
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management Reference

1.4.14 Register Bookmark window

The Register Bookmark window enables you to select a report in the agents tree to be registered as a bookmark destination or a combination bookmark destination.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Regist Bookmark > Select Report window

This window is displayed when you select the Regist Bookmark method in the method frame of the Agents window. Note that realtime reports, reports without graphs, and reports specified with display key fields cannot be registered as combination bookmark destinations.

The following figure shows the Regist Bookmark > Select Report window.

Figure 1‒58: Register Bookmark > Select Report window


The following describes the displayed items:


Updates the display information in the contents area to the latest status. If you update the display, the selection status of the contents area does not change.

Text box

Use this text box to filter reports by keywords. Specify a character string of 1 to 1,024 characters to filter the reports that will be displayed. To perform a multi-keyword search by using AND, delimit keywords by using a single-byte space, a two-byte space, or a tab. A delimiter is counted as one word. The maximum number of words that can be entered as filtering keywords is 100.

Filter button

Filters reports by using the string specified in the text box.

Clear button

Clears the filtering status and the filtering condition.

Contents area

Displays the reports tree. By default, System Reports is displayed in the root. When there is a report created by the login user, two trees (User Reports and System Reports) are displayed. Folders and reports you have created are displayed under System Reports or User Reports. Clicking a report opens the Bookmark window as a new window.

(2) Bookmark window

The Bookmark window registers a bookmark for the selected report. You can open this window by clicking Bookmarks at the upper right of the View Report window.

The following figure shows the Bookmark window.

Figure 1‒59: Bookmark window


The following describes the displayed items:


Updates the display information of the bookmarks tree to the latest status. If you update the display information, the selection status in the bookmarks tree does not change.

Text box

Use this text box to filter bookmarks by keywords. Specify a character string of 1 to 1,024 characters to filter the bookmarks that will be displayed. To perform a multi-keyword search by using AND, delimit keywords by using a single-byte space, a two-byte space, or a tab. A delimiter is counted as one word. The maximum number of words that can be entered as filtering keywords is 100.

Filter button

Filters bookmarks by using the string specified in the text box.

Clear button

Clears the filtering status and the filtering condition.

Bookmarks tree

Specifies the locations for storing bookmarks.

An icon is displayed to the left of each component in the bookmarks tree.

The meaning of the icons is as follows:

  • [Figure]: Indicates the root.

  • [Figure]: Indicates a bookmark folder.

  • [Figure]: Indicates a bookmark.

  • [Figure]: Indicates a combination bookmark.

  • [Figure]: Indicates a registered report. The icon depends on the PFM - Agent or PFM - RM in use.

  • [Figure]: Indicates a baseline.

Type a name of the bookmark

When you select the root or a bookmark folder, the specified bookmark name or combination bookmark name is added to the bookmarks tree.

Enter a new bookmark or combination bookmark name by using 1 to 64 single-byte or two-byte characters.

Bookmark type

Use a radio button to select one bookmark or combination bookmark. Available radio buttons vary depending on the report type to be registered (realtime report or historical report) and the bookmarks tree to be selected as follows:

For realtime reports:
  • When a report is selected from the root or a bookmark folder:

    You can use a radio button to select one bookmark only.

  • When a report is selected from bookmarks or registered reports:

    You cannot use a radio button for selection.

For historical reports:
  • When a report is selected from the root or a bookmark folder:

    You can use a radio button to select one bookmark or combination bookmark. The default is Bookmarks.

  • When a report is selected from bookmarks, combination bookmarks, or registered reports:

    You cannot use a radio button for selection.

Note that operation is the same for realtime reports and historical reports when historical reports either are not specified to display graphs in fields or are specified with display key fields. Also note that you cannot select combination bookmarks and registered reports under combination bookmarks for realtime reports, historical reports not specified to display graphs in fields, and historical reports specified with display key fields.

OK button

Operation changes as follows depending on the object selected in the bookmarks tree:

  • When the root or a bookmark folder is selected:

    The report is registered as the destination of the specified bookmark or combination bookmark. When multiple agents are bound to the report, the agent names are delimited with commas (,) when the report is bookmarked.

  • When a bookmark or a combination bookmark is selected:

    The report is added under the selected bookmark or combination bookmark.

  • When a registered report is selected:

    The selected registered report is updated.

Cancel button

Discards the specified settings and closes the Bookmark window.

New Folder button

Creates a new bookmark folder under the selected object. This button is activated only when the root or a bookmark folder is selected in the bookmarks tree. Clicking this button switches to the Bookmark (the folder name entry) window.

(3) Bookmark (the folder name entry) window

The Bookmark window enables you to create a new bookmark folder.

The following figure shows the Bookmark (the folder name entry) window.

Figure 1‒60: Bookmark (the folder name entry) window


The following describes the displayed items:

New Name of the bookmark folder

Enter a folder name by using 1 to 64 single-byte or two-byte characters. You can enter both single-byte and two-byte characters for a folder name.

OK button

Closes the Bookmark (the folder name entry) window and creates a bookmark folder.

Cancel button

Discards the definitions of the Bookmark (the folder name entry) window and closes the window.