
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.6.34 Loop Node Dialog

In the [Loop Node] dialog, specify a source node to be repeatedly mapped to a target node. Also specify a sort condition for the instances of a source node that appears multiple times.

This dialog opens when you perform one of the following operations:

The following figure shows the [Loop Node] dialog.

Figure 1‒135:  [Loop Node] dialog


Organization of this subsection

(1) Displayed items

[Function name]

Displays the function name. If you want to change to any name, specify within 64 characters. You can use NCName definition characters of XML schema.

[Base path]

Specify a source node that is to be repeatedly mapped to a target node. If a source node that is to be repeatedly mapped is already mapped to the loop node function, that source node is displayed.

For details about the display format in [Base path] see "6.4.6 Mapping Source Display Format" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide".

[Select Node] button

Displays the [Select Node] dialog. Click this button to specify in [Base path], a source node that is to be repeatedly mapped.

For details about the [Select Node] dialog, see "1.6.8 Select Node Dialog (Data Transformation)".

[Set Node Condition] button

Displays the [Set Node Condition] dialog. Click this button to specify a condition for the node and allow only mapping to take place only when that condition is satisfied.

For details about the [Set Node Condition] dialog, see "1.6.11 Set Node Condition Dialog". For details about how to set up conditions for transformation source node, see "6.7 Specifying Node Conditions" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide".

[Relational paths]

Displays all the specified linkage paths. Select linkage path when you want to set up or remove conditions.

[Add node] button

Displays the [Select Node] dialog. On selecting an linkage path and clicking the [OK] button, the specified linkage path is added in the lowermost part of [Relational paths].

For details about the [Select Node] dialog, see "1.6.8 Select Node Dialog (Data Transformation)".

[Set Node Condition] button

Displays the [Set Node Condition] dialog. Click this button to specify a condition for the linkage path and allow mapping to take place only when that condition is satisfied

For details about the [Set Node Condition] dialog, see "1.6.11 Set Node Condition Dialog". For details about how to set up conditions for linkage path, see "6.7 Specifying Node Conditions" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide".

[Remove] button

Removes the path selected in [Relational paths] from [Relational paths].

[Sort conditions]

Shows the contents specified in the [Add/Edit Sort Condition] dialog. You can specify a maximum of eight keys in Sort conditions.

For details about the [ Add/Edit Sort Condition] dialog, see "1.6.35 Add/Edit Sort Condition Dialog".

[Add] button

Displays the [Add/Edit Sort Condition] dialog. Click this button when you want to specify a sort condition by adding keys to [Sort conditions].

For details about the [Add/Edit Sort Conditions] see, "1.6.35 Add/Edit Sort Condition Dialog".

[Edit] button

Displays the [Add/Edit Sort Condition] dialog. Click this button to edit the sort condition of the keys specified in Sort conditions].

For details about the [Add/Edit Sort Conditions] see, "1.6.35 Add/Edit Sort Condition Dialog".

[Up] button

Moves up by one line the position of the key selected in [Sort conditions].

[Down] button

Moves down by one line the position of the key selected in [Sort conditions].

[Remove] button

Deletes the key selected in Sort conditions from [Sort conditions].

[OK] button

Commits the specified contents and closes the dialog.

[Cancel] button

Cancels the specified contents and closes the dialog.

(2) Operations that can be performed in this dialog

In the [Loop Node] dialog, you can set up the loop node function. For details about how to set up the loop node function, see "6.5 Processing value or node in which function is used" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide".