

IM Configuration Management

A function that centrally manages the system hierarchy managed by JP1/IM (IM configuration) and the settings of the hosts that compose the system, by using the configuration management function of JP1/IM - Manager from the IM configuration management viewer. By using IM Configuration Management, you can check JP1/Base service activity information and manage the status of the JP1/Base profiles on each host.

See also configuration management.

IM Configuration Management database

A database used by JP1/IM - Manager when implementing IM Configuration Management.

IM database

A database provided by JP1/IM - Manager. IM database is a generic term for the IM Configuration Management database and the integrated monitoring database.

See also IM Configuration Management database and integrated monitoring database.

IM management node

A generic term for management objects and management groups. It is used in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

IM management node type

The type of an IM management node. For example, the IM management node is a root node when ROOT is displayed as its type, or a system node when SYSTEM is displayed as its type.

IM management node tree

Tree-structured data that shows systems managed by JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base). The integrated operation viewer allows you to view the tree-structured data in a sunburst chart or tree chart.


A single occurrence of an event that can lower the quality of an IT service or impede normal system operation.


Each one of the entities that belong to a single metric.

Instances are used by the trend data display function provided by JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base).

For example, the metric disk usage might have several instances, such as disk usage on the C drive and disk usage on the D drive.

individual condition

A status change condition defined for a specific monitoring object in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

See also status change condition.

initial status

The status when the JP1/IM Central Scope has no information about the status of a monitoring node in the monitoring tree.

See also status.

IM management node

An element comprising a tree displayed in the Integrated Operation Viewer window of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base. An IM management node consists of a management object and a management group.

integrated agent

Agent using JP1/IM-Agent.

It consists of "JP1/IM agent control base" and "add-on program" running on integrated agent host.

integrated agent host

Hosts on which integrated agent runs.

If you run integrated agent on a manager host, the host is the manager host and integrated agent host.

Integrated Manager Host

The host where JP1/IM-Manager is running.

integrated monitoring database

A database provided by JP1/IM - Manager for use with the Central Console functionality and the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

integrated operation viewer

A viewer used in JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base). It is a window to visualize information, such as job management and operation monitoring in the systems under integrated management, via a Web browser.

Intelligent Integrated Management Base

A base provided by JP1/IM to give integrated management of a variety of data managed by systems and its relevance and knowledge and share them.

Intelligent Integrated Management Database

This database is used to store various types of information used in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

intermediate CA certificate

A certificate issued by an intermediate certification authority.

IPv4 host

A host for which only an IPv4 address has been set.

IPv4/IPv6 host

A host for which both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address have been set.

IPv6 host

A host for which only an IPv6 address has been set.



A program for running jobs automatically.

Using JP1/AJS, you can execute processing in order according to a set schedule, or initiate processing when a specific event occurs.


A product that creates and executes shell scripts for batch jobs. JP1/Advanced Shell can be split into JP1/Advanced Shell and JP1/Advanced Shell - Developer. JP1/Advanced Shell executes shell scripts for batch jobs. In a narrow sense, JP1/Advanced Shell is called an execution environment. JP1/Advanced Shell makes it possible for the same shell script for a job to be executed on both Windows and UNIX.


A program that manages evidential trace information for IT systems in a company, and supports evaluation and audit of internal controls.


A program that provides the core functionality of JP1/IM.

JP1/Base carries out processing such as the sending and receiving of JP1 events, user management, and startup control. It also serves as the agent in a JP1/IM system.

JP1/Base is a prerequisite program for JP1/IM - Manager.


A program that collects and manages server resources on a network and that monitors processes.

JP1 common definition information

See common definition information.

JP1 event

Information for managing events occurring in the system within the JP1 framework.

The information recorded in a JP1 event is categorized by attribute as follows:

  • Basic attributes

    Held by all JP1 events.

    The basic attribute name for an event ID, for example, is written as B.ID (or simply ID).

