15.1.6 Operation in a multi-language environment of JP1/IM - Manager, Integrated operation viewer, JP1/IM - View, and JP1/Base
You can deploy JP1/IM in a system set up with multiple languages#1. For example, JP1/IM - View is able to simultaneously display JP1 events that are registered in Integrated operation viewer and JP1/Base under different language codes#2. In JP1/IM version 11-00 or later, the JP1/Base language environment configuration method is used to set the encoding.
#1: If a system that monitors JP1/SES events has a multi-language environment, character conversion errors might occur in the system.
Therefore, in a system that handles JP1/SES events, use only the character codes used by JP1/SES events as a single language environment.
#2: Some extended characters, special characters, and control codes might not display correctly or be recognized as different characters in JP1/IM - View, regardless of whether JP1/IM is being run in a multi-language environment. For details, see 1.3 Notes on operations in windows in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.
However, there are several conditions that apply when running JP1/IM in a multi-language environment. These conditions might influence your system configuration or manner of operation.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) System conditions
The following conditions apply to the JP1/IM system itself (the entire JP1/IM system composed of managers and agents).
In Windows environment, the following language environment is configured for JP1/Base and JP1/IM according to the locale (system locale) when JP1/Base is installed. In a UNIX environment, the language environment is configured in JP1/Base.
Table 15‒2: Language environment for JP1/Base and JP1/IM that is configured for each locale Locale
Language environment
Other than Japanese or Chinese
Note the following when the system contains an agent host that is using the UTF-8 locale environment:
Version 8 or later of JP1/Base must be running in the UTF-8 locale environment. Also, any machines to which that agent forwards events must also be running version 8 or later of JP1/Base.
The manager must be running version 8 or later of JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base.
A system with hosts running version 7 of JP1/IM or JP1/Base will be unable to properly deal with JP1 events issued from the UTF-8 locale environment (the hosts will be unable to display the JP1 events or execute automated actions correctly).
In this case, make sure that the JP1/Base in the UTF-8 environment is version 8 or later, and set up JP1/Base to run in compatibility mode. For details about the setup, see the description of language type setting in the JP1/Base User's Guide.
Two-byte characters in automated actions will appear garbled.# If you specify machine-dependent characters, the automated action might not work correctly.
#: Level 1 and level 2 Japanese character codes will display normally.
A system monitoring JP1/SES events requires you to use only the character codes used for JP1/SES events as a unified language environment in the system.
The following conditions apply to a system in a multi-language environment:
In a Japanese-language environment or an English-language environment, use one manager to perform integrated monitoring of the targets (agents) in the supported language environment.
Use a viewer (JP1/IM - View) that supports the language of the monitoring targets to perform monitoring tasks.
In the viewer, group the monitored hosts by language and monitor only those hosts that use the language that is supported by the viewer.
The following figure shows an example of a system configuration in which multiple language environments of JP1/IM - Manager, Integrated operation viewer, JP1/IM - View, and JP1/Base are intermixed.
Figure 15‒1: Example of a system configuration in which multiple language environments are intermixed (JP1/IM - Manager, Integrated operation viewer, JP1/IM - View, and JP1/Base) -
The following table describes the supported range of environments in which multiple languages are intermixed.
Table 15‒3: Supported range of environments in which multiple languages are intermixed Item
Supported range
The manager and viewer versions must be 11-00 or later.
The version of the agents (JP1/Base) must be 09-00 or later.
Garbled strings
JP1 events are displayed normally within the range of languages that can be recognized by the viewer.
If the language pack for each language has not been applied, characters might appear garbled.
Operating language
The operating languages supported for JP1/IM - Manager in a multi-language environment are Japanese and English. The recommended operating language for JP1/IM - Manager is English.
If you have changed the JP1/IM - Manager's operating language to Japanese, apply the Japanese language pack to the viewer host.
If JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View use different operating languages, messages or characters that replace messages are output in the JP1/IM - Manager's operating language.
If JP1/IM - Manager's operating language is set to Japanese and the Japanese language pack has not been applied to the viewer host, messages might look garbled.
Definition files and configuration files
Use alphanumeric characters (ASCII) for definition file names, configuration file names, and the characters and attribute values used in these files. If non-ASCII characters are specified, the definitions might be garbled depending on the operating language of JP1/IM - Manager. If you will be creating and distributing files on JP1/IM - Manager, ensure that no file containing double-byte characters is distributed.
Command execution
Only ASCII characters are supported for executing commands.
If non-ASCII characters are specified, the execution contents and results might be garbled depending on the operating language of JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base (agent).
Event Details window
The Event Details window displays attribute names based on the operating language of the viewer.
Tool Launcher
Tool Launcher displays items based on the operating language of JP1/IM - View.
The following notes apply to a system in a multi-language environment:
Automated actions
Note the following when executing an automated action on a target host running an English language environment:
Do not specify an action that contains 2-byte characters. If you specify such an action, the action results might be garbled and display incorrectly, or the action might fail to execute altogether.
When defining variables in the automated action definition, do not specify event information that contains 2-byte characters. If you specify such information, the action results might be garbled and display incorrectly, or the action might fail to execute altogether.
Do not use 2-byte characters in the file name of the environment variable definition file used by the automated action, or in the file itself. If the file or its name contains 2-byte characters, the action results might be garbled and display incorrectly, or the action might fail to execute altogether.
Do not specify an automated action that outputs execution results containing 2-byte characters. If you specify such an automated action, the action results might be garbled and display incorrectly.
Searching for events
Do not use 2-byte characters in search conditions when conducting an event search on a JP1/Base in an English language environment. If you specify a 2-byte character, the search will not be conducted correctly.
The following tables show the language environments supported by version 10-50 or earlier and by version 11-00 or later.
Table 15‒4: Language environments supported by version 10-50 or earlier and by version 11-00 or later (between manager and agent) Manager's operating language
Agent's operating language
Manager version
10-50 or earlier
11-00 or later
- Legend:
Y: Supported.
A: ASCII characters are supported.
O: For JP1 events, the agent's operating language is supported. For other events, ASCII characters are supported.
N: Not supported.
Table 15‒5: Language environments supported by version 10-50 or earlier and by version 11-00 or later (between manager and viewer) Manager's operating language
Viewer's operating language
Manager version
10-50 or earlier
11-00 or later
- Legend:
Y: Supported.
A: ASCII characters are supported.
O: For JP1 events, the agent's operating language is supported. For other events, ASCII characters are supported.
N: Not supported.
(2) Server conditions
The following conditions apply to individual servers (all physical and logical hosts within a given machine).
You must use the same language edition (English or Japanese) for the manager's JP1/IM and JP1/Base.
Provide a viewers and agent for each supported language. Group agents into the same languages that are supported by the viewers.
The same language code (locale setting such as the LANG environment variable) must be set for JP1/Base. For details about how to set the language code for JP1/Base, see 1.3.2 Settings required immediately after installation (for Windows) or 2.3.3 Settings required immediately after installation (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.
You must set the LANG environment variable for JP1/Base event servers. For details about how to set the LANG environment variable, see the description of setting the language type in the JP1/Base User's Guide.
If you want to change the language settings while using the product, stop JP1/IM - Manager and follow the procedure in 1.3.2 Settings required immediately after installation (for Windows) or 2.3.3 Settings required immediately after installation (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.Restart JP1/IM - Manager after you change the language settings.