14.5.2 Managing the remote monitoring configuration
Consider how to collect logs from the remotely monitored hosts by managing the remote monitoring configuration. For remote monitoring, the remote monitoring configuration must be set up. For details about considering the system configuration, see 15.5 Considerations for the system hierarchy.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Collectable log information and connection methods for remote monitoring
Consider the log types to be collected from the remotely monitored hosts and the connection methods for remote connection in a remote monitoring configuration, referring to 8.6.2 Collectable log information and connection methods for remote monitoring and 8.6.3 Log information that can be monitored.
To remotely monitor hosts by using NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP), WMI, or SSH, the settings for remote connection must be configured on the hosts on which JP1/IM - Manager is installed and on the monitored hosts. For details about how to configure remote connections, see 1.18 Specifying settings for monitoring logs on remotely monitored hosts (for Windows) (for Windows) or 2.17 Specifying settings for monitoring logs on remotely monitored hosts (for UNIX) (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.
(2) Log information collection interval
Consider the interval for collecting log information from the remotely monitored hosts beforehand. For details about the collection interval for log information, see 8.6.4 Monitoring interval for log information.