  • Extended attributes

    Attributes that are optionally set by the program that issued the JP1 event. An extended attribute consists of the following common information and program-specific information:

    - Common information (extended attribute information in a standard format for all JP1 events)

    - Program-specific information (other information in a format specific to the program issuing the event)

    The extended attribute name for an event level, for example, is written as E.SEVERITY (or simply SEVERITY).

JP1 events are managed by the JP1/Base event service. Events generated in the system are recorded in a database as JP1 events.

jp1hosts information

Host information that associates JP1-specific host names with IP addresses.

This information can be used for customizing JP1 communication procedures in an environment with inter-connected networks, for example. jp1hosts information is managed by JP1/Base and is used by programs such as JP1/Base, JP1/IM, and JP1/AJS.

jp1hosts information does not support communication using IPv6 addresses. To use IPv6 addresses for communication, you must set jp1hosts2 information.

See also jp1hosts2 information.

When jp1hosts information has been defined, the settings take precedence in JP1 communication over the OS hosts file settings. This allows you to associate host names and IP addresses differently from the OS settings, specifically for JP1 communication.

jp1hosts2 information

Host information that associates JP1-specific host names with IP addresses.

This information can be used for customizing JP1 communication procedures in an environment with inter-connected networks, for example. jp1hosts2 information is managed by JP1/Base and is used by programs such as JP1/Base, JP1/IM, and JP1/AJS.

To use IPv6 addresses for communication, you must set jp1hosts2 information.

When jp1hosts2 information has been defined, the settings take precedence in JP1 communication over the OS hosts file settings. This allows you to associate host names and IP addresses differently from the OS settings, specifically for JP1 communication.

JP1/IM - Agent

An agent that enables you to monitor systems in your on-premises and cloud environments and collects performance data from managed hosts and sends it to JP1/IM - Manager.

JP1/IM agent base

The underlying programme for managing integrated agent.

It consists of "JP1/IM agent management base" running on the Integration Manager host and "JP1/IM agent control base" running on integrated agent host.

Provides agent management function for managing add-on program, updating configuration file, running commands, and so on, and forwarding data-and alerts generated by performance monitoring function (Prometheus) and log trapper (Fluentd) on integrated agent host to the Integration Manager host.

JP1/IM agent control base

A generic term for JP1/IM agent base programs that operate on integrated agent host.

JP1/IM agent information-management database

The database area that manages integrated agent data.

JP1/IM agent management base

A generic term for JP1/IM agent base programming that runs on the Integration Manager host.

JP1/IM - Manager

A program that enables integrated system management by providing centralized monitoring and operation across all system resources.

JP1/IM - Manager consists of four components: the Central Console, the Central Scope, IM Configuration Management and the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

JP1/IM - Rule Operation

A program that supports rapid failure recovery by predefining recovery procedures or rules for the errors that might occur in the system, and executing them automatically.

JP1/IM - View

A GUI program that provides the viewer functionality for realizing integrated system management in JP1/IM.

See also viewer.

JP1/Navigation Platform

A product that visualizes the flow of jobs and operating procedures. JP1/Navigation Platform brings together as a unit dispersed procedures and the technical knowledge and skills of many persons that can be shared in an organization to improve the accuracy and efficiency of work.


The name of JP1/Cm2/SSO version 7.

See also JP1/Cm2/SSO.


Software that centrally manages servers and client PCs from a management console on the network. JP1/ServerConductor can manage hardware asset information and problems, and control turning on and off of servers and client PCs.

JP1/SES event

An event that was output by an obsolete JP1 product or by a product that does not support JP1 event output. JP1/SES events have basic attributes only (whereas JP1 events also have extended attributes).

JP1/Software Distribution

A generic name for a system that performs software distribution and client management as batch operations over a network.


The name of JP1/Cm2/SSO version 6.

See also JP1/Cm2/SSO.

JSON Web Token (JWT)

A compact expression form intended for environments with space restrictions, such as HTTP authentication headers and URI query parameters.



An open source software product that enables middleware-based single sign-on, identity management, and access control. JP1/IM supports single sign-on with authentication information registered with Keycloak.


