
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

15.1 List of APIs for the integrated user management framework

APIs and exception classes are used when user authentication is implemented with the libraries for the integrated user management framework. The table below lists these APIs and exception classes.

Table 15‒1: List of APIs and exception classes for the integrated user management framework

Class/interface name


API type

AttributeEntry class

Manages attribute names paired with aliases.

User authentication library

ChangeDataFailedException class

Exception class called by the SSODataListener interface implementation class

Single sign-on library (exception class)

DelegationLoginModule class

JAAS login module implementation class. Calls a custom login module.

Cosminexus standard login module

LdapSSODataManager class

References or updates information in the single sign-on information repository on the LDAP directory server.

Single sign-on library

LdapUserDataManager class

References or updates information in the user information repository on the LDAP directory server.

User authentication library

LdapUserEnumeration interface

References a list of user IDs.

User authentication library

LoginUtil class

Checks for users who have logged into a session for integrated user management.

User authentication library

ObjectClassEntry class

Holds the object class of an entry on the LDAP directory server.

User authentication library

PasswordCryptography interface

Encrypts a password entered by a user.

User authentication library

PasswordUtil class

Changes a password entered by a user.

User authentication library

Principal interface

References the user ID authenticated by WebPasswordLoginModule.

User authentication library

SSOData class

Holds single sign-on authentication information.

Single sign-on library

SSODataEvent class

Holds updated single sign-on authentication information.

Single sign-on library

SSODataListener interface

Reports the update of single sign-on authentication information.

Single sign-on library

SSODataListenerException class

Exception class that is called when an exception occurs in the authentication information listener class for single sign-on.

Single sign-on library (exception class)

UserAttributes interface

References the credentials that were created when WebPasswordLoginModule authenticated the user.

User authentication library

UserData class

Holds user information.

User authentication library

WebCertificateCallback class

JAAS Callback implementation class. Holds the results of SSL authentication performed by a Web server.

User authentication library

WebCertificateHandler class

JAAS CallbackHandler implementation class. Reads necessary information that indicates the results of SSL authentication performed by a Web server.

User authentication library

WebCertificateLoginModule class

JAAS login module implementation class. Obtains user attributes from certificates authenticated by a Web server.

Cosminexus standard login module

WebLogoutCallback class

JAAS Callback implementation class. Holds information about a user who logs out.

User authentication library

WebLogoutHandler class

JAAS CallbackHandler implementation class. Reads necessary information about a user who logs out.

User authentication library

WebPasswordCallback class

JAAS Callback implementation class. Holds authentication information such as a password.

User authentication library

WebPasswordHandler class

JAAS CallbackHandler implementation class. Reads necessary information for password authentication.

User authentication library

WebPasswordJDBCLoginModule class

JAAS login module implementation class. Accesses a database by using JDBC, and authenticates the password.

Cosminexus standard login module

WebPasswordLDAPLoginModule class

JAAS login module implementation class. Performs authentication according to the results of binding to the LDAP directory server.

Cosminexus standard login module

WebPasswordLoginModule class

JAAS login module implementation class. Authenticates passwords for Web applications.

Cosminexus standard login module

WebSSOCallback class

JAAS Callback implementation class offered by the single sign-on library. Obtains information required for WebSSOLoginModule.

Single sign-on library

WebSSOHandler class

JAAS CallbackHandler implementation class offered by the single sign-on library. Reads information required for WebSSOLoginModule.

Single sign-on library

WebSSOLoginModule class

JAAS login module implementation class. Calls other login modules for single sign-on.

Cosminexus standard login module

Exception classes

API exception classes used for integrated user management.

Exception class