
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

2.1.2 Installing Service Platform

Organization of this subsection

(1) Installation method

For details on how to install Service Platform, see "2.2 Setting up Application Server" in "Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide". For points to be considered for installation, see "Appendix I Notes on installation and un-installation" in "Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide". Read the installation procedure product name "Application Server" as "Service Platform".

Configuration software included in Service Platform in UNIX is as follows:

(2) Directory configuration after installation

The following figure shows directory configuration after installation of Service Coordinator from among the software that configures Service Platform. For directory configuration after installation of configuration software other than Service Coordinator, see "Appendix B Post-Installation Directory Configuration" in "Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide".

Figure 2‒2: Directory configuration after installation