A virtualization platform that is a standard part of Linux kernel 2.6.20 and later.


label (alert)

The label data assigned to the alert. This information is used to identify time series data that falls under an alert rule. The label assigned to the time series data used for alert evaluation or to the result of the PromQL expression used for alert evaluation is set.

label (performance data)

Label data assigned to time series data. This information is used to uniquely identify multiple time series data for a single metric name. You can also set multiple labels for one time series data.

Here are some examples of metric name and label formats:

  • Format

metric-name{label-1="value-of-label-1" label-2="value-of-label-2"...}
  • Example

disk_free_bytes{instance="host1:9001" volume="C:"}...(1)
disk_free_bytes{instance="host1:9001" volume="D:"}...(2)
disk_free_bytes{instance="host2:9001" volume="C:"}...(3)

In the above example, there are three time series data, (1), (2), and (3), for the metric name disk_free_bytes, and each can be uniquely identified by the combination of labels.

With this structure, it is possible to retrieve multiple monitored data at once for a single metric name, or to filter and retrieve only those with a specific label.

For example, in the above example, if you specify only the metric name disk_free_bytes in PromQL, you can get all the time series data ((1), (2), and (3)). Also, if you specify "disk_free_bytes{volume="C:"}" in PromQL, you can obtain the time series data of (1) and (3).

linked units

A general term used to refer to the following items that are designed to enable links between root jobnets:

  • JP1 event sending jobs

  • JP1 event reception monitoring jobs

  • Units whose end is being waited for

  • Units with wait conditions

  • Jobnet connectors

  • Destination root jobnets of jobnet connectors

  • The preceding linked unit defined in the IM management node link definition file

  • The following linked unit defined in the IM management node link definition file

These items are displayed in the integrated operation viewer window of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

log file trap name

A name assigned to a monitored target in log file trapping, event log trapping, remote monitoring log file trapping, or remote monitoring event log trapping.

logical host

A logical server that provides the JP1 execution environment for running JP1 in a cluster system. If a failure occurs, a failover between logical hosts takes place.

Each logical host has a logical IP address and a shared disk, which are inherited at failover. A logical host consists of JP1 programs and other applications which run using the logical IP address and the shared disk.

At failover, the secondary node takes over the logical IP address and shared disk, and JP1 continues running. Thus, even if the physical server running JP1 is switched, other hosts can access the server using the same IP address and it appears that one host is operating continuously.

Log Message

Refers to the single line of text that the application outputs to the log file.

log metrics

They refer to performance data generated and measured from log messages, or to metrics, with the log metrics feature.

log metrics component

This is a collective term referring to the following plug-in and program, which must be installed in an integrated agent to implement the log metrics feature. The entity is a gem file. It is installed together with other gem files used by JP1/IM - Agent.

  • fluent-plugin-prometheus plug-in

  • prometheus-client

Logical Host Number

A number that identifies the logical host of the Trend Data Management DB. This is the value specified in the entry LOGICALHOSTNUMBER in the cluster environment intelligent integrated management database setup information file (jimgndbclustersetupinfo.conf) when building the cluster environment.


management console

Refers to running Windows command prompt as an administrator.

management group

A group of management objects. A management group can contain management objects or management groups.

management object

This object is managed by the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.


A program whose role is to manage other programs or a host whose role is to manage other hosts in the JP1/IM system.

In the JP1/IM system, JP1/IM - Manager serves as the manager program, and manages the agent program JP1/Base.

The managers run JP1/Base, which provides the core functionality, and JP1/IM - Manager.

memo entry setting function

When you use the integrated monitoring database, this functionality allows users to set additional information about a JP1 event displayed in the Event Console window.


A general term used to refer to the items displayed on the Trends tab of the integrated operation viewer to indicate the types of selectable time-series data. The metrics are displayed in Chart as the names of the check boxes.

metric, metrics

Performance data metric, metrics are items of performance-data, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and so on, that you retrieve from a target. Where metric is metric (singular) and metric is the katakana representation of metrics (plural).

A trend data metrics is a type of performance-data that is treated as a JP1/IM-Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) trend information.

monitoring group

There are following two types in monitoring group:

  • Monitoring group in the Central Scope

    Monitoring groups in the Central Scope is used to group monitoring objects. An icon that is displayed in the Event Tree window and indicates a group of monitoring objects is also called a monitoring group.

