
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide

6.11.2 Retrying tasks from failed steps

You can retry a task from the failed step. When a task is retried, the property value used when the task stopped last time is inherited, and the task can be retried with the same task ID from the failed step.

Who can perform this task:

Users in the Admin role, Develop role, Modify role, or Submit role

To retry a failed step:

  1. In the left pane of the Tasks window, click All Tasks.

  2. In the right pane (Tasks view) of the Tasks window, select the task you want to retry.

  3. From the More Actions menu, choose Retry the Task From the Failed Step.

  4. In the Retry the Task From the Failed Step dialog box, click the OK button.


After a task is retried, you can check the retried history in the task log or public log.

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