
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

2.6.1 Environment setup in HA class configuration

The following figure shows the system configuration when HCSC server is configured in HA cluster:

Figure 2‒7: System configuration when HCSC server is configured in HA cluster


Setting methods of cluster IP address differ according to the used cluster software. See the cluster software manual.

In case of new setup in version 08-70 or higher version, you can store HCSC-Manager environment in each execution environment. This enables you to omit the number of operating environment servers.

Important note

Create a unique GUI display name of HCSC cluster in the system.

Using common disk devices

While changing HCSC server to HA cluster configuration, common disk device usage is different for local transactions and for global transactions.

  • In local transactions

    Common disk device is not required. Since HCSC server manages inherited information in the database, common disk device is not used in local transactions.

  • In global transactions

    Common disk device is required. Common disk device is used to inherit transaction information such as OTS status during node switching.

Re-executing a business process after node switching process during server fault

When a business process is re-executed after node switching process to standby node, the following information must be stored in the common disk device:

  • Operation folder

  • Common folder

  • Files in which I/O of file adapter is performed

Store the following information in the local disk device. However, the same value must be set in executing node and standby node.

  • Text file of main text in mail used in the mail adapter, and the attached file

  • Definition file used in HCSC server operations

  • Definition file used in HCSC component

Re-executing a business process using the operation folder

You cannot re-execute a business process after the node switching process to standby node if the business process uses the operation folder and if the business process is executed in a version lower than 09-51.

You can re-execute a business process if the common folder is used instead of the operation folder or if the business process has been executed in 09-51 or higher version. However, you cannot re-execute a business process executed in a version lower than 09-51 because the common folder cannot be used for business processes using the following components:

  • FTP reception

  • HTTP reception

The following points show the execution environment (executing node/standby node), operating environment and DB server configuration methods.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting up an execution environment (executing node and standby node)

To set up the execution environment, implement the following operations by executing node and standby node:

(a) Installing Service Platform

For details on how to install Service Platform, see "2.1.2 Installing Service Platform".

(b) Management Server settings

Implement Management Server settings to use HCSC-Manager in the operating environment by the execution environment of HCSC-Manager connection destination.

For details on how to perform Management Server settings, see "2.1.6 Management Server settings for using HCSC-Manager".

(c) SOAP mode settings

While changing HCSC server to HA cluster configuration, SOAP modes used in the configured execution environment and operating environment must match. Different SOAP mode environments cannot co-exist.

The container extension library of J2EE server must be set in order to set SOAP mode. For details on how to set up container extension library of J2EE server, see "3.1.2(4)(e) Setting up the container extension library".

(d) HCSC server configuration settings

Perform settings related to the execution environment of HCSC server configuration. For details on setting contents and how to set, see "2.3 Settings related to execution environment".

To set HCSC server configuration definition file, HCSC server setup definition file and HCSC server runtime definition file in settings related to the execution environment, note the following contents. In all other functionalities, set the same value in the executing node and standby node.

Points to be considered when setting HCSC server configuration definition file

Set "HA" in the cluster type set in HCSC server configuration definition file.

While using the database, set a unique name in HCSC server name.

To invoke Web server IP address of asynchronous service (MDB(WS-R), set in jms-reception.

Different values must be set in executing node and standby node for the following values from among the values set in HCSC server configuration definition file:

  • Manager name

  • Manager IP address

    Specify the physical IP address for each executing node/standby node in Manager IP address. If you build the operating environment and execution environment on the same machine, you can specify the string localhost.

Set the same value in the executing node and standby node in elements other than the above.

Set the logical IP address in the following definitions:

  • ip-address of soap-reception definition

  • ip-address of jms-reception definition

  • ip-address of ejb-reception definition

For details on how to set the HCSC server configuration definition file, see "2.3.1 Setting HCSC server configuration definition file".

For details on contents to be set in HCSC server configuration definition file, see "6.4.2 HCSC server configuration definition file" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

Points to be considered when setting HCSC server setup definition file

To set HCSC server setup definition file, consider the following contents.

For details on how to set HCSC server setup definition file, see "2.3.2 Setting HCSC server setup definition file".

For details on contents to be set in HCSC server setup definition file, see "6.4.3 HCSC server setup definition file" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

Properties in which to set the same values in executing node and standby node

For properties shown in the following table from among the properties set in HCSC server setup definition file, the same value must be set in executing node and standby node. It is not necessary to set naming-service-hostname. Set localhost or physical IP address in IP addresses that are not described in the following table:

Table 2‒23: Properties in which to set the same values in executing node and standby node

Property in which same value is set

Value set in property


Existence of database use


Existence of use of Reliable Messaging


Existence of use of standard synchronous reception (SessionBean)


Existence of use of standard synchronous reception (Web service)


Existence of use of standard asynchronous reception (MDB(WS-R))


Maximum number of messages in standard asynchronous reception (MDB(WS-R)) queue


Existence of use of standard asynchronous reception (MDB(DB queue))


Maximum number of messages in standard asynchronous reception (MDB(DB queue)) queue


RD area name in standard asynchronous reception (MDB(WS-R))


RD area name in standard asynchronous reception (MDB(DB queue))


Maximum message length in standard asynchronous reception (MDB(DB queue))


Existence of use of SOAP reception


Reliable Messaging system name


Reliable Messaging display name


DB Connector display name for XATransaction or LocalTransaction


DB Connector display name for NoTransaction


Used database type


JDBC driver type


Database URL for JDBC


Database host name


Database connection information


Database character code type


Existence of use of table range partition functionality by date data


Existence of enhancement of correlation set duplication check


Maximum identification number of an activity instance

Note #1

DB connector setting is also the same in executing node and standby node.

Note #2

In the host name to be specified, specify the machine in which the database is stored.

Points to be considered when setting HCSC server runtime definition file

To set HCSC server runtime definition file, the same value must be set in executing node and standby node in all properties.

For details on how to set HCSC server runtime definition file, see "2.3.3 Setting HCSC server runtime definition file".

For details on contents to be set in HCSC server runtime definition file, see "6.5.6 HCSC server runtime definition file" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

Add the following property if J2EE server name is different in HCSC server configuring the cluster:

  •<Optional name of synchronous requester service (SessionBean) shared in the cluster>

(e) Installing cluster software

Install cluster software. For details on how to install, see the used cluster software document.

(2) Setting up an operating environment

Set up the operating environment in HCSC server machine configuring the cluster. 1 to 1 mapping of the operating environment and execution environment is recommended. For details on how to configure the operating environment and execution environment, see "1.2.3 Configuration of the operating environment and the execution environment".

Implement the following operations to set up the operating environment:

Environment settings

Implement repository settings and environment variable settings as the environment settings of the operating environment.

For details on how to perform environment settings, see "2.1.3 Environment settings".

Embedding HCSC-Manager Plug-in in Eclipse

Embed HCSC-Manager Plug-in in Eclipse.

For details on embedding HCSC-Manager Plug-in in Eclipse, see "2.1.5 Embedding HCSC-Manager plug-in in Eclipse".

Setting user permission

Set user permission related to the operating environment. For details on setting contents and how to set, see "2.4 Settings Related to the Operating Environment".

(3) Setting up DB server

Set up DB server isolated from HCSC server configuring HA cluster and share it with HCSC server in executing node and standby node.

Install the database to be used in the machine used as DB server. For details on how to install, see documents of the used database.