
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

3.2.2 Viewing Items that are registered in a process work board

The Items that are registered in a process work board are displayed in the list of Items in the main window (Item list). You can sort the displayed Items or display only the Items that you manage. The Item preview area of the main window (Item list) displays a preview of the Item selected in the list.

Note that the list of Items displays not only managed Items but also stored Items.

The following figure shows the list of Items and the Item preview area in the main window (Item list).

Figure 3‒7: List of Items and Item preview in the main window (Item list)


The following describes the list of Items and the Item preview area in the main window (Item list).

Organization of this subsection

(1) List of Items

The Items displayed in the list of Items differ depending on the node selected in the list of process work boards in the main window (Item list). The following describes this difference.

If the Process work board node at the top level is selected in the list of process work boards:

The Items that are registered in process work boards whose status is Operating or Under suspension are displayed. The Items that are registered in the temporary receipt process work board are not displayed. For details about the temporary receipt process work board, see 3.5.3(1) Overview of the temporary receipt process work board and master system.

If a target system is selected in the list of process work boards:

The Items that are registered in the operating and stopped process work boards in the selected target system are displayed.

If a process work board is selected in the list of process work boards:

The Items that are registered in the selected process work board are displayed.

If you are a user who belongs to the process work board management role, target systems and process work boards in the Waiting to be deleted state are also displayed in the list of process work boards. In this case, if you select a target system or process work board in the Waiting to be deleted state, the Items registered in the target system or process work board are displayed in the list of Items.

If the option to set view permissions for individual Items is enabled for the process work board, only Items for which the user has view permission appear in the list of Items.

The following table describes the information displayed in the list of Items.

Table 3‒11: Information displayed in the list of Items




The priority of the Item. Standard, Urgent, or Very urgent is displayed.


The current status of the Item. For details about the statuses that can be displayed, see 3.6.1(2) Changing the status.

Editing-status icon

An icon that indicates the editing status of the Item. There are the following two types of icons:

  • Normal Item icon ([Figure])

    Indicates that the Item is not being edited currently.

  • Being-edited Item icon

    Indicates that the Item is being edited currently. There are the following two icons of this type:

    [Figure]: Indicates an Item that you are currently editing. You can edit an Item that you are editing.

    [Figure]: Indicates an Item that someone else is currently editing. You cannot edit an Item that is being edited by another user.

  • Stored Item icon ([Figure])#1

    Indicates that the Item is stored in the Item storage database. You cannot edit Items with this icon.


The title of the Item.

Person in charge

The user or role that processes the Item.


The deadline of the Item. Items whose deadline has passed are highlighted in red.

Update date and time

The date and time that the Item was last updated.


The name of the target system in which the Item is registered.


The name of the process for which the Item is registered. A process display name is displayed.

Item ID

The ID that uniquely identifies the Item within the JP1/Service Support platform. This ID is a combination of the process work board ID and the process work board serial number#2.

Registration date and time

The date and time that the Item was registered in JP1/Service Support.

I (Incident)

For an Item that was created by incident manag#3ement or has been escalated to incident management#3, an asterisk (*) is displayed.

P (Problem)

For an Item that was created by problem management#3 or has been escalated to problem management#3, an asterisk (*) is displayed.

C (Change)

For an Item that was created by change management#3 or has been escalated to change management#3, an asterisk (*) is displayed.

R (Release)

For an Item that was created by release management#3 or has been escalated to release management#3, an asterisk (*) is displayed.


This icon appears in systems that use the Item storage database.


The process work board serial number is a sequence number that uniquely identifies each Item created in a process work board. The following figure shows the relationships among the Item ID, process work board ID, and process work board serial number.

Figure 3‒8: Configuration of an Item ID


You can use the following methods to identify the process work board serial number:


This process name is the default name. Even if process display names are customized, display of the following information in the list of Items remains the same:

  • I (Incident)

  • P (Problem)

  • C (Change)

  • R (Release)

The following describes the operations that can be performed on the list of Items:

[Figure]: Filtering Items

You can filter the items to be displayed. The filter conditions are as follows:

  • My item

    Only Items that you are in charge of are displayed. The displayed Items include the Items whose Person in charge is set to the role that you belong to.

  • Item in progress

    Only unprocessed Items are displayed. Unprocessed Items here refer to Items whose default status is not Close and whose process work board is in the Operating state.

  • Range of the Item Management window

    This filter condition appears in environments with the Item Management window function enabled. When you select this filter condition, the "Range of the Item Management window" window appears in which you can move the time frame for which the Item Management window displays Items. After you move the Item Management window, the system only displays events that were registered within the new time frame. For details on the Item Management window function, see 3.2.3 Item Management window function.

[Figure]: Turning the page

You can change the page that displays Items. The list of Items can display only a maximum of 50 Items concurrently. If the number of Items to be displayed exceeds 50, use this function to change the page of the list. The numbers displayed on the above button (51-100/134) is an example. These numbers mean that the current page displays Items 51 to 100 of the 134 Items that are registered. Note that the upper limit on the number that can be displayed as the total number of Items is 10,000. If 10,001 or more Items are registered, numbers are displayed on the button in the 1-50/10000+ format.

[Figure]: Sorting Items

You can re-sort the list of Items based on a list column (other than I, P, C, and R) by clicking the column header. For the column that is currently used as the sort key, ▲ (ascending order) or ▼ (descending order) is displayed. By default, the list is sorted by registration date and time in ascending order.

You can also click the [Figure] column to sort the list by editing status icon. Items are sorted in the following order:

If ▲ is displayed:
  1. Items that are not being edited

  2. Items currently being edited

  3. Items that cannot be edited (stored Items)

If ▼ is displayed:
  1. Items that cannot be edited (stored Items)

  2. Items currently being edited

  3. Items that are not being edited

(2) Item preview

If an Item is selected in the list of Items in the main window (Item list), the details of the Item are displayed in the Item preview area. The Item preview allows you to check the details of an Item without opening the View Item window. In the Item preview area, all properties of the selected Item, except the attached files, are displayed.

The following describes the operations that can be performed in the Item preview area.

Displaying the user who is editing the Item:

You can display the detailed information about the user who is editing the Item.

Displaying the information linked to a clickable item:

By clicking an item that is displayed as anchor text, you can display the information linked to the item. Clickable items are displayed for the following properties:

  • Related item(s)

  • Related information

  • Hardware information

  • Attached file(s)

  • User-added properties that are displayed as links

Clicking operation icons:

Clicking an operation icon displays a specific window. The following table describes operation icons and the windows that are opened when the icons are clicked.

Table 3‒12: Operation icons




View Item icon. When the user clicks this icon, the View Item window opens.


Edit Item icon. When the user clicks this icon, the Edit Item window opens. This icon appears only when any of the following conditions exist:

  • The user belongs to the process work board management role.

  • The user is a process work board manager.

  • The access control settings allow the user to view and edit the Item.

  • The access control settings allow the user to view the Item and change the current status of the Item.


Escalation icon. When the user clicks this icon, the Specify an escalation destination window opens. Note that this icon does not appear while the Item is being edited by another user.


Display print window icon. Clicking this icon displays the print window.


Inherit content to create Item icon. Clicking this icon displays the Specify the registration target window. When you select a process and click OK, a New item window appears containing the Item information of the Item displayed in the Item preview area.


Recall Item icon. Clicking this icon displays a dialog box that asks whether you are sure that you want to recall the Item. To recall the Item, click the OK button.


Not shown for stored Items.