
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Navigation Platform Content Editing Guide

2.1 Flow of tasks from Operational Content creating to its publishing

You must create Operational Content in the editing environment, and publish it in the execution environment. The following figure shows the flow of tasks from creating the Operational Content to publishing the Operational Content.

Figure 2‒1: Flow of tasks from Operational Content creating to its publishing


For details about tasks 1 to 8 shown in the figure, see the following chapters and sections:

  1. 1.7.2 Starting the Operational Content editing process

  2. 2.3.1 Creating (adding) new Operational Content

    2.3.2 Copying Operational Content

  3. 2.4 Setting an access permission group or JP1 resource group

  4. Chapter 3. Creating the Operational Flow

  5. Chapter 4. Creating the Guide

  6. Chapter 5. Linking Guide Parts and Linking Navigation Platform with External Programs

  7. 2.10 How to check the appearance and actions of Operational Content

  8. 6.1 How to publish Operational Content

Tasks of system administrator:
  • Exporting Operational Content (task 9 in the figure)

  • Importing Operational Content (task 10 in the figure)

The system administrator also has the execution permission for the following operations:

  • Creating new access permission groups and modifying definitions of access permission groups

Tasks of the Content Manager or the Content Creator (when JP1/Base is used for user authentication):
  • Adding and copying Operational Content (task 2 in the figure)

  • Changing Operational Content access permissions (task 3 in the figure)

The Content Manager or the Content Creator also performs the following operation:

  • Deleting Operational Content


If you use a single environment for both editing and execution, you do not need to export or import the Operational Content. You need only to publish the Operational Content to enable users to access the Operational Content.

We recommend that you check the provided samples of Operational Content before creating Operational Content, so you know how finished Operational Content appears. The samples of Operational Content are pre-installed created pieces of Operational Content. If one of the samples resembles the Operational Content to be created, you can copy and use it for creating.

Organization of this section