    Monitoring groups can be tailored to objectives. For example, you can define a job group or host group, depending on what you want to monitor.

    The status of a monitoring group changes according to the highest severity among the statuses passed from the lower-level monitoring objects and groups it contains, or according to the conditions defined in a status change condition.

  • Monitoring group in IM Configuration Management

    Groups of hosts in a business group. Hosts in a business group set in IM Configuration Management can be further grouped to monitoring groups from the viewpoint of monitoring a business system. Monitoring groups can also be made in multiple tiers. These types of monitoring groups can also be applied to the Monitoring Tree window (Central Scope).

monitoring node

A generic name for any monitoring object or monitoring group that is part of a monitoring tree in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

See also monitoring object and monitoring group.

monitoring object

An object that you monitor using the JP1/IM Central Scope, or an icon in the Monitoring Tree window showing the status of an object being monitored.

When the Central Scope receives a JP1 event from an object being monitored, the event is judged using a status change condition, and the status of the monitoring object is displayed accordingly. (For example, a status change condition might set the status to Emergency on receipt of a JP1 event of Emergency level.) This allows you to manage the status of the various operations and resources being monitored in the system.

monitoring status

An attribute that determines whether to monitor the status of a monitoring node in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

There are two monitoring statuses: Monitor and Do not monitor.

When Monitor is set for a node, that node will react to any change in the status of whatever it is monitoring. In the case of a monitoring object, its status changes on receipt of a JP1 event that matches the monitoring conditions defined in a status change condition. In the case of a monitoring group, its status changes according to the highest severity among the statuses passed from its lower-level monitoring objects and groups (any status change in a monitoring node is always passed to the higher-level node), or according to the conditions defined in a status change condition. In JP1/IM - View, icons are color-coded to show the status of each monitoring node.

When Do not monitor is set for a node, its status does not change regardless of any JP1 event received from the job or host being monitored, or any status passed from a lower-level node. In JP1/IM - View, the icons of Do not monitor nodes are grayed out. You can set Do not monitor for a node when you need to maintain the resource it is monitoring, or when an automatically generated node does not need to be monitored.

monitoring tree

Functionality provided by the JP1/IM Central Scope for managing the objects being monitored in the system in form of a tree, drawn according to the viewpoints required by the system administrator. Monitoring tree might also be used to refer to the Monitoring Tree window in JP1/IM - View which provides this functionality.

See also Central Scope.


node switching system

See cluster system.

non-consolidation event

An empty consolidation event because no repeated events have occurred.


OAuth 2.0

An authorization framework that enables limited access to HTTP services by third-party applications.

object node

A node representing a managed component.

object root node

The highest of the nodes representing the components managed by a specific system. It is placed directly under a root node or system node.

object root node type

The type of an object root node. An object root node type is defined by a plug-in that collects configuration information. For example, STORAGE is the object root node type when storage is treated as an object root node.

Okta Identity Cloud (Okta)

The service based on Identity as a Service (IDaaS) that manages user accounts and access permissions on the cloud. JP1/IM supports single sign-on with authentication information registered with Okta.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

A simple identity-linking protocol that is based on OAuth 2.0.

OpenID provider (OP)

An authentication server that supports OpenID Connect.



You can display the node status, alert information, and performance data (such as CPU usage and memory usage) displayed on the [Dashboard] window of integrated operation viewer in a smaller window, side by side on the dashboard.

pass conditions

A set of conditions for JP1 events that you want to display (acquire). A pass condition can be specified in an event acquisition filter, view filter, severe events filter, event receiver filter, or event search.

physical host

A physical server configured in a cluster system in which JP1 operates. The term physical host is used in contrast with logical host (a logical server that can be failed over independently of the physical servers).


