uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


3.2 Functionality that can be used in an EJB client

The following table describes the functionality that can be used in the EJB client. For details on the respective functionality, see the description given in the references. Note that uCosminexus Application Server is omitted from the manual names mentioned in the Reference column.

Table 3-2 Functionality that can be used in the EJB client

Category Overview of the functionality Reference Manual Reference location
JNDI Basic functionality This functionality enables to search and obtain the EJB home object reference and the reference of business interface. Common Container Functionality Guide Chapter 2
Extended functionality In a system consisting of multiple Naming Services and J2EE servers, this functionality enables to execute lookup from the EJB client by round robin. This makes load balancing possible.
This functionality enables to maintain the objects looked up from the Naming Service (cached) on the memory. By using the cache, the performance-related cost for accessing the Naming Service can be reduced.
EJB The Enterprise Beans running in the EJB container cannot be invoked. This manual 2.2, 3.4#, 3.7#
When a communication failure occurs during EJB invocation, the send operation can be selected. This manual 2.13.3
Transaction A transaction can be started and concluded in the EJB client. Common Container Functionality Guide Chapter 3
Security User authentication can be performed by using the user and the password defined in the J2EE server. After logging on from the EJB client, the business methods of the EJB with the security role specified can be invoked. This manual 3.6#
Security Management Guide Chapter 6
Others A communication timeout can be set for communication between the EJB client and the Naming Service, and between the EJB client and the J2EE server. This manual 2.11
The performance analysis trace of the EJB client can be output. Maintenance and Migration Guide 4.6

The implementation method of the application is described here.

The following table describes the extended functionality that can be used in the EJB client application. For details on the respective functionality, see the description given in the reference. Note that data source (JDBC) and connector (Connector) cannot be used in an EJB client application.

Table 3-3 Expansion functionality that can be used in an EJB client application

Category Overview of the functionality for the functionality
Transaction In an EJB client application, you can obtain UserTransaction, and start or conclude the transaction. UserTransaction is obtained by either of the following methods:
  1. Using the UserTransactionFactory class
  2. Using lookup
Note that the method given in 1. is recommended in Cosminexus.
Others The EJB client log can be output. 3.8#
EJB client application can be started using the command (cjclstartap command). 3.3.1

This manual describes the system log of an EJB client application. For details on the user log output by the EJB client applications, see 9. Output of the Application User Log in the uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide.

The functionality of an EJB client application is described in the following sections.