
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

8.6.3 Log information that can be monitored

The following describes log file trap information and Windows event log information that can be monitored.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Output formats of log file trap information

The following shows the output formats of log file trap information that can be monitored by the remote-monitoring log file trap function. Note that if a new log file is output while another log file is being collected, the same log file might be trapped twice.

The following table describes the conditions for log files.

Table 8‒40: Conditions for log files



File name

When the monitored host is a UNIX host, alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), and slashes (/) can be included in the path to the monitored files. A file path that includes a character other than above might not be normally monitored.

File output destination

If the monitored host is in a cluster configuration, and a logical name is specified for the monitored host, you can monitor the log files on a shared disk only. Network files cannot be monitored.

You cannot monitor the files on a physical disk by using a logical host name because the information in the files on physical disks is managed by the executing host and the standby host. To monitor the files on a physical disk, specify the physical host names of the executing host and the standby host for the monitored host names.

File size

No more than 64 megabytes

Character string

Within the scope of JIS X 0208

If you use a character string outside the scope of JIS X 0208, the character string might not be normally monitored.

Acquisition limit

The total size of collected logs is within the maximum size of obtainable logs that is specified in the remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf).#

If the specified size is exceeded, log files are not trapped. If the monitored host is a UNIX host and a predefined filter is used, the difference information of a log file is the size after the predefined filter is applied.

Monitoring start position at startup

The character next from the linefeed code that is output at the end of the log file

If the monitored host is a Windows host and there is no linefeed code within the specified maximum amount of log data that can be acquired (or 10 kilobytes if not specified) from the end of the log file, the monitoring start position is the next character following the end of the file.

#: For details about the remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf), see Remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf) (Chapter 2. Definition Files) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(2) Types of Windows event log information

The following are types of Windows event log information that can be monitored by the remote-monitoring event log trap function:

The log types Critical and Verbose, which were added in Windows Server 2008 R2, are not supported. A Critical or Verbose event log is collected as a JP1 event with an event level of Error or Information respectively.

If remote-monitoring event log traps are used, set the date and time on the manager host and on the monitored host to the correct current date and time.

If there is a difference between the date and time on the manager host and on the monitored host, monitoring might not be performed successfully. In addition, if the timestamp of an event log on the monitored host indicates a future time based on the time on the monitored host, monitoring might not be normally performed.

If the monitored host is in a cluster configuration and you specify a logical host name for the monitored host, Windows event log cannot be monitored.

The Windows event log is held by the executing host and the standby host. Therefore, specify a physical host name of the executing host and the standby host for the monitored host name.

The following table describes the conditions for Windows event logs.

Table 8‒41: Conditions for Windows event logs



Character string

Within the scope of JIS X 0208

If you use a character string outside the scope of JIS X 0208, the character string might not be normally monitored.

Acquisition limit

The total size of collected Windows event logs is within the maximum obtainable size specified in the remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf)#

If the specified size is exceeded, Windows event logs are not trapped. If a predefined filter is used, the difference information of the Windows event log is the size after the predefined filter is applied.

Monitoring start position at startup

Windows event logs that are generated on the monitored host after remote-monitoring event log trapping has started

If logs generated while remote monitoring is stopped are set to be collected, they are treated as Windows event logs that are monitored while remote monitoring is stopped. You can specify whether to collect logs that are generated while remote monitoring is stopped in the remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf).#

#: For details about the remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf), see Remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf) (Chapter 2. Definition Files) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.