
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

15.9 The ObjectClassEntry class


Holds the object class of a user entry or subcontext to be created on the LDAP directory server.

The package name of the ObjectClassEntry class is com.cosminexus.admin.auth.api.repository.ldap.

class ObjectClassEntry
public ObjectClassEntry();
public ObjectClassEntry(String[] objectClasses);
public ObjectClassEntry(String subcontext,
                            String[] objectClasses);
public void setObjectClasses(String[] objectClasses);
public String[] getObjectClasses();
public void setSubcontext(String subcontext);
public String getSubcontext();
Constructor and methods

Constructor/method name


ObjectClassEntry constructor

Creates an instance of the ObjectClassEntry class.

getObjectClasses method

Obtains the object class specified by the setObjectClasses method or constructor.

getSubcontext method

Obtains the subcontext specified by the setSubcontext method or constructor.

setObjectClasses method

Stores an object class into an object.

setSubcontext method

Stores a subcontext into an object.

Organization of this section