15.1.8 Notes on operation when running anti-virus software
Some files and folders being used by JP1/IM might be locked by exclusive access control as the result of using anti-virus software. If files and folders are locked, the following problems can result:
JP1/IM is unable to start.
If the definition files JP1/IM references at startup are locked by exclusive access control, JP1/IM might fail to start.
Automated actions cannot be executed.
If the files required to execute automated actions are locked by exclusive access control, the execution of automated actions might fail.
Event monitoring with the Central Console and Central Scope is disabled.
If the files required for event monitoring with the Central Console and Central Scope are locked by exclusive access control, event monitoring with the Central Console and Central Scope might fail.
Correlation events cannot be issued.
If the files necessary for issuing correlation events are locked by exclusive access control, the issuance of correlation events might fail.
Incidents cannot be registered.
If the files required for registering incidents are locked by exclusive access control, the registration of incidents might fail.
JP1/IM definitions cannot be changed.
If JP1/IM definition files are locked by exclusive access control, the addition or modification of definitions might fail.
Log data cannot be written.
If JP1/IM log files are locked by exclusive access control, data might not be written to log files, making it impossible to troubleshoot problems that occur.
JP1/IM commands end abnormally.
If the files JP1/IM commands use are locked by exclusive access control, the commands might end abnormally.
If you run a virus scan while JP1/IM is operating, exclude the files and folders listed below from the scan. If you run a virus scan while JP1/IM is stopped and then start JP1/IM, make sure that scanning of the following files and folders for viruses has finished.
- Files and folders of JP1/IM - Manager (for Windows)
All files and folders in manager-path\
All files and folders in console-path\
All files and folders in scope-path\
All files and folders in IM-database-installation-directory\#
All files and folders in IM-database-data-storage-directory\#
#: Exclude these files and folders from the scan when an IM database has been set up.
In a logical host environment, exclude the files and folders in shared folders from the scan.
All files and folders in shared-folder\jp1imm\
All files and folders in shared-folder\jp1cons\
All files and folders in shared-folder\jp1scope\
All files and folders in IM-database-data-storage-directory-(for-local-working-area)-on-logical-host\ #
All files and folders in IM-database-data-storage-directory-(for-shared-data-area)-on-logical-host\ #
#: Exclude these files and folders from the scan when an IM database has been set up.
- Files and directories of JP1/IM - Manager (for UNIX)
All files and folders in /opt/jp1imm/
All files and folders in /opt/jp1cons/
All files and folders in /opt/jp1scope/
All files and folders in /etc/opt/jp1imm/
All files and folders in /etc/opt/jp1cons/
All files and folders in /etc/opt/jp1scope/
All files and folders in /var/opt/jp1imm/
All files and folders in /var/opt/jp1cons/
All files and folders in /var/opt/jp1scope/
All files and folders in IM-database-installation-directory/#
All files and folders in IM-database-data-storage-directory/#
#: Exclude these files and folders from the scan when an IM database has been set up.
In a logical host environment, exclude the files and folders in shared directories from the scan.
All files and folders in shared-directory/jp1imm/
All files and folders in shared-directory/jp1cons/
All files and folders in shared-directory/jp1scope/
All files and folders in IM-database-data-storage-directory-(for-local-working-area)-on-logical-host/#
All files and folders in IM-database-data-storage-directory-(for-shared-data-area)-on-logical-host/#
#: Exclude these files and folders from the scan when an IM database has been set up.
- Files and folders of JP1/IM - View
All files and folders in view-path\
All files and folders in system-drive: \ProgramData\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CoView\
- Files and folders of JP1/IM - Manager (for Windows)
All files and folders in Agent-path\
All files and folders in shared-folder\jp1ima\
- Files and directories of JP1/IM - Agent (for UNIX)
All files and directories in /opt/jp1imm/
All files and directories in shared-directory/jp1ima/