It is an OSS relational database management system released under a license based on the BSD license. In PostgreSQL built into JP1/IM - Manager, it is used as an intelligent integrated management database.

previous execution history

History information regarding the previous execution of a response action. It contains information such as tree SID, suggestion ID, and execution user.

private key

A key (private key) used for data decryption and for creating electronic signatures to be used in public key encryption. It is also called a nonpublic key. A private key is managed securely by its owner.

When encrypted data is received, the recipient uses the recipient's own private key to decrypt the data. A sender can create an electronic signature by using the sender's own private key and then affixing the sender's electronic signature to the data to be sent.

product plugin

A component that acts as a JP1/IM-Manager federation and manages integrated agent configuration, performance-data, and JP1 events. Product plugin ships with plug-in functions and adapter commands.

Prometheus (performance monitoring function)

An OSS that monitors servers, infrastructures, and other resources in a pull-based manner. A generic term for Prometheus server (performance monitoring control capabilities) and Alertmanager (alert forwarder).

Also, user-defined Prometheus refers to Prometheus server that are not shipped with your JP1/IM-Agent.

Prometheus server (performance monitoring control capabilities)

The main component of Prometheus (performance monitoring function). HTTP communication retrieves performance data from Exporter, stores performance data, and determines the conditional expressions for the alerts.

Prometheus trend name

In trend displayed related capabilities, the name that IM management node uses to determine which metric to treat as a trend.

Specifies a jp1_pc_trendname as part of the filename of metric definition file and in the scrape_configs of Prometheus configuration file (jpc_prometheus_server).

PromQL (Prometheus Query Language)

Prometheus query language for retrieving and consolidation time series data. Query results can be viewed in the Prometheus expression browser in tabular or graphical format. It is used as an interface for retrieving data from Promscale's database.

PromQL expression

A statement written in PromQL.


An OSS that provides an API for long-term storage of data collected by Prometheus in PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB. Endpoints are provided for writing and retrieving data collected by Prometheus to the database.

JP1/IM - Used in Manager as a data read and write interface between the Intelligent Integrated Management Database and the Intelligent Integrated Management Infrastructure.


refresh token

A token that represents the authorization given to a client, which is used to reacquire the access token issued to the client by the OpenID provider.

related node

A node preceding or following a certain IM management node, or a node that is related to a certain IM management node displayed in a tree view as a parent or child.

remote monitoring

Connecting to a monitored host remotely and monitoring it. This functionality enables you to monitor remote hosts without having to install JP1/Base on the monitored hosts.

remote monitoring configuration

A configuration in which remotely connected hosts are monitored. You must set the hosts to be monitored for remote communication in advance.


This function sends performance data from Prometheus server to JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Platform).

remotely monitored host

A host that is set for remote communication and is to be monitored. You can manage JP1 events which are converted from events collected by remote monitoring, such as the messages in the log files generated on hosts on which JP1/Base has not been installed and such as Windows event logs.


It is the proper alignment of fragmented free space in a database so that free space can be reclaimed.

repeated event conditions

Conditions that determine the repeated events for which monitoring is to be suppressed. JP1 event attributes and operators are used to set repeated event conditions.

repeated-event monitoring suppression

Functionality that prevents a large number of repeated events from being displayed in the event list of the Event Console window and that prevents the actions corresponding to repeated events from being executed. Suppression occurs when a large number of repeated events matching a specified condition occur.

repeated events
For the suppression of repeated-event monitoring:

Repeated events are JP1 events that match a condition specified by the user.

For the consolidated display of repeated events:

Repeated events are JP1 events that are received after a consolidation start event and that have the same content as the consolidation start event.

repeated start event

The repeated event the manager host received first among the repeated events subject to suppression.

-> See repeated events.

related node

A node preceding or following a certain IM management node, or a node that is related to a certain IM management node displayed in a tree view as a parent or child.

ResponseAction results-management database

A database area that stores the status and outcome of auto responseAction and manual responseAction. It is created in Intelligent Integrated Management Database.

response action

An action selected and executed by a user with the help of the function that suggests response actions appropriate to the system status.

root certificate

A certificate issued by a root certification authority.


It is an OSS that has a function to write log files and rotate multiple log files. It is provided as an Apache tool. In JP1/IM - Agent, it is used to write logs to a file in the Linux environment.



