
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

15.5 The LdapSSODataManager class


References or updates information stored in the single sign-on information repository on the LDAP directory server.

The package name of the LdapSSODataManager class is com.cosminexus.admin.auth.api.repository.ldap.

class LdapSSODataManager
  public LdapSSODataManager(String realm);
  public LdapUserEnumeration listUsers()
    throws NamingException;
  public LdapUserEnumeration listUsers(String uid)
    throws NamingException;
  public SSOData getSSOData(String uid)
    throws NamingException;
  public void addSSOData(String uid,
                              SSOData SSOData)
    throws SSODataListenerException, NamingException,
    CryptoException, UnsatisfiedLinkError, SecurityException;
  public void removeSSOData(String uid)
    throws SSODataListenerException, NamingException,
    CryptoException, UnsatisfiedLinkError, SecurityException;
  public void modifySSOData(String uid,
                                 SSOData SSOData)
    throws SSODataListenerException, NamingException,
    CryptoException, UnsatisfiedLinkError, SecurityException;
  public SSODataListener[] getSSODataListeners();
  public void addSSODataListener(SSODataListener listener);
  public void removeSSODataListener(SSODataListener listener);
Constructor and methods

Constructor/method name


LdapSSODataManager constructor

Creates an instance of the LdapSSODataManager class.

addSSOData method

Adds single sign-on authentication information.

addSSODataListener method

Registers an authentication information listener for single sign-on.

getSSOData method

Obtains single sign-on authentication information.

getSSODataListeners method

Obtains an array of SSODataListener objects.

listUsers method (syntax 1)

Obtains a list of all user IDs.

listUsers method (syntax 2)

Obtains a list of user IDs.

modifySSOData method

Corrects single sign-on authentication information.

removeSSOData method

Deletes single sign-on authentication information.

removeSSODataListener method

Deletes the SSODataListener object.

Organization of this section