
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

6.3 Outputting documents

The unit tree area on the left side of the Job Operation Document Output window shows the hierarchy of units in the selected job operation information file.

In the unit tree, select the unit whose information you want to output as a document. JP1/AJS3 - Print Option will output information for the selected unit and all its subordinate units.

Select Calculating Indirect Cost. A representation of the document appears in the document area.

Figure 6‒6: Select unit for which to output information


To output the information displayed in the document area to a printer, from the File menu, choose Print.

The following limits apply to document formats:

Total number of lines

Cannot exceed the maximum number of units#1

Total number of column items

No more than 30 cells

Total data amount per cell

No more than 32,000 bytes (including automatically generated control characters such as linefeed codes)#2

Number of lines per cell

No more than 2,000#2

Number of characters per unit of data in cell

No more than 4,000 bytes (including automatically generated control characters such as linefeed codes)#3


If the maximum number of units is exceeded, an error message is output and the document is not displayed. You can set the maximum number of units in the Environment Settings window, in the range from 32,000 to 150,000. For details, see 7.19 Environment Settings window.


If a cell contains more than 32,000 bytes or 2,000 lines (when outputting information for multiple generations) of data, take measures such as splitting the data or changing the collection parameters. Cells containing an excessive amount of data can place an undue burden on system resources (such as CPU and memory), and take a long time to process. Depending on the resources available, the system might not be able to output all the information in the document. For details on the types of data that might exceed this limit, see A. List of Supported Column Items.

Supplementary note:

If you exceed this limit, a log entry that contains the name and attributes of the unit that caused the limit to be exceeded and information about the violation is output to a log file (installation-folder-name\Log\ajs2po.log or %allusersprofile%\Hitachi\JP1\JP1_DEFAULT\JP1AJSPO\Log\ajs2po.log).


If one piece of data in a cell (one generation of information for an item) exceeds 4,000 bytes, a cross (×) and the text The data has too many characters to display appear on screen and in the resulting document.


Lower limits might be imposed if memory usage is high.

When a document is longer than one page, the page break occurs between cells.

If you set a column width that is larger than the document area, the scroll box might occupy the entire scroll bar. Because the position of the first column (showing the unit name) is fixed, the scroll bar can become unusable if you allow the unit name column to be wider than the document area. This will not affect the contents of previews and printed documents.

You can also save a document as a file in CSV format. To save a document in CSV format, choose Save CSV file from the File menu.

You can use the following equation to determine how much memory is required to output a document.

Keep in mind that a certain amount of leeway is built into this equation.

Many of the factors governing memory usage depend on individual user settings. These include the length of unit names, the depth of the hierarchy, the position of the specified unit in the hierarchy, and the numbers of relation lines and schedule rules. For this reason, the result of the equation does not always reflect actual memory usage.


Number of units in job operation information file x 5 KB

+ Number of generations in job operation information file x 4 KB

+ Number of rows in document area x number of columns x 100 bytes

+ 12 MB

  • Kerning-related differences between on-screen (print preview) and printed documents

    The kerning applied by some printers can cause irregularities in the width of character strings. That is, a line break might appear in a printed document despite the character string fitting the column in the print preview.

  • If memory usage reaches the OS's upper limit (2 GB) for a single process, the process fails in the insufficient memory error (KAVR0002-E) even when the machine capacity allows more.

    In such a case, perform (1), (2), or both below in order to divide the job operation information file into smaller parts.

    (1) In order to make the number of target units smaller, choose a unit name from the lower level and specify it in the Collecting Job Operation Information window or for the jprcollect command.

    (2) In order to make the volume of collecting schedule information smaller, specify a shorter collection period in the Collecting Job Operation Information window or for the jprcollect command.

  • In cases where multi-user remote operation is enabled, the required amount of memory space is given by multiplying the amount needed for a single process of JP1/AJS3 - Print Option by the number of users who use JP1/AJS3 - Print Option.