It is a single piece of performance data that makes up time series data. Each sample consists of the following items:

  • Millisecond-precision timestamps (UNIX time)

  • A float64 (double-precision floating-point number type) value (performance data)

The following is an example of each sample that makes up time series data.

Time series data

Metric name



instance="host1:9001", volume="C:"

Each samples

Millisecond-precision timestamps (UNIX time)

A float64 (double-precision floating-point number type) value (performance data)










A Prometheus server is an operation that retrieves performance data from a Exporter.

scroll buffer

An area of memory used by JP1/IM - View to store JP1 events extracted from the event buffer of JP1/IM - Manager.

A scroll buffer is kept for each of the Monitor Events page, Severe Events page, and Search Events page.

The JP1 events that JP1/IM - View displays on each page is determined by the contents of the scroll buffer for that page.

JP1 events are stored in the scroll buffer of the Monitor Events page, Severe Events page when:

  • JP1/IM - View starts#

  • The page is automatically refreshed#

  • The user selects Refresh in a menu or the toolbar

#: If Apply is selected for Automatic refresh in the Preferences window.

At the above times, JP1/IM - View communicates with JP1/IM - Manager as long as unacquired events are present in the event buffer. The number of events acquired in one transmission is determined by the value set in Num. of events to acquire at update in the Preferences window.

JP1 events are stored in the scroll buffer of the Search Events page when a user runs an event search.

The number of events acquired in one search is determined by the value set in Num. of events to acquire in 1 search in the Preferences window. To display the events that could not be acquired in one search, click Search for Next Event.


Refers to authentication used for accessing JP1/IM-Manager.

Initial secret

This is a temporary secret that is used as authentication info when the client automatically registers and retrieves client secret when setting up the client (subject to authentication).

Client secret

The secret that your application uses as authentication info when accessing JP1/IM-Manager.

server certificate

A digital certificate obtained from a certification authority that proves the identity of the user and that is used for encrypting SSL communication.


See also JP1/ServerConductor.

severe events filter

A filter that defines the severe events to be displayed in the Severe Events page of the Event Console window.

A severe event is a particularly important JP1 event that needs to be addressed, such as a failure of some sort. JP1/IM provides a Severe Events page so that users can reliably detect and deal with every severe event. On this page, as well as listing up only severe events, you can also manage the response status of each one.

severity level changing function

A function that lets users freely change the event level of a JP1 event, so that JP1 events can be managed in accordance with the system's operating environment.


A value used to uniquely identify each element in a system configuration. SIDs are used to manage systems by using the Intelligent Integrated Management Base. The following types of SIDs are available:

  • The SID of configuration information

    The SID representing system configuration information.

    Example: _JP1AJS-M_AJS-manager-host-name._JP1AJS-A_execution-agent-name._JP1HOST_AJS-agent-host-name

  • SID of the tree

    The SID representing a path to a certain node in the system management tree. It is also expressed as a tree SID.

    Example: /system-name/infrastructure-name/category-name

  • JP1 event SID

    SID representing a JP1 event.

    Example: _JP1IM_IM-manager-host-name._JP1IMSEQNO_integrated-monitoring-database-serial-number._JP1IMEVBSEQNO_event-database-serial-number


This function temporarily suppresses webhook of Alertmanager (alert forwarder). You can choose not to notify you of any alerts that occur during that time, for example, when performing temporary maintenance. When this setting is enabled, notifications to JP1/IM-Manager do not themselves, unlike when using Intelligent Integrated Management Base (JP1/IM-Manager) common exclusion conditions.

single sign-on

To integrate different user IDs and passwords used to access different systems into one user ID and password to allow the use of multiple permitted systems with a single login.

single sign-on mapping

To map user IDs registered with the OpenID provider to JP1 user names. When OpenID authentication is used, the user is authenticated on the JP1/Base authentication server under the JP1 user name that is mapped to the corresponding user ID registered with the OpenID provider. During this process, the single sign-on mapping definition file is referenced for mapping information.


