uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


3.8.4 Sharing the log output destination subdirectory among multiple processes

If you are using the shared subdirectory mode, you can share the log output destination subdirectory.

The system log of the EJB client application is saved in the subdirectory below the log output destination directory (the directory specified in the ejbserver.client.log.directory key and ejbserver.client.ejb.log key) created in each EJB client application. Note that you can specify the subdirectory name with the ejbserver.client.log.appid key.

When you are using the shared subdirectory mode, specify a value different from that specified when you are using the exclusive subdirectory mode in the ejbserver.client.ejb.log key that specifies the log output destination directory. If you specify the same value as the exclusive subdirectory mode, you will not be able to manage the number of log output destination subdirectories in the exclusive subdirectory mode. Note that the exclusive subdirectory mode is a mode for achieving compatibility with older versions.

If the EJB client running in the shared subdirectory mode outputs the KDJE90002-E message in the log operation information (cjlogger.log file) and terminates, or if it outputs the KDJE90003-E message, the exclusion processing of the log file might have failed. By increasing the retry frequency and retry interval with the ejbserver.client.log.lockRetryCount and ejbserver.client.log.lockInterval keys, the failure in the exclusion processing of the log file can be recovered.

For details on obtaining the system log of an EJB client application, see 4.5 System log of the EJB client applications in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

If you start multiple EJB client applications simultaneously during the initial startup, the process of log directory generation may collide with other EJB client applications started at the same time, resulting in the output of the KDJE51003-E message and abnormal termination. Either do not start multiple EJB client applications simultaneously during the initial startup, or create the log output destination directory beforehand.