15.1.7 Operation in a multi-language environment of JP1/IM - Agent
When a JP1/IM-Agent is operated on more than one machine, a mixture of multi-language can be used. However, please note that when JP1/IM - Agent operates in the Japanese environment, the messages that are output to JP1 event and logs are registered in Japanese.
For details about the character codes that can be handled by the action execution function, see "■ Character codes" in " 9.5.2(3)(g) Command execution function".
For details about the character codes that can be used in log monitoring function (Fluentd), see "9.5.4(3)(d) Character codes of log files that can be monitored".
The following figure shows a sample configuration for a system with a mix of JP1/IM-Agent languages.
The following figure shows an example of a system configuration in which multiple language environments of JP1/IM - Agent are intermixed.