L.6 Changes in version 11-10
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Changes in the manuals 3021-3-A06-20(E), 3021-3-A07-20(E), 3021-3-A08-20(E), 3021-3-A09-20(E), 3021-3-A10-20(E), 3021-3-A11-20(E), and 3021-3-A12-20(E)
Windows Server 2016 is now supported.
A JP1/PFM - Web Console report window that indicates the performance of a selected event-source-host at the time of an event can now be directly displayed (single sign-on).
By clicking the URL of the JP1/AJS - Web Console that is displayed in the event guide information, the user now can directly display the JP1/AJS - Web Console monitor window that corresponds to a JP1/AJS job or jobnet (single sign-on).
The JP1/AJS - Web Console monitor window can now be displayed from a sent email by specifying the URL of the JP1/AJS - Web Console monitor window that corresponds to the JP1/AJS job or jobnet in the email text.
Values of event inheritance information for automated actions can now be URL encoded or Base64 encoded.
Remote monitoring can now be continued even when host information is collected during remote monitoring.
The differential distribution method was added to the methods for applying the system hierarchy. With this method, the configuration definition information can be deleted from or distributed to only those hosts that have been changed in the current agent configuration.
Log information that has been output on a host subject to remote monitoring can now be collected between the time remote monitoring stopped and the time remote monitoring is restarted.
The maximum size of log information that can be collected per monitoring interval during remote monitoring can now be changed.
A description about the maximum amount of log data that can be collected by one JP1/IM - Manager was added.
For profile management, the method that uses IM Configuration Management can now be combined with the method that uses JP1/Base commands.
When log file trapping is stopped from IM Configuration Management, the log file trap information for agents is no longer deleted.
With this change, the log file trap information for agents can now be deleted when profiles are deleted in IM Configuration Management.
The following configuration files can now be applied as a batch operation by IM Configuration Management:
Log-file trap action definition files
Log-file trap startup definition files
The user can now specify whether to start the process automatically when the log file trap service starts.
The retry count and retry interval can now be changed for remote-monitoring event log traps.
JP1/IM - View can now be used concurrently from multiple sessions by using Remote Desktop Connection.
The following files were added to the lists of files and directories:
Performance report display definition file
Model file for the performance report display definition file
Profile management environment definition file
Model file for the profile management environment definition file
Remote log trap environment definition file
Model file for the remote log trap environment definition file
Model file for the web-based operation definition file for plug-in free mode
Model file for the web-based operation definition file for compatibility mode
Web-based startup definition file
Model file for the web-based startup definition file
Limitations on connecting JP1/IM - Manager 11-10 and JP1/IM - View 11-10 to earlier versions of products were added.
A description about specifying access permissions for monitored log files was added to the description of the settings for monitoring logs on remotely monitored hosts.
The procedure for the SEQ2 log file output format was changed in the description of the settings for monitoring logs on remotely monitored hosts.
Additions and changes were made to the settings for the sizes of logs and event logs that can be collected per monitoring interval.
IM Configuration Management can now compare the contents of profiles collected previously by the manager and the contents of the most recent profiles of agents to check for inconsistency.
Changes were made to the method for configuring SSH communication for monitored hosts running on UNIX when remotely monitored hosts are added.
Because the differential distribution method was added, the description of the methods for applying the system hierarchy was changed.
Conditions for using both profile management in IM Configuration Management and profile management in JP1/Base were added to the prerequisites for specifying profiles for agents.
The settings for using the web-based version of JP1/IM - View in plug-in free mode were added.
The remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf) was added as a file whose common definition information must be copied from the active server (whose settings are changed) to the standby server in a cluster system.
A description about the settings for linking with JP1/AJS was added.
A description about the settings for linking with JP1/PFM was added.
Changes were made to the procedure for resetting the date/time of a monitored host in a remote monitoring configuration after intentionally changing the date/time to a point in the future.
The procedure for displaying performance reports for JP1 events was added.
Data to be collected when using the web-based version of JP1/IM - View in plug-in free mode was added.
Changes were made to the actions to take when IM Configuration Management fails to apply the system hierarchy.
The following corrective actions were added to troubleshooting:
Actions to take when events cannot be collected because the trace log for the Central Console viewer or Central Scope viewer wraps around (and overwrites an earlier log file)
Actions to take when events cannot be collected because the trace log for IM Configuration Management wraps around (and overwrites an earlier log file)
Display Performance was added to the menu items in the Event Console window.
A Display Performance button was added to the following windows:
The Event Details window
The Edit Event Details window
You can now configure different information for each host when you select the SSH UNIX connection in the Remote Monitoring Settings window.
A Start the process automatically when the log file trap service starts check box was added to the Configuration File page in the Display/Edit Profiles window.
Shift-JIS encoding can now be displayed when the agent host OS is SUSE Linux. This can be selected using an option in the Startup locale drop-down list on the Configuration File page of the Display/Edit Profiles window.
The following item was added to the log file trapping information in the Configuration File page in the Display/Edit Profiles window:
Start the process automatically when the log file trap service starts (SKIP option)
The following items were added to the displayed information regarding trapping of entries from the remote event log on the Configuration File page of the Display/Edit Profiles window:
A description was added to indicate that network paths cannot be specified as output file names or output destinations.
Information about the following definition files were added:
Web-based startup definition file (console_xx.jnlp)
Profile management environment definition file (jp1cf_profile_manager.conf)
Remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf)
Performance report display definition file (performance.conf)
A description of the encoding for event inheritance information was added.
A description of how to switch between plug-in free mode and compatibility mode of the web-based version of JP1/IM - View was added. Model files for plug-in free mode and for compatibility mode were also added.
Cross-references about URLs for linking with JP1/AJS were added.
Information about the following event IDs were added:
00003FC6, 00003FC7, 00003FC8, 00003FC9, 00003FD6, 00003FD7, 00003FD8, 00003FD9, 00003FDA, 00003FDB, 00003FDC
The following messages were added:
KAVB0687-I, KAVB0688-E, KAVB1983-I to KAVB1985-E, KNAN20241-Q, KNAN20242-Q, KNAN20441-Q, KNAN21187-W, KNAN21405-W to KNAN21412-E, KNAN22274-I, KNAN22464-I, KNAN22465-E, KNAN22502-I, KNAN22530-E to KNAN22532-E, KNAN26143-W, KNAN26339-W to KNAN26346-I, KNAN26350-W to KNAN26354-E, KNAN29099-W
The following messages were changed:
KAVB0685-E, KAVB8203-E, KAVB8204-E, KAVB8303-W to KAVB8305-W, KNAN21170-W, KNAN21400-W, KNAN21402-E to KNAN21404-E, KNAN22220-E, KNAN22223-E, KNAN22245-E, KNAN22250-E, KNAN22403-E, KNAN22422-E, KNAN22426-E, KNAN22466-E, KNAN22500-E, KNAN22503-E, KNAN26063-E, KNAN26081-E, KNAN26095-E, KNAN26140-W, KNAN26142-W, KNAN26163-E, KNAN26187-E, KNAN26208-E, KNAN26338-E