
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

15.29 The WebSSOCallback class


An implementation class that passes session information from a Web application to a login module via CallbackHandler.

The package name of the WebSSOCallback class is com.cosminexus.admin.auth.sso.callback.

class WebSSOCallback implements
  public WebSSOCallback();
  public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest req);
  public HttpServletRequest getRequest();
  public void setResponse(HttpServletResponse res);
  public HttpServletResponse getResponse();
  public void setTagID(String tid);
  public String getTagID();
  public void setTagEntry(String entry);
  public String getTagEntry();
Constructor and methods

Constructor/method name


WebSSOCallback constructor

Creates an instance of the WebSSOCallback class.

getRequest method

Obtains a reference to HttpServletRequest. The reference is specified by the setRequest method.

getResponse method

Obtains a reference to HttpServletResponse. The reference is specified by the setResponse method.

getTagEntry method

Obtains the entry element specified by the setTagEntry method.

getTagID method

Obtains TagID specified by the setTagID method.

setRequest method

Stores a reference to HttpServletRequest into the object. The reference is specified by the parameter.

setResponse method

Stores a reference to HttpServletResponse into the object. The reference is specified by the parameter.

setTagEntry method

Holds the login tag's entry element as specified by the parameter.

setTagID method

Holds the login tag's id element as specified by the parameter.

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