8.6.4 Monitoring interval for log information
Monitoring interval is the interval from when collection of log information finishes until when the next collection starts.
The following figure overviews the monitoring interval.
After a log that will be monitored is generated on a monitored host, the maximum time you might need to wait until a JP1 event is issued is the sum of the monitoring interval and the time it takes until the log information is collected.
If collection of log information fails, log information will be recollected based on the retry interval, which is from when a collection error occurs until collection starts. If log information cannot be collected within the maximum number of retries, monitoring stops. If JP1/IM - Manager is stopped, log information is not collected.
For a remote monitoring log file trap:
The following figure overviews the retry interval for a remote-monitoring log file trap.
Retry for a remote-monitoring log file trap is performed based on the number of times and the interval that have been specified in the following items in the remote-monitoring log file trap action-definition file:
Number of times specified by open-retry-times (if open-retry-times is omitted, the retry count is 1)
Interval specified by open-retry-interval (if open-retry-interval is omitted, the retry interval is 3 seconds)
However, if you execute the jcfallogdef or jcfallogstart command with the -r option specified, log collection continues using the usual monitoring interval without performing retry operations.
For a remote monitoring event log trap:
The following figure provides an overview of a retry interval for remote monitoring event log traps.
Remote-monitoring event log trapping is retried based on the count and interval specified for the following items in the remote-monitoring event log trap action-definition file:
Number of retries specified for open-retry-times (if open-retry-times is omitted, the retry count is 3)
Interval specified for open-retry-interval (if open-retry-interval is omitted, the trap-interval value is used. If open-retry-interval and trap-interval are both omitted, the retry interval is 300 seconds)
- Note
If wrap around occurs frequently, or if a long monitoring interval or a long retry interval for a remote-monitoring log file trap is specified, the log file might be overwritten before the log file trap loads the data, and some data might not be loaded. To avoid this, set an appropriate monitoring interval. Use the following formula to estimate an appropriate monitoring interval:
log file size (byte) × number of log files > output size per second (byte) × monitoring interval (second) or retry limit for a remote monitoring log file trap (second)
If connection to the monitoring target fails, errors such as connection errors might be output to the Windows event log on the manager host. Therefore, if there are multiple consecutive retries, a large amount of error log data might be output to the Windows event log. Specify the retry interval and the retry count taking into account the errors that might be output to the Windows event log during retry operations.
For details about each action definition file, see Remote-monitoring log file-trap action definition file in Chapter 2. Definition Files and Remote-monitoring event log trap action-definition file in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.