uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


3.8 System log output of an EJB client application

This section describes the system log output of an EJB client application.

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 3-13 Organization of this section (System log output of an EJB client application)

Category Title Reference location
Description Overview of the system log of an EJB client application 3.8.1
Output destination subdirectory of the system log 3.8.2
Setup Changing the output destination and output level of the system log 3.8.3
Sharing the log output destination subdirectory among multiple processes 3.8.4
Setting up the access permission of the log output destination directory 3.8.5

There is no specific description of Implementation, Operation, and Notes for this functionality.

Organization of this section
3.8.1 Overview of the system log of an EJB client application
3.8.2 Output destination subdirectory of the system log
3.8.3 Changing the output destination and output level of the system log
3.8.4 Sharing the log output destination subdirectory among multiple processes
3.8.5 Setting up the access permission of the log output destination directory