The status of a resource being managed by a monitoring node in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

A monitoring node can have any of the following statuses: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Normal, Debug, or Initial. Initial status means that the Central Scope does not yet have any information about the status of the resource being monitored.

For example, if a failure occurs and the node issues a JP1 event of Emergency level, the Central Scope will manage the event according to the status of the monitoring node.

status change condition

A condition that determines when to change the status of a monitoring object or monitoring group in the JP1/IM Central Scope.

  • Status change condition for a monitoring object

    Defines the types of JP1 events in the job or resource being monitored that will cause the monitoring object to change status. A status change condition for a monitoring object consists of one or more common conditions and individual conditions, and the resulting status when the status change condition is satisfied.

    A common condition is one that applies to all monitoring objects of the same type. For example, an event ID indicating that a job has ended abnormally is used for all monitoring objects that monitor jobs. A condition of this nature is defined as a common condition.

    An individual condition is one whose value is specific to the monitoring object concerned. For example, an individual condition might identify what is being monitored by a value such as the name of the job or the name of the host that executes the job. Conditions of this nature are defined as individual conditions. In the case of a system-monitoring object, the same attribute as specified in the basic information of the monitoring object is defined in the individual condition contained in a status change condition.

  • Status change condition for a monitoring group

    Defines the status of a lower-level node that will cause the monitoring group to change status. A status change condition for a monitoring group consists of a child node status, a comparison condition, and the resulting status when the status change condition is satisfied.

    Child node status refers to the status of a monitoring node at the next level below (immediately under) the monitoring group. When the child node status is set as Alert, for example, applicable statuses will include Emergency, which has higher priority than Alert.

    The comparison condition calculates lower-level nodes whose status has changed to the defined child node status, by a percentage or a count. The former is calculated as the number of child nodes in the specified status, as a percentage (%) of the total number of child nodes in the monitoring group. The latter is the number of child nodes in the specified status.

status color

The background color of monitoring node or the font color of monitoring node name. Status colors are associated with the statuses (for example, Warning and Error) of monitoring node.

-> See status.

status monitoring

Monitoring for abnormal termination of an automated action. Status monitoring is able to detect and notify the user of any abnormally ended automated action whose status has changed to Fail, Error, or Error (Miss).

suggestion activation criteria

Criteria that must be satisfied in order for response actions to be suggested.

suggestion definition file

A configuration file that defines suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response actions created by users. Multiple suggestion definition files can be created.

suggestion display criteria

Criteria that link response actions with IM management nodes and the JP1 permission levels of logged-in users.

suggestion function

A function that suggests response actions appropriate to the system status. This function displays the Suggestion tab in the Integrated Operation Viewer window based on the settings specified in the suggestion definition file to help reduce the burden placed on operators addressing abnormalities in the system.

suggestion icon

An icon displayed beside the IM management nodes to which suggestion definitions are mapped. This icon is displayed when the suggestion of response actions by JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) is enabled.

suggestion information

Information regarding the response actions suggested based on the judgment of suggestion display criteria and suggestion activation criteria.

system information management

A structure for realizing integrated management of a system by centrally managing information about the system's myriad resources.

System Manager

See also JP1/ServerConductor.

system-monitoring object

A monitoring object provided by the JP1/IM Central Scope.

Each system-monitoring object contains predefined basic settings for monitoring a particular product in the JP1 series. The use of such objects facilitates environment setup.

See also monitoring object.

system node

The highest-level node in the IM management node tree. Its node name is All Systems.



It is an OSS time series database that is packaged as an extension to PostgreSQL. It is based on PostgreSQL, optimized for fast storage of time series data and complex queries. Like PostgreSQL, it can be imported into JP1/IM - Manager and used in the intelligent integrated management database.

time-series data

Data in time:value format, which is held by each product managed by JP1/IM. Time-series data is used by the trend data display function provided by JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base).

Tool Launcher window

A JP1/IM - View window for registering and launching applications of the user's choice.

By registering applications needed for job processing in the Tool Launcher window, you can integrate operations under JP1/IM - View in running your JP1/IM system.

The Tool Launcher window has preset links for launching the GUI of products in the JP1 series.

Trend Data

Time series data collected from a managed host that indicates the utilization status of a resource. It is used for purposes such as monitoring signs of failure on managed hosts.

Trend data Management Database

This is a database area for storing trend data.

Trend data management service

Interface to Trend data Management Database. Use Promscale(OSS that ships with your JP1/IM-Manager as an interface for reading and writing trend data.

trend information

Graphical representation of time-series data to visualize trends. You can view the graph on the Trends tab of the integrated operation viewer.


variable binding

A variable binding of an SNMP trap. When a SNMP trap is converted into a JP1 event in JP1/Base, the variable bindings are read into the program-specific information contained in the extended attributes of the JP1 event.

As basic information, an SNMP trap indicates the source program (enterprise name) and the trap type (generic or specific). In addition, when detailed trap-specific information needs to be included, variable bindings (also written as VarBind) are appended to the SNMP trap when it is issued.

A variable binding contains an object identifier (OID) and data. For example, when JP1/Cm2/SSO monitors an application, if an error is detected, an SNMP trap is issued with a variable binding to which the application name is added as detailed information.

For details on SNMP traps, see RFC1157 and other network-related documentation. For details on the information contained in the variable bindings, see the manual for the specific program that issues SNMP traps.


See also VMware vCenter Server.


A GUI program that provides purpose-built windows for integrated system management in JP1/IM. Viewer might also be used to refer to the host running the GUI program.

A viewer connects to the Central Console, Central Scope, IM Configuration Management, and Rule Management managers to perform system monitoring and management tasks.

Note that if you use the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, the integrated operation viewer is used as the viewer rather than the program provided by the GUI.

view filter

A filter that sets conditions about the JP1 events to be displayed in the Event Console window and the Integrated Operation Viewer Window.

Use a view filter when you want to temporarily restrict an event listing to specific JP1 events only.

virtualization environment management software

Software that can be used on a virtualization system management host running vCenter, JP1/SC/CM, SCVMM, or HCSM.

virtualization software

Software that can be used on a VMM host running Hyper-V, KVM, Hitachi Compute Blade logical partitioning feature, or VMware ESX.

virtual root node

Appears only when the monitoring range settings are enabled for the monitoring tree.

Unlike a monitoring object or monitoring group, the information in a virtual root node cannot be edited (in the Properties window). Neither can you change the node status or perform any other direct operations on the virtual root node. (Its status changes accordingly when the status of a monitoring node below it changes, but you cannot change the virtual root node status directly. To change its status, you must change the status of a lower-level monitoring node.)

Visual Icon

An icon displayed in the JP1/IM Central Scope which can be any size and based on any image. A visual icon is set as an attribute of a monitoring node. Because a visual icon can be any size, this feature offers the user a greater degree of freedom when creating monitoring windows. Visual Icon is displayed only in map view and in the Visual Monitoring window.

visual monitoring

Functionality provided by the JP1/IM Central Scope for displaying the objects in the system that need to be monitored particularly closely as icons arranged on a map, organizational chart, or other image. Visual monitoring might also be used to refer to the Visual Monitoring window in JP1/IM - View which provides the map view functionality.

See also Central Scope.

VMware vCenter Server

A product providing a platform that centrally manages a virtualization environment.



A mechanism for requesting POST to a specified URL when an event occurs. JP1/IM-Agent uses Alertmanager (alert forwarder) webhook to perform JP1 event-translation API on JP1/IM-Manager to notify you of alerts.

Web page

A generic name for the GUI provided by another product and viewed in a Web browser.

Windows service program

An OSS for servicing arbitrary programs in a Windows. You can also rotate log files. Use this OSS to make JP1/IM-Agent programme serviceable.

The actual executable filename is "jpc_OSS name_service.exe".

work impact icon

JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) displays an icon indicating whether the failure that occurred in the preceding root jobnet can affect the following root jobnet. To display the work impact icon, go to the Job flow tab in the integrated operation viewer and click the Get impact info. button.



A type of data format for serializing structured data and objects into strings.