1.5.3 Support for various system configurations
JP1/IM - Manager supports the following broad range of system configurations, providing flexible integrated management tailored to system requirements.
Cross-platform support
JP1/IM - Manager provides agents for a variety of platforms, including Windows, UNIX, and mainframe operating systems. Using these agents, JP1/IM - Manager can seamlessly manage various types of heterogeneous systems.
Support for individual business groups
JP1/IM - Manager enables you to monitor hosts by grouping them. For example, you can create a group based on the system used for a particular business operation, or based on which monitored objects are managed by a particular system administrator.
Support for a variety of network configurations
Firewall support
JP1/IM supports communication through a port-filtering firewall and Network Address Translation (NAT) in static mode. You can deploy JP1/IM in a network configuration that has a firewall installed between a viewer and manager host, or between a manager and agent host.
Support for multiple LAN connections
JP1/IM supports network configurations with JP1/IM hosts connected to multiple LANs. You can set up the JP1/IM host to communicate over a specific LAN.
Support for cluster systems
JP1/IM - Manager supports operation in a cluster system.
In the event of an error, JP1/IM - Manager will fail over and continue working, performing integrated monitoring of the system that runs your business operations.
Mixed languages and time zones
JP1/IM supports system configurations that encompass more than one language or time zone, which is unavoidable when managing a global system in its entirety. However, several restrictions apply. Consider the system configuration and operation, referring to 15.1.6 Operation in a multi-language environment of JP1/IM - Manager, Integrated operation viewer, JP1/IM - View, and JP1/Base and 15.1.7 Operation in a multi-language environment of JP1/IM